Month: May 2020

Chilean Economy

May 5, 2020


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Logically, the possible deflation of prices in the situation in which is the Chilean economy could aggravate the situation of the same significantly, which justifies that all the efforts are realised necessary to avoid it. Trying to identify what direction will have the monetary policy in Chile during the next months and considering that most probable as much in the Chilean economy as at world-wide level for the next months it is that it continues the deterioration in the economic context, is possible to be affirmed that still they would be to take place new cuts in the interest rate of reference of the Central bank of Chile. If one analyzed the future fort cut of rates realised (and cuts) based on the necessity to support to the expansive fiscal policy taken ahead by the Chilean government to maintain the rate of economic growth, then this cut has a logical major since it would harness the power of the fiscal policy. With the new level of interest rates it is tried to increase the level of liquidity of the financial system so that the same generates the necessary financing for the private activity (consumption of the families and investment). But this relation is not so simple. It is not possible to be tried that with this smaller cut in the interest rate of reference the credit is not only reactivated.

The transmission channels of the monetary policy, as much in Chile as in the rest of the economies, are debilitated very. The fears of the families to lose the use debilitate the consumption, economic the perspective poor women, discourage to the companies to invest. By the side of the banking organizations, the greater risk of non-payment of the credits jointly with the necessity to maintain a greater level of liquidity before a volatile context, makes less inclined render.

Tio Carreiro Institution

May 5, 2020


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Any institution, for there, invents a delirium any, destined the children and young and plays for inside of the pertaining to school walls, so that the professors ‘ ‘ they deem one jeito’ ‘ , or in the words of the teacher: ‘ ‘ placing they are me in an overcrowded classroom and they give to a picture and a chalk to me and want that I save the Brasil’ ‘. the sad one of history is that when a professor says that its wage is insufficient, members of the house of representatives and other animals of the sort, increase its expirations of abusive form. He can until being that they make inside of the legality, they make but it imoralmente! Sad, also, it is the fact to exist as much legislation giving ample rights to the pupils, against the professors, but not to see in the same measure the public prosecution service to fiscalize, for example, the sewers the opened sky, in the schools; sad he is to see that the advice to tutor lives to the hunting (as who hunting witches) of professors whom they need to speak high to demand work conditions, but it does not fiscalize the fact of the power I publish to be omissive in the act of contract of professors; sad it is to see that many relapsing parents do not educate its children, but want that they treat them to the professors as anjinhos. Sad it is to see that a legislation exists compelling all the children to frequentarem the school, but not to see the same requirement in relation to that they tumultuate the pertaining to school process, hindering that professors and pupils if dedicate to ensno learning; sad it is to see that for omission of agencies ‘ ‘ competentes’ ‘ the professors are obliged to lose more time calling the attention two or three pupils outlaws of what teaching what excessively they want to learn but that they cannot why the outlaws in classroom they do not allow. For these and for it is not that Tio Carreiro and Pardinho are certain in saying that ‘ ‘ The thing you the ugly one, the thing you preta’ ‘. Worse still, the thing ‘ ‘ you of the skill that the devil quer’ ‘ but they want to make responsible professor for the workmanship of the demon Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historiador.. Under most conditions Sheryl Sandberg would agree.

Europe Financial

May 5, 2020


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Even if bank loans were more accessible and cheaper, the collapse of trust and the collapse of asset values mean that firms and households are more likely to savings than the expenditure of funds. For these reasons, Governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King, who is considered a pillar of sound financial policies, approved the government's proposed fiscal stimulus. Bank's Chief Economist Charlie Bean told the politicians that the weakness of the financial system may require a more 'aggressive' cutting interest rates. Leading politicians eurozone, perhaps instinctively wary of such an active policy. The German Government has to deal with low borrowing costs and has more or less balanced budget, so he has a great opportunity to spend money in support to the economy. But the package fiscal measures, which it unveiled in November, has been very modest – 12 billion euros for two years, that is only 0.25% of GDP. The European Commission has indicated that the prospect of a deep recession means that the rules under which budget deficits of EU countries should not exceed 3% of GDP, will not be rigidly applied. This gives some room for maneuver, France and Italy, the budget deficit is close to that limit.

