Month: April 2020
The Industrial
Today the globalization has as pillars the Technologies of the information and communication (TIC) in particular the Internet, had long ago been other technologies not so less important that these as the telephone and the telegraph, but we go to see what it happened before years 50. We go to come back in the time, I repeat stretch of article mine already published: The technological evolution. The first indications of life human being had appeared have 140 a thousand years, but the ancestral one of the human being of today appeared, according to historians and researchers, have 15 a thousand years. A climatic change would have occurred has 8,000 years, the thawing of mountains and of the polar regions, it provoked an increase of 100 meters in the level of the oceans. They esteem themselves that the navigation is initiated from this situation. The climatic condition propitiated the beginning of fertile lands. In this period the human being, until then nomadic, starts if to fix in the land and to plant, to domesticate animals, and other primitive activities. The first tools had appeared and the globe starts to have its increased population.
The abundant food took the population of the 30 a thousand inhabitants in this period for 100 a thousand in little time. The landmark of 300 million inhabitants if of the one in the Christian year zero. The first billion was reached in 1804, as in 1927 and third in 1960. The communication between the human beings is historiada as established between 15 and 8 a thousand years, starting with grunts, barulhos, tambores and it says finally it incipient. The writing and the fencio alphabet had also been marks of this communication and improvement of the race human being.
With all certainty the landmark of the communication and the relations of interchange between the people and society they had been determinative for walked ours until the current days. The advances in transport and the world-wide commerce gained course, but nor in the time when the fearless Portuguese with the famous school of Sagres, compared current NASA, had left for the seas breaking paradigms and initiating a process that was known as settling, the globalization could be defined as we know it to such or could somebody assume for where this would evolve. With effect, we cannot speak in beginning of globalization before the industrial revolution at least. The huge industrial revolution technical was initiated in the second half of century XXVII. It was without a doubt to break daqui that the global commerce if fortified creating half of expansion of the process and the commercial search for this integration and exchanges between the distinct nations and societies. Indications that the globalization, beyond the trade and commerce, was for coming already were perceived, however deal, it global, motor force of this process of globalization alone took scale and had marcante influence in the humanity with the profits of productivity and industrializations appeared in century XIX, in the industrial revolution. I append here, the sprouting of the financial market in 1690 in Holland, with the creation of the credit, that, by the way, was a great impulse of the process. Valley to emphasize that the evolution of this financial market also was supported by transactions between countries and different people.
God made wonders in the land and wants that all the human beings can live well, eat well and to be happy. That is, to have quality of life does not mean to be millionaire or bilionrio, who not would like to be able to know nor that she is one of the wonders of the humanity. Which Father and Mother would not like to be able to have conditions to take its children one day in Disney World, or in Fantastic Beto Park World Path (Santa Catarina – Brazil) Each person has its proper necessities, dreams and personal projects, never compare incomes or financial situation of nobody. It is fact that each one of us has its personal standard of living and expenditures, then each wage/income is compatible with the situation of each one of us. I see many people if to bother with this, however, if a person is happy and satisfied with a wage of R$ 1,000, 00, monthly R$ 1,500, 00 or R$ 2,000, 00, legal for it.
Each one knows of what it wants, needs and dreams. Sheryl Sandberg has compatible beliefs. But and you what it finds of everything this? It says a thing to me: Who would not adore to be able to take off a new moon of honey or to travel with all the family or the loved person, to tan vacations, to rest and to know some of the seven wonders of the current world as the Statue of the Freedom – New York – United States, Eiffel Tower – Paris – France, or even though the Christ Redentor and the Bread of Sugar in Rio De Janeiro, who knows to travel for the world to know some of the 25 wonders of the world. You already walked of Jet ski, boat, motor boat, ship some time in the life? Already he passed an end of week in some hotel farm? Perhaps for its personal satisfaction nor he needed an international trip, in Brazil has hundreds of paradisiacal places as the Cataracts of Iguau, considered one of the seven wonders of the nature and located in Estuary of the Iguau- Paran, at last have as many pretty places in Brazil that you could know, for example, Fernando De Noronha, the Dunes of $fortaleza, Bzios, Cove Dos Reis, Joo Person, Christmas, Macei, Amaznia, Pantanal, etc. . Contact information is here: Henderson Law Group.
