Month: November 2019

Project Management

November 23, 2019


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Among them: 61% Project Management 25% 14% project administration The main problems mentor development outsourcing Despite the obvious improvements, the development of entrepreneurship in the industry, the development of subcontracting relationships are still hampered by many factors. The main of them are: lack of sustainable business practices and skills in the organization of production with the use of subcontracting mechanism, lack of teaching materials, lack of qualified organization subcontracting production, the lack of a systematic approach by the federal and regional institutions responsible for the development of industry and support entrepreneurship, the development of subcontracting relationships with small businesses and, consequently, lack of incentives for large companies to develop these relations, the lack of detailed, yet understandable and consistent legal regulation of subcontracting relations, legal nihilism, the heads of many Russian companies (both small and large), the lack of an effective system Arbitration subcontracting relations, lack of attractiveness of small businesses as partners for large enterprises, the level of risk for managers of large enterprises in most cases exceeds the the possible benefits of cooperation with the MP, inarticulate leases are not conducive to effective long-term operation of small businesses, the MP must be ready at any time to look for new premises and to transfer their .

low level of technical – technological development does not allow the majority of Russian production of MP to successfully participate in the competition, the level of product quality, produced by small enterprises, in most cases does not allow them to strive to obtain long-term sub-contract, the cost of implementation and certification of quality management system in accordance with ISO 9000 is often ‘impossibly high’ for small businesses; otsutstvie financial system for subcontracting relationships (special guarantee funds, credit co-operatives) to provide the needs of small enterprises, the lack of specialized insurance risks arising in the process of subcontracting relationships with small businesses (insurance against risks of both large and small enterprises); restructuring of large enterprises is currently being implemented in most cases, chaotic and haphazard. Often the restructuring of the company shall not in order to improve efficiency of the enterprise, as well as a cover for the redistribution of property, a huge market of the state order, at all levels are still not sufficiently open to small businesses. It is still not developed normative – legal base for the participation of small businesses in state procurement in terms of subcontracting, the lack of development of market infrastructure subcontracting relationships; rapid growth of outsourcing, incipient in 2009, will slow as companies cut their spending on information technology, consolidate or even withdraw from certain markets, and find a skilled workforce for the permanent group of employees, companies will focus on reducing risks and cutting costs, hence, the profitability of outsourcing companies will decline. The key to success in the outsourcing market and new steps Apart from the obvious benefits of outsourcing in Russian industries, there are severe constraints on its development factors. Companies successfully using outsourcing, tend to overcome these factors and to protect implementation of its own obligations. Large manufacturers expect their suppliers to maximum openness. After all, in fact, outsourcing is possible in establishing strong partnerships. Social protection and environment will be new industries in which outsourcing companies will create products and solutions..


November 21, 2019


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Products in the English language but because now there is context and on-line translators, you can easily with the whole deal. Gary Kelly is likely to agree. Also, seeing the system of payments and little prior experience in MLM technology, it makes sense to create a small family “golden triangle”. Ie open just three business places, which comes first free, because an instant $ 21 payments and then, with the appearance of the sponsor of a new partner (or their partners the same), brings another $ 1 (instead of 0.5), because this volume has been on two “purse.” There are three places of business at the price of two! Think of other projects: CellWireless, Mageric etc. Total: $ 45 investment in “cash machine”! WHO CAN OFFER BETTER?? But it is for the “haves” and the ambitious … Now about the project details: Project work and officially licensed.

What you get benefits of this project? You invest in a business of $ 22 and get the store digital goods worth $ 5000 + to participate in the business. Fees from participants under the connections you are credited directly to your E-gold account. No skills! The commission partners for more than 90%! From these figures? Below I will write in detail. Disadvantage – the site of the project and products in the English language. This is certainly bad, but there is something actually read something. And the figures and images without you English see and understand. But there is a translation into German, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Korean, Estonian, Spanish – and this is an opportunity to advertise the project in other countries!

Hobby Home

November 21, 2019


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Not once have met people who end up with different departments, have college education. But many also having it all, work at home. And theirs activity is associated in most cases, an entirely different profession. That there is not one of which were finishing high school. Esdi be more specifically, working from home 'at myself' you can earn much more. In the Internet can work in a field that you like most. Surely everyone is his hobby. And everyone would be happy to work in the area which, though somehow related to his hobbies.