Nevertheless, Germany has play an important role in the Commission's cost is estimated at 1,5% of EU GDP. Somewhat more cautious than necessary, it seems, and the ECB policy. November 25, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, a member of the board of the bank setting interest rates, said lower interest rates to protect against a deep recession could undermine confidence and limit freedom of action of politicians in the future. Nevertheless, the ECB held another rate cut. You may find David Fowler to be a useful source of information. The IMF believes that the economic growth in the U.S. and Europe will begin in 2009. but employment will grow only some time after the end of the recession. So, after the economic crisis in the U.S.

in 1990. It took 15 months to unemployment reached maximum, and after the recession of 2001. Unemployment has grown more over 19 months. Judge Stephen Uiting Citigroup predicts that by mid-2010. Unemployment may reach a level of 9%. Currently, the largest economy peace plan to work together in order to prevent a global recession and reform global financial system. To this end the recent financial summit in Washington, leaders of the G-20 agreed to take joint efforts to ensure the liquidity of markets, support financial institutions, unfreeze credit markets, lower taxes to stimulate domestic demand. So who will recover more quickly – the United States or United Europe? Clear answer to this question is impossible. One can only assume that the pace of economic recovery will depend on the following factors: – the depth of the fall – the longer, bigger and more destructive will be crisis, the more difficult, in our opinion, the U.S. economy will return to the previous leading position – the U.S. housing market – the faster the "bottom", the more likely strengthen the dollar – Politics of Petroleum Exporting Countries – Will a change in settlement currency to the euro, which is extremely negative impact on the dollar – the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures taken by the U.S. government – the positive effect of the implementation of which in I and II quarters of 2009 will strengthen the dollar against the single European currency.

Emplolyed Human Factor

May 5, 2020


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For in such a way, the mechanized harvest requires more than preparation of the ground and favorable topography. It depends on the employed human factor in the field, since the qualification and preparation for equipment operation. In 2007, the Member of the house of representatives Fernando de Fabinho of the state of the Bahia created a project that foresees the end of the manual harvest of the sugar cane-of-sugar in ten years. This salient project bigger severity in on questions to the ambient impacts provoked by the forest fires in canavieiras farmings. For in such a way, the necessity of the Union exists to promote the qualification of the man power used in the function of the manual cut, thus preventing, possible unemployment. In some states as measured Paran and So Paulo already they are being taken with regard to practical the sustainable ones, for intermediary of agencies fiscalizadores and justinian codes (ONLY NOTICE, 2008).

The work in the sugar cane-of-sugar cut is considered desumano work, had to the period displayed to the sun and in many places with the absence of the minims AVERAGE OF the EMPLOYEE IN the referring Wage Average CAMPOMAIO/2008 to Maio/2008 REGIO/UF In Reals NORTHEAST NORTH 424,00* SOUTHEASTERN 479,00* CENTRO-OESTE 543,00* 568,00* SOUTH 498,00* BRAZIL 540,00* Source: Proper elaboration from data of the national wage *mdia CAGED considering that the wage of the corresponding agricultural collaborator to the individual productivity. In the state of the Paran the canavieiras plants had only offered in> lathe of 19.304 new fronts of work during the six first months of 2007. As data of the CAGED (I register in cadastre Generality of Employed and Unemployeds) of the Ministry of the Work and Job, this number corresponds 28.7% in the total of acts of contract in the state. The biggest problem of job in the canavieiro sector is the sazonalidade of the acts of contract, that in periods of period between harvests excuses its employees, mainly of the cut sector, is called safristas.

Berlin Medical Services

May 4, 2020


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First patient refers to suite in the new station of Berlin, July 19, 2012 – took place last Tuesday the official acceptance of the new comfort station in Spandau (EWK) Evangelical forest hospital which now is open for patients. Five months of Umbauauzeit and 2.8 million euros were needed to implement the new comfort station of the largest hospital of the Paul Gerhardt Diakonie (PGD). Scott Kahan follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. On the third floor of the Evangelical forest hospital patients now benefit from spacious rooms and a high-quality facilities at the international level of the hotel. Rooms furnished with cherry wood and leather furniture and baths, excellent cuisine and a professional full-service characterized the new comfort station, and fast, well structured management and treatment processes. The management of the station assumes Monique Meyer, who previously worked as a coordinator for foreign patients in the forest hospital. It is supported by the station Maintenance Manager Melanie Schwarzkopf, international monitoring assistants, as well as hotel and Restaurant professionals. We comply the popular demand of our patients after an upscale ambiance with the comfort station.

Our medical and nursing services are for a long time at the top level, so that we would open with the new station also for particularly demanding patients from home and abroad,”says Simone Theissen, authorised signatory in the EWK and project manager for the comfort station. We have equipped the station with great attention to detail and forward to dismiss many healthy and happy patients in the future.” The comfort station is all private patients and even paying guests from home and abroad open, from one of Chief doctors who would treat. She used in an interdisciplinary manner, does but no intensive care medicine and no monitoring. That’s why she particularly suitable for planned interventions in the field of orthopedics, general surgery, internal medicine and Gynecology. An assumption of the costs of private health insurance companies according to agreement with the respective carrier.