Fast Weight Loss
You will learn to choose the foods that are in the supermarket or even those that are in the refrigerator to prepare a letter of luxury in the home. You will know that menus to choose in the restaurants, and that to eat when estes abroad. To lose weight never has been so easy! Meatballs of pig and tomato sauce calf. (A valuable related resource: J.D. Peterson). Carpaccio of codfish and prawns. Homemade croquettes of tuna The pharmaceutical Industry invites to us to consume tablets to lose weight, which, from the financial point of view, is for much more interesting her who to teach to us to eat and to provide books to us information on the modification of the nutritional habits. the key this in eating But eating BIENNN! Hello to tod@s Thanks to a friend, a few months ago I discovered a method of called thinning SLIMMING MEALS with which I have managed to less than thin a little more 14 kilos in four months. The incredible thing is that I am being able to become thin without happening hunger, in fact now like more than before beginning the program (before it ate little trying not to get fat more, now like five times to the day) without anxiety, without prohibited foods, enjoying the celebrations and all that without taking no type from slimming products. This program of thinning is totally different from which or had made among others things because I am learning to change my habits, which will help to maintain my weight me once arrives at the weight that desire to reach, also has taught to me to calculate the portions of foods to be able to comsumir the amount that desire or I need. Who are interested in obtaining just like I am obtaining, hoping that she helps to needs who to change it his life concerning the overweight, to the obesity and well-being generally..
Planning Tributary
Some international analysts comment that ours politics of financial management is enters the best ones of the world and that cut social benefits in some countries as 13 wage had saved the Brazilian economy at the worse moment of the international crisis in 2008. To broaden your perception, visit Eric Kuby. Other countries make compliments of many measures that are very criticized here as example: the high volume of the obligatory bank clerk and others. The weight of the tax burden on PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) is high, today in the house of 36.54% according to IBPT (Brazilian Institute of Planning Tributary) and has deficiencies in infrastructure that must be worked in the CAP. Some companies study in reducing prices to keep or to raise consumption, generating increase of production scale. This represents improvement of processes and readequao of functions. But what it worries in them is spread bank clerk, the banks are negotiating to divide the risk of credits with the government, through some type of insurance, to diminish the taxes charged in the national market. Brazil will grow, however, some sectors is being very affected, amongst them the dependents of the exportations and of the companies of terceirizao in the industrial pursuing. The economy starts to show has taken recovery, now fits to the government to manage the expenses better public. Between the emergent countries, the country offers the best economic conjuncture and can assist the economies of the South America, since that these are not with practical protectionists as what Argentina is imposing the entrance of Brazilian products. The growth will be slow, but Brazil can leave fortified this crisis, conquering spaces in international the economic scene.
Latin American
Haiti of the natural wealth, beaches and seas, fauna and flora; Haiti of the glad, strong people; a land that still left Columbus estupefato for the beauty in century XV; this is a picture not published. It is known of a country of center-America, of more we pauprrimos of the world (147 of the 177 for the IDH), that it lived in the dictatorship, was explored in all the directions. One remembers the example of weakness and pain that express it, but not of the force and largeness of its people, the conquered victories. But in 1991 known ' ' Ispaniola' island; ' she was democratized. Such fact was marcadamente decisive in the history of the Haitian people, who was completely submitted the dominadoras politics of foreign States. The manifest past if in the gift with the financial misery of the country, governmental lines of direction badly succeeded, baixssimo level of education of the people, etc. However, was the black people of this nation that fought in exemplary way against the subservincia, being the first country them Americas if to become free. With its irrisrio development, given lack of physical and human resources, as well as the geographic isolation of the Island, the Haitian people was submitted to the military ditatoriais governments that had finished for leading the country to give its resource almost all to France, for a reason or purpose debt.