And if in real life is not always possible, in the digital marketplace working from home and still in his native direction – always have. We do not talking about the job search on the Internet. We talk exclusively about work at home and earning through the internet, for example you love to read a lot poezii. How to implement this hobby on the Internet? Actually very simple. Create your own page. This can be done free of charge. Fill it with your thoughts and ideas about books you have been read. Keep your blog on the network.

And the money you can receive by selling links, advertisements, write promotional articles and much more. Do you enjoy tinkering with the car? You love to learn technology upgrade car? No problem. Working with the machine in real life describe their actions online and earn money thereby sitting at home. A You can doctor or business advisor? No problem. Create your own website and consult people online. And while your family house budget will be increased several times by using the Internet. Zaroabatyvayte on the Internet. Not let go of this opportunity.

Staff Search Through The Internet

November 19, 2019


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It’s no secret that every manager wants to find employees who can make his business profitable. The dream of any manager – is harmoniously working team of professionals who know what, how and when to do. To assemble such a team, it takes years, but you can greatly speed up the recruitment process by resorting to modern technology recruiting. There are many ways to find employees, consider the most common, such as experts on their own search and selection with the help of recruiting agency. Advantage of the first is the cost savings that can be used to pay professional services agency. The advantage of – time saving and guaranteed results. Before you begin recruiting, we need to clearly decide what should be the person looking for that you are going to do. Start with the general enterprise objectives and the specific unit, detailing the responsibilities of the employee is not, as the result of which will be retrieved from the employee, to achieve a result you will be profitable to pay him, and what opportunities available for its additional administrative and training.

By answering these questions, you can accurately determine the selection criteria: the preferred age and education, skills, value experience working in a close degree, the requirements for health, the importance of external information, etc. If you are looking for a rare specialist expertise, it is first necessary to evaluate his skills and knowledge, and only then – his personal qualities. Before contacting the recruitment agency, you can try to find the desired employee on their own. Search for candidates is best to start at their own company, it is here can work specialist, ready to perform required duties. You can redistribute these duties among existing staff, to produce a so-called rotation of personnel. After gathering information set names of interest to specialists.

This method is mainly used in the selection of staff, who continue to occupy leadership positions in your company. Another effective and modern way search for new employees is the placement of information about vacancies in your company on the Internet. For help to reduce the cost of recruitment companies in the UK have resorted to searching for new employees through recommendations of colleagues and the Internet. The study showed that the number of such companies in one year increased by 60%. 8 out of 10 companies said that this method of all, no additional cost, was the most successful way to find talent. Three-quarters of the organizations that use the recommendations of staff, significantly reduced the cost of search personnel. This method has a number of advantages. First, learn a lot about the job number of people, and secondly, you will be able to choose from a larger number of applicants and third, all responded to the ad people are usually in need of work at the time of treatment and are ready immediately take office. Electronic publications offer information more quickly, it often makes himself the advertiser. Using modern technology allows you to find the desired employee profile in the database site data much faster than in the pages of the printed version. If an independent search returned no results, then it may be worthwhile to contact the recruitment agency.

Using The Internet

November 19, 2019


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Many users are wandering the expanses of the World Wide Web more than once asked the question – How zarobotat money online.? Well, actually there are thousands of ways allowing to carry out this desire. The most simple – is a view Page sponsors and pay per click on the links, they are also the cheapest – a lot of this does not work. Many refer to this type of earnings masturbation. For more or less normal earnings in the network requires some knowledge that allow you to do something more meaningful than a dull Clicking on someone else's links. Not necessarily have knowledge of programming and navigate the computer technology, although it does not hurt.

Can build on knowledge acquired in the course of life, whether it be skills or life experience is simple. Write reviews, criticism, tips, etc., etc. Published in the network (preferably create a website) is the set blogging service free placement of articles, for example, () does not require a publication to the site. Build your credibility and your name in the network, it will give paid advice to sell their articles to the example services that allow you to do it. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. will not settle for partial explanations. For a more autonomous and stable income your website needs. In creating the site is easy.