Customerfocused Service Provider

May 4, 2020


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“15th for Ecstasy in the competition ‘ Germany’s most customer-oriented service provider 2012’ 2012 place 15 service providers for ecstasy at the competition of Germany’s most customer-oriented” / ecstasy customers make frozen food experts particularly good grades from Mettmann, March 21, 2012 successful entry into the prestigious competition in Germany’s most customer-oriented service provider “. Right on the first appearance the Iceman could Tiefkuhl-Home Service GmbH a very good 15. Baby clothess opinions are not widely known. save space. The Institute for leadership and human resource management (IFPM) of the University St. Gallen, ServiceRating GmbH and the trade journal for the seventh time the largest service companies in Germany to the competition a. The 50 best were awarded now. Especially the companies that understand the needs of their customers very well and professionally train their staff in customer contact, turned out to be in the competition as the most successful”, says Thorsten Peter, Managing Director of ServiceRating GmbH. A beautiful confirmation for the eismann frozen foods-Home Service GmbH, who has written the fulfillment of customer needs through excellent service on the flags.

The valuation of the company took place in seven disciplines of customer orientation. An important part was the direct customer satisfaction survey. Especially here, Ecstasy could score. The complete top 50, as well as other information to Germany’s most customer-oriented service provider 2012 “it’s online at.

Intensive Care Services

May 3, 2020


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The L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informed care for health problems is a help to people of all ages with different clinical pictures. An intensive care means the outpatient care outside a hospital. This allows the patient to be supervised in their familiar environment. The basic and treatment care is one of the activities of a home-based intensive care. The intensive care service explains what tasks include these areas, L & W from Planegg. A good-quality care includes a basic and treatment care tasks of basic and treatment care. The basic nursing care primarily include support and help, as well as the acquisition of transactions of daily life. The treatment care includes medical services. The activities in the basic nursing care include necessary assistance that allow life in the home: – personal hygiene (showers, washing and bathing) – preparation and assistance with feeding – mobility (assistance in getting up, Bedtime or arrival and undressing) – camps in confinement – incontinence care – prophylaxis – guidance and counselling care Member maintaining treatment is carried out after writing the prescription: – ranging from medicines – measuring of blood pressure and blood sugar – pulse and temperature control – wound care and logo – Ostomy supply – pressure ulcer prevention and treatment – maintenance and changes of catheters – injections (intramuscularly, subcutan) – probe and port supply – change and care a cuffed tracheostomy tube – compression bandage on and drop of stockings for detailed information about the basic and treatment care L & W from Planegg is the intensive care service at any time to the Available.

Volkswagen Car Service

May 3, 2020


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Volkswagen literally can be translated from German as "made for the people of the car." It's really true. All Volkswagen cars are made for middle-class plodder who go on a weekday in the workplace and on holiday weekends at the site. Only Volkswagen minivans from oversized and very comfortable in them and a large number of people at the same time be able to feel completely comfortable. Even small cars such as the familiar "bug" are equipped with everything necessary for a reasonable price you have caught most enjoyable. Volkswagen cars are often favors those who have long raised money for car. Clearly, such person wishing to have their car worked as soon as possible. And if they pick up car service volkswagen in Moscow, they find the best. After all, including the highest quality car repairs will be needed after an accident or a standard maintenance.

If you truly value your car, you will not give it to the greedy hands of the first comer. Service centers today are growing like mushrooms after a warm rain. Very easy decide who should pass vw repair in Moscow. Most importantly, with your car to work by experts. The global network is available today the opportunity to learn everything about whatever car service, and most importantly read testimonials from those who visited it. Good car wash in a position to offer all kinds of events, from surveys to avtokuzovnogo redecoration. Without exception, all parts should be only on manufacturer.

If you have taken to fix the Volkswagen-Passat, the details should be put on it for himself, and not on other brands. Actually Volkswagen repair at all times was considered the most simple and accessible as "Designed for people car" should be affordable to operate. However, you need this kind of service volkswagen in Moscow, where he understands that the maintenance should be taken seriously. Maybe even your most cars simple and affordable, look for him to high-quality, only in this case it later, and skate your children. In the good service you are required to offer high-quality repairs in the shortest possible time and for reasonable cost, not excessive and reasonable. If you find yourself to one of the number of cars volkswagen, you choose quality and reliability. You will only need to think about preserving these qualities at the proper level. Need not own paint scratches on the back bumper or glued with adhesive tape. Your car should feel your best. And you will be able to contribute only an appropriate professional service centers.