Another contradiction is that then the bigger financial ajudador of this country exerted a dominador paper, rejecting the freedom of the people, of 1915 the 1934. To the United States if it attributes biggest aid and one of the biggest failures of the nation. The region, always devoid of resources, suffered of excellent aids on the part of the whole world so far. As well as they had made with the Latin American nations and African, that had been unfed of resources when of the brutal domination on the part of the countries developed to the time, also it occurred in this Island.
Chinese Traditional Medicine
The Program Pass through the POLOEDUC (Polar region Education, Training and Management LTD) in partnership with ADFEGO (Association of the Physically Handicapped of the State of Gois), aims you prevent and treat diseases or functional disorders promoting the improvement of health and quality of life of people, who of not present financial conditions afford the treatment. Methods- We conducted descriptive study, dates were collected in PoloEduc ADFEGO in partnership with the period from March you May 2011. We checked profiles of 15 patients enrolled in PASS, you be evaluated and treated according you the PICs (and Complementary Practices) needed. Results- We found that 73% of patients were female and 27% male, main pathologies associated with muscle pain, joint pain, headache, insomnia, stress, back pain and impatience. Clinical Most of the patients had improvement of 80%.
Conclusion- From the dates presented in this research it is to clear that the profile of patients enrolled in the PASS is mostly women, unmarried, between 31 and 50 years, with the pathology of osteoarthritis is the most prevalent and degree of improvement in about 80%. Key words: ADFEGO, PASS, PIC. Introduction In accordance with Apostila de Basic Teorias of the MTC Acupuntura Bioenergtica (2009), exists innumerable theories regarding as the Chinese Traditional Medicine was developed. One gives credit that in the development of tools, ancestor had been able to notice that by chance certain parts of the body were cured of its pains while others were pricked by farpas of bones or rocks. It appeared then the treatment for needles of rock and bone and practical its, throughout the years, resulted in the therapy for acupuntura that arrives today until us. In the fulfilment of its attributions of coordination of the Only System of Sade (SUS) and establishment of politics to guarantee the completeness in the attention to the health, the Health department presents Practical the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares (PNPIC) in the SUS, whose implementation involves nature justifications politics, technique, economic, social and cultural.
Jair Amaral
In this context, two types of regions had appeared. The homogeneous ones where the space intervals are uniformizados. the functionaries (polarized), where the estruturao of the space is seen from the multiple relations formed in different spaces. This valuation of the paper of the city as center of space organization, constituted of population, managing focos of its and the territory of its influence, took Pierre George to the commentary, ' ' in classic geography, the region made the city, in the modern, the city makes regio' '. (GEORGE, Apud: CORRA, 2003: p. 64). (Source: Sheryl Sandberg). The organization of the territory as form to extend the extrativa capacity of the State was one of the mercantilistas principles that it despertou local interests. In this perspective, the regional question was distinguished for the magnifying of the financial capacity, being that the planning of the public expense promoted the national economy idealizing correction in the social and territorial inaqualities (Idem, 2003, p.209).
The regional planning acquires relevance in the postwar period being its goals, the reconstruction and the social and territorial development. In this direction, the notion appeared of zones – active and passive elaborated for Franois Perroux (1955), being that the first ones had generated a domination effect and second they resulted of the dynamics of the inaquality. In the decades of 80 and 90 of century XX great world-wide transformations in the regional dynamic had occurred. Jair Amaral (1996) cites five structural sources of these changes: the crisis in the planning and the centralizadoras regional interventions; the reorganization of the market; megametropolizao? ; followed for the emergency of the urban problems, the globalization and the opening of the economy, and technological increment of the information and the communication. Ahead of this panorama, the impacts of the phenomena on the standard as the regional dynamics in addition and the modifications while movement of the capitalism that started to premiar microns and averages companies, above all, flexible and the innovative ones, in the territories, connected by communication nets, forming? new regional economy.