Anyone who knows how to work with a text editor Word, graphic Paint, easily program will deal with Microsoft Office FrontPage, which is in any of Microsoft Office. On the basis of which you can edit the templates sites on the Internet are good dime a dozen. All that is required from the user – through a search engine to find a pattern site, download to your computer, edit and fill in your content template in Microsoft Office FrontPage, and in principle all – the site is ready. Next, select Hosting (Services, a place where you stored the site) and upload it there. There are many free and paid hosts will help you in choosing any search engine. Further, the most interesting, with the help of his site you can earn from advertising, affiliate programs (), sell their products, foreign goods, electronic books, software and other materials, provide services, receive orders. In general, your site is your one-stop tool, you can use it to measure the development of their imagination that is as you want. Larry Ellison does not necessarily agree. Realize your ideas and afraid to look, learn, learn new things. Set a goal and achieve results – then it will be earnings. PS all as in ordinary life and do not get fooled by the illusion of quick money online, as in life it's scam.

Earn Online Without Attachments !

November 17, 2019


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Good afternoon users of the Internet! Allow me to introduce myself, Zhilnikov Andrew. At this point, I have retired Interior Ministry. During his adult life has mastered several professions. In the 47 years I have consciously looked at what deals with my wife. Article writing under the influence of new features that provided the company VISION, an independent distributor for which I am. Since I am familiar with the campaign of 2001. Taking products (dietary supplements) received a great result and left the operation in the knee joints.

But all this time I wary about business MLM, though, and he saw his wife Helen enthusiastically engaged in this business. My attitude towards network marketing dramatically changed with the advent in this field of activity for the Internet. I realized that this niche for me. In mid-2009, Vision International People Group has provided a revolutionary perspective for its consultants. Oracle is open to suggestions. Opened an online store through which you can order and arrange delivery of products to all corners of Russia and the countries of near abroad. In future the company plans to expand its market delivery in all countries where the official opening of its representation.

Now these countries – 22. In many ways, changed the company's approach to the discovery of new business for consultants. Cooperation agreement with the VISION can be concluded electronically, and that is very important in current economic conditions – no initial investment. The only condition is that the person had access to the Internet. Such a proposal, in my opinion, it will be interesting to many young people students who want to realize themselves in the business of job training or job. Today, thanks to Internet technology made huge turnovers in all industries, including in MLM. We are talking about hundreds of billion. And such a unique opportunity presented to us distributor company. Unlimited prospects, new territorial scales – you can work with people from different countries, despite the distance. All that is necessary – It is to inform friends and strangers about this opportunity to give them a link to an online store for details about all product lines and have certificates for all products. AND ALL! Of course this case should learn. In this direction the company supports their consultants by conducting on-line trainings, presentations, providing written information. For those interested in the topic, I plan available to tell you how to develop your business from home without investing in a material cost. Until next time! Zhilnikov Andrew. Source:

Business Registration

November 16, 2019


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Registration of a business requires that a person who has applied for registration of the firm, was the person carrying and fulfilling all the obligations facing them, during and after the registration of the company, ie – the founder of enterprise. Treaty establishing the joint-stock company, which lies in the case of a decision on the establishment of an open or closed joint stock company among all the founders, is only valid until the registration company, jsc. In what the founding document for the joint-stock company will be the only charter company. If an entity registered in order to ensure its activities and operations in banking services and operations, investments and insurance services as a legal provision for registration of the enterprise is established by separate federal laws. Place of business is determined by the owner and stated in the founding documents, the Charter, may register a business and home addresses of members, only for this economical society should consist of individuals. Manufacture of printing and check it in uniform register of seals in the Chamber only after receipt of the statement of incorporation and delivery of the founder of copies of statutory and constitutional documents. Further Section Statistics should assign unique codes to the founder for all activities, as specified in the registration of the enterprise. Processed data codes in a special letter, a parent who can only State Statistics Committee.

Once opened bank account with the company founder is obliged to report thereon to the tax office within 10 days from the date of opening. Legal Consultation puts the company on account of the three funds – the medical fund, social insurance, a pension fund. To pay the taxes needed a special identification number assigned to each of the three funds. If there is a situation when you need to re-commit the firm, then we should expect any twists in the difficulties encountered. The most common problem that occurs when re-registering the company – it longer periods of re-registration documents. Re-registration of the firm is the place of residence, so you must wait until all the documents in the Tax Committee of the residence of the founder of the enterprise will restructured and rewritten, and yet will register changes in the constituent documents. After receiving new documents, the founder must apply to the pension, social insurance and medical fund for notice of re-registration and delivery of funds, new identification numbers from the State Statistics Committee.