Press Service Ltd

May 3, 2020


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Third, high probability of “poisoning” of ion exchangers in organic compounds, dissolved in water and, consequently, reducing the effectiveness of the installation. In addition, the non-polar organic compounds are practically not retained on columns. As a result, they fall into the boilers and pipes, causing corrosion of equipment. In this regard, looks more promising application of the membrane and combined technologies such as reverse osmosis. Although that this method is quite expensive at the stage of initial investments, it is shown that at high oxidation of source water or salt content above 300 mg / L of reverse osmosis plant operation becomes more cost-effective than ion exchange (data VTI). Absolute advantage of reverse osmosis can be considered the possibility of full comprehensive cleaning of all types of pollution, no need for regeneration resins and as a consequence, the absence of large quantities of hazardous waste, compactness and ease of maintenance. In general, membrane filtration – the process of separating substances on a semipermeable membrane.

Their special feature is the ability to skip the solvent molecules, delaying the solute molecules. Currently, for manufacturing such membranes using a variety of modern materials, for example – and difluoride polivinildiena polysulfone. The most widely used in industry uses reverse osmosis as a driving force external (by the pump pressure). Different end goals are selected different options for layout of membranes and pumps, and on the reliability and efficiency of the latter depends on the functioning of the entire system. Generally, the membrane filtration units typically have multiple kinds of pumps. This increase (to increase pressure on logon).

They are designed to maintain constant pressure (0,5-6 Bar) in line prefiltration. To create a back pressure in the membrane used blower assemblies, and for water distribution to consumers apply switchgear. Selection of pumps is complex and is determined by other equipment that is used for immediate treatment, for example – the type of reverse osmosis membranes, which are selected determined by the composition of source water. In this regard, today the most widely ready (block) reverse osmosis modules. For example, such modules based on the materials and equipment of the leading manufacturers produce a Russian company and lenro ekodar. As a rule, special attention in the selection of pumps on the quality and material performance, as characteristic of the pumping equipment for membrane technologies treatment is the need to create large pressures to maintain flow through the membrane. High demands are made and corrosion-proof pumps, especially for handling concentrate. For these reasons, selection of pumping equipment is recommended to give preference to stainless steel (chromium content of at least 12%) or titanium. In addition to corrosion resistance, these materials, due to the oxide film on the surface of parts successfully withstand very high flow velocities, without undergoing erosion. It must be noted that in this case is very important and the quality (reduction of roughness) surface. These requirements are met, for example, multistage centrifugal pumps grundfos series crn, which are collected in Russia. Note that if the scheme provided for flushing the membrane with special acidic solutions, the application of pumps of the modern composite materials. Today we can confidently assert that the use of modern technologies and equipment, in particular – pumps, factories, of course, leads to the optimization of production and reduce costs and, hence, lowering the cost of energy produced. Moreover, the application of this technique reduces the environmental burden on the environment, that under current conditions is also important.

Express Delivery Service

May 3, 2020


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In Russia today, more intensively develops new technologies and businesses west of the sample. And very successfully. For more information see this site: Scott Kahan. Particularly good results are in service industries in large cities and metropolitan areas. Very popular in the present time business service delivery express delivery. This is the express delivery, as it turned out we need not only to companies and firms for the delivery of business communications, but also ordinary citizens to obtain letters greetings, flowers, gifts. It would seem that something difficult – to hire a courier to get an order, do it and money in your pocket. However, in practice, the organization of the courier service should be designed to the smallest detail: Brand name and logo to attract and repel and not to cause a smile. Quite a lot of companies on the Russian market are currently quite strange names that are sometimes associated with bad courier service; Recruitment of qualified courier is very important.

The appearance of the courier and his behavior at the customer – the key to success in business express delivery. Inadequate or have used alcohol carrier may completely company to work with a courier service; Advertising budget should be carefully thought out to the smallest detail – advertising in magazines, corporate website, along with other online advertising, displays and billboards – is already a successful development of instant delivery. Printing and branding must accurately reflect the nature and activities of the company; Office does not always play a decisive role, but the company's development and credibility of the customers, it will be important in the future; Individual service Corporate services. That he is one of the key roles in the express delivery services. What is invested in: – the timely arrival of a courier for a place to receipt of the order – explicitly stipulated time on the road on which the customer expects;-timely arrival and delivery to the person to whom correspondence intended – instant message information individuals to deliver an order from the manager of the office, etc. Support long-term relationships with clients – key to development and prosperity.

Special place in this play big companies that make a great number of orders for delivery month; Development of new areas of delivery and its ways. This should have beneficial effects on the stable development bezstressovoe Express Delivery Service. As we see from the above, service Express Delivery should be organized with no less care than other types of businesses. Thought through every detail must be in order not to lose customers at an early stage of development.