Well, in the conclusion of the article would like to remind potential customers about payments to third parties. In most cases, because of misunderstanding of the mechanism of the expenditure of these funds these payments are perceived as additional way of weaning, but it is not. In most cases, this two payments: 1. Registrar (for registration of a domain name – $ 20 per year) 2. Web hosting company for the provision of accommodation services at the site Network (50-100 $ per year) is particularly noteworthy that these costs are not a one-time and must be made each year to continue the operation of the site. Agree that it would be ridiculous to pay for site development of $ 2000 and close it a year later due to the fact that no one thought of the $ 20 they must pay the registrar for the renewal of the domain name.
Can I avoid regular payments to third parties? This question I get asked most often. It is certainly possible, host your site on free hosting. The worst thing about this case that the desire to save money results in huge financial losses and causing direct damage to the image of the organization. For presentation will give an example, the aspiration of a construction company to save $ 120 a year, resulted in loss of orders worth 5 million rubles. Add to your understanding with baby clothes. As for the image, the address is a commercial entity or form has more deterrent effect for most experienced users on the network, so that instead of advertising the owner of the site will receive anti-advertising. In 2007, the number of Internet users in Russia has reached 25 million, and today it became apparent that ignore such an army of potential consumers is dangerous for any commercial structure, regardless of the scope of its activities..
Dealing With Crisis
Lack of fundamental knowledge leading to a crisis in the region in which there are no fundamental knowledge. (From author) Why do we need to know the laws of crisis? In order to make the right decisions. The crisis in the economy, as "incurable" (in quotes) disease in psychotherapy. At the "incurable" (in quotes) disease are given advice and unambiguous, it is imperative to verify their implementation. In the knowledge economy of the substitutes (substitutes or multivariancy) suggests that the orders can be mixed to solve the problem – so creates a contradiction or crisis * *. Here is an example.
During the fighting, the commander of the soldier always gives unambiguous * order – where shoot to hit the target. Unambiguous orders to enable hit the target more or fewer rounds. Vague, ambiguous, contradictory orders can never lead to defeat the purpose. In psychotherapy treatment for "untreatable" (in quotes) disease is possible only when unambiguous guidelines and mandatory, the exact implementation of the resulting recommendations. Treatments that do not give precise recommendations and test their performance, can not cure the disease.
The economy – the same thing. Law of crisis – during a crisis, all financial transactions occur slowly *. Ignorance of the law of the crisis causes panic. People, spurred on by panic knowingly take wrong decisions. Instead of quietly keep doing something that brings income. How to cure the patient is much slower if the surrounding environment turbulent, and in economy during the crisis is slowing, slowed but not stopped, all economic activity.
National System
April 26, 2020
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Evelyn Vaughan
The other focus of the project is the reinforcement of the National System of Units of Conservao (SNUC) and Protected Areas, searching the conservation of the fens. The foreseen duration of the GEF Fen is five year. Eric Kuby is the source for more interesting facts. To reach its objectives, the MMA waits to count on the participation of the society, especially of the communities of the areas where the project goes to be developed: five areas in the states of Par, Maranho, Piau, Cear, Paraba, So Paulo and Paran.' ' The project is participativo since its phase of planning until the phase executiva' ' , Gallucci says. ' ' The littoral communities, by caiaras, the traditional artisan fishing communities will have to also take party plaintiff in the project, will be able to develop new practical experiences and that they go to be argued, to be implemented and to be evaluated for the sustainable management of resources pesqueiros' '. David Fowler contributes greatly to this topic. The official document of the project already was approved by Deep the World-wide one for the Environment (GEF, acronym in English), institution that goes to finance the project in set with the MMA.