The Effectiveness Of Time

November 14, 2019


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What is the secret of efficiency? What do you think? How effective could you be? And what does it depend? I think you will agree that to know the answers to these questions are highly desirable. On how effective you are, depends – what you can achieve, and what you do not ever reach, if nothing is changed, of course. Among your friends have better people, and eat less. If we consider various examples, and watch a little, the answers to the above issues become more clear. Verizon takes a slightly different approach. If you look closely at the actions of your friends, then maybe you will notice one interesting moment. More efficient of your friends, occupied by the fact that they are engaged. In other words, their attention is focused precisely on what they do.

It's, like, very simple, but for some strange reason, able to do so, apparently, only a few. Recently Munear Ashton Kouzbari sought to clarify these questions. What is busy the rest? Here are a few examples. Manager Sales seem to be busy with sales. He calls to clients, wrote them letters and even bills from time to time. But in fact it is busy, which is trying to prove that the Warehouse fool. He tries to prove it all others, especially the warehouse manager.

But as the right to say that someone is a fool, is not accepted, the sales manager is only carrying out covert campaign reporting warehouse manager a complete idiot. And so as managing a warehouse, but not see "which way the wind blows", but still feels instinctively that something is wrong, occasionally loses his temper and brought down criticism on the sales department as a whole, the sales manager, new "Arguments" to prove their case. And on it he takes really a lot of time and effort. Or as you this case.

Immigration Lawyers

November 14, 2019


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Nor can considered a refugee who wishes to improve its financial situation by obtaining the status. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Rory Sutherland. In respect of rights must be proactive with regard to his prosecution. This may not be only in relation to the man himself, but also in relation to his family as close and distant. Harassment of human exercise than the usual single, and persons vested with the authority and representing the public authorities and administration, or a sufficiently large number of people. All this encourages people to become refugees.

A person can not or do not want to live in their own country because of fear for their lives and health. This reflected in the fact that the man, despite all attempts to obtain protection from the state of their nationality or citizenship, did not get it. Without hesitation Rory Sutherland explained all about the problem. All this must be proven by documents, ie must be facts confirming the words of a person, not just a story. important! The applicant will receive a 100% waiver if they will violate the conditions of the order of entry into the country or the base that led the man to become a refugee, will be inconclusive. How realistic is seeking refugee status? Representatives of the Association of Immigration Lawyers regularly confronted with the fact that many write in forums, that refugee status can not be obtained.

Yes, there is much speculate on this topic. Often, people use history as described in "A Practical Guide to Immigration", published in four volumes. Or simply to find documents and use them to obtain refugee status in interest of their country.

Going Beyond The Boundaries Of Key Business

November 14, 2019


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Two years ago the director of Bain & Company, Chris Zook come to grips with the development of the theme of building core business, in his book Profit from the Core, co-authored with James Allen. As he writes in his new book Beyond the Core: The most successful companies tend to use absolutely all the potential of their business before they think about going beyond its competence. " How did he manage to find out after the publication of Profit from the Core, the transition to new, greener "pastures," which he calls the exit to the adjacent area, the company puts a whole new set of problems relating to investment, time, competition and strategy. In the present passage of the Beyond the Core Zook explains how companies can win or lose as a result of such actions. Comment V-RATIO: American consultant Chris Zook first wrote a book about what companies should focus on their core competencies, and then, on reflection, concluded that in many cases it may be beneficial for the development of new activities.

On the one hand, successful companies there is a need to invest profits in new business areas, since the rise due to core competencies nowhere else. On the other hand, companies in crisis, often no alternative but to try to adjacent markets. Question, focusing on key competencies or seek new opportunities for business development occurs before the modern companies almost daily. As a rule, it is a choice, and one excludes the other. What choices do? Companies in all conditions should: – Focus on core competencies – Find New Business Opportunities Have you encountered a similar problem? How it was solved? Right on our site, in a special form, you can vote for any of the options.

