Month: November 2013

Quot City Taxi Quot

November 27, 2013


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That's the long-awaited spring thaw came with it, and we are reminded of their suburban residences. And how many more need the time to buy that summer vacation was a joy. You can use the services of passenger and truck cab of our company. But furniture, garden tools, garden utensils, and other large purchases easily fit in the truck 'City Taxi' Hyundai Porter. Care provided by two passenger seats will accompany all purchased in person! Mode racks 'City Taxi' in stores IKEA Teply Stan and Belaya Dacha – now open daily from 9 am until the last customer!. We can take you not only home but also to the country! To order a taxi Call 500-0-500, we are always glad to see you. About company: 'City Taxi' founded in 2003. Today, it offers the following services: – taxi around the clock – a personal car – Passenger and freight transport – the evacuation vehicles; – corporate transportation services.

In April 2006 the 'City Taxi' was an official carrier of the international airport Domodedovo. At the moment in the building of Domodedovo International Airport has 4 racks Order 'City Taxi'. Since May 2007, the company is the official carrier of the TC 'IKEA Teply Stan', from October 2007 – the official carrier of the shopping center 'IKEA Belaya Dacha '. November 2007 – 'City Taxi' has reached a new level of service in the direction of the evacuation of passenger cars and motorcycles. January 2008 – the expansion of corporate integrated transport trucking services. City Taxi (495) 500-0-500

Czech Republic: Geography Of The Country

November 21, 2013


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Czech Republic – the country is not landlocked. Czech borders with Germany, Slovakia, Poland and Austria. One of the newly independent countries, the Czech Republic was established January 1, 1993, after the breakup of Czechoslovakia, the state, was first recognized in 1918. Nowadays, the Czech Republic consists of two main areas: Bohemia (Ceehy) to the west and Moravia (Morava) in the east. Bohemian landscape characterized by hills and gently undulating plains with low mountains on the edges, while Moravia is a somewhat more mountainous territory. The most important rivers are here – this is the Elbe, Vltava, Morava and Odra. After the partition of Slovakia got most of the mountains, but the Czech Republic can boast of the fact that some of the highest mountains are located in its territory in the mountain range Giant Mountains. The highest mountain here – Snowball.

It reaches a height of 1600 meters above sea level. The main city of the Czech Republic – Prague is also the historic capital of Czech nation. Currently, the capital of the Czech people. Currently living in Prague 1200000 chelovek.Glavny town of Moravia – Brno – the second largest city of the Czech Republic. It has approximately 370,000 residents. Ethnic Czechs are in the whole population of the country – and this is approximately 10 million people – 81%, while ethnic Moravians, who do not have their own language, though some of them and that speaks more regions, called edges.

A region is the state capital of Prague. In addition to Prague and Brno, edisntvenny city with a population of 300,000 people – is the island in .Ni Brno or Ostara can not boast of such a known worldwide as the other two cities, smaller number of residents, namely: Plezn and Ceske Budejovice. Only about these famous cities is known not by their name, and the two most famous exports Czech beers 'Pilsne Urquell' and Budvar 'Budweiser'. After Prague, the most attractive tourist cities are Kutna Hora, the medieval town of silversmiths, Cesky Krumlov – the city, included by unesco in a number of historical monuments, and West Bohemian spa town with its mineral springs. Geographic position of the Czech Republic and its landscape provides the predominance of this temperate climate. In the Czech Republic, summer is an important and mostly warm, spring – short and mild, with obilnmi precipitation, and winters are cold, with a predominance of cloudy weather. For a more complete predstavleniyao Czech climate indicate mean temperatures of the coldest and warmest months of the year for Prague. The average January temperature ranges from -5 degrees to zero, while the average July temperature ranges from 12 to 23 degrees. Temperate climate suggests that extreme weather in Czech Republic does not happen often, but high levels of rain falling here in conjunction with a relatively large area of lowlands can lead to rasrushitelnym in its consequences to flooding, as happened in 2002.

KFC World

November 7, 2013


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During the bipolarity, while the Soviets celebrated each victory hers with Pope alcohol, their North American rivals did it savoring potatoes fried. These last ones have become a symbol of the American victory in the cold war and of the globalisation. This it is a product that serves common all the great mega-chains as food to the step (like KFC, McDonald, Burger King). More papist than the Pope The Pope has much importance for the Andean culture. The great pre-Columbian civilizations like Huari, Tiawanaco or the Incario were based on their production. The States were based guaranteeing works of canalization, interchange and storage of foods like the Pope.

The parcels were measured in relation to whichever Popes these, for reasons like the height, could produce. In order to work Popes diverse forms of associative work (like mink to or ayni) and of tribute were generated. The Pope is part of the history and the culture of each republic of the South American west. Today he must be reason for pride and national identity for the ten million Andean emigrants who survive in the North hemisphere. While the world recognizes the root that their ancestors exported to the world like symbol of the 2008, this year, paradoxicalally, is also one where the majors are increased immigratory restrictions against the Andeans in the industrialized North. The Pope must be one of our flags to defend the rights of the Andeans in the outside and to promote our exports and the tourism to our republics. We hope that this year consecrated to the Pope it allows. Meanwhile we can show with pride our children who our ancestors produced the Pope by the roots and the food papa of the world.

