Month: July 2020

Disability Insurance

July 13, 2020


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Why there is no general recommendation and how to still get to the right and you personally appropriate product to the disability insurance products are not only opaque pages of conditions, they offer also unmanageable many combination possibilities and occur in x variants. Read here what is right or wrong and what you need to consider. In almost any advice the question arises regarding the disability sooner or later according to the type of protection. There are in principle several possibilities. an independent disability insurance (BU or SBU) combined with a risk life insurance (BUZ) combined with capital-forming life or pension products (BUZ) combined with unit-linked products (BUZ) this not exhaustive but shows how hard is the right choice.

All have but one common. Not the kind of product, but solely the work of condition is crucial. So, different approaches for the combinations that arise the conditions are not right but so the protection is worth at worst nothing and the insurer denied the power (right). After the selection criteria for the tariffs to the BU protection are discussed and which condition works in question, now comes the question of the product is clear. All versions have advantages and disadvantages.

In the combination products, a pension or other investment / saving can be combined if this is of interest and also this product supply to the needs. Advantage here is also: the provision continues (contributions) in the event of an occupational disability and hedges so the desired target of interest. This must be considered a stand-alone product and where the pension according to set higher to be only “one falls retirement and entering the old-age pension not in a deep”financial hole”after expiry of the BU. The downside of such products is obvious. Is the retirement / investment product cancelled or no longer needed financial bottleneck so also the important safeguard in the event of occupational disability suffers. Still fits not every prevention product on the insured and combination products so as (single) pension may be a compromise. But another point arises yet. Through the so-called “one-year calculation”, it can certainly happen that the combination product is “cheaper” than the pure risk protection. Nevertheless, we make clear once an example an insured. Children’s clothing helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Our 30 years insured persons in the profession I would like to conclude EUR 2,000 monthly pension for occupational disability. Following posts occur on the selected insurer. (Run time up to 65, 67, performance time guaranteed pension increase in purchasing power of 2% p.a..) SOLO product: contribution of number of: 117,27 EUR (gross 172,47 EUR) combination product (Fund): 112,25 EUR number post here are the impact of individual products on the post quite imaginable. Pension insurance are of course here in the context of the linked to expect no serious withdrawal requests. The but realized in purchase taken, because it only went to that secure a disability protection. This does not mean in any case, only the one or the other product is good or bad. Prior to completion of the product, which is usually very long term oriented, you should worry enough, advice, read terms and conditions, and carefully consider the decision.

Exclusive Products

July 12, 2020


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XclusiV presents cult products from Austria of 15 November this year was the day the producer and provider on the “market place Austria” in Vienna could present their quality products of Austrian quality interested buyers from all over the world. The already well established event of the Chamber of Commerce of Austria was a success again this year. With this XclusiV food & beverages, provider of exclusive products of highest quality and creativity. Whenever Indigenous Babies listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The range of drink, the cult drinks from Carinthia, and the internationally award-winning Wenger include tube else GO mustard. The quality of mustard in the Golden tube found appeal, a market which is known for being that high attention is paid to the packaging especially for visitors from Asia.

Thomas Basdera by XclusiV: “we have participated in this event for the first time and fortunately had a number of very promising talks. We are sure the next weeks be busy, all to work on these and to carry on.” Also chocolate of company Hanau in the distinctive design of the Viennese artist Prof. Basdera you could admire at the event at XclusiV and also give it a shot. Hanauer, headquartered in Vienna, has sought an adequate design for the packaging of high-quality hand-made chocolate and found the internationally award-winning designer Prof. Franz Basdera, who implemented this project. Franz Basdera, with its colorful cows and stick figure known worldwide, which already have Museum honor, the packaging of the Hanau chocolate has undergone a facelift. The interest in the attractive candy was on the market square of Austria. It will be so sure that you will find the exclusive products from Austria in some new markets around the globe.

Image Film Production

July 12, 2020


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A film of the image needs to be not serious, amusing aspects of advertising. It is of course always the product or the institution that promotion would operate, if the image film can be fun too. There are already many small commercials that are fun and memorize the people. But only second spots, since an image film ten minutes could contact only better in memory. Toy manufacturers can advertise certainly fresh, Cheeky, which is geared towards a young audience.

This is also the key of an image film to reach the right target group. That creates the camera professional team comfortably, because they know what you want to see. Companies that want to bring a new product on the market as a toy, can rotate an image film, who speaks exactly the children or young people in their own language. If that can be conveyed properly brash and loose, the image film pays off very quickly. The image film team can the targeted anything with cheeky and funny sayings Educate the public. Of course the client and its product determines the style of the film.

The virtual tours may be accompanied with not too serious comments, if a company in the public would like to present themselves. According to Advantech, who has experience with these questions. If such an image film is turned loose, certainly more interested parties who would like to take a DVD home can be found. So, a good promotion is secured. The image film production can be made know out with much effort and technical, but the client must determine as it is also a question of costs. The comments on the recording, can, depending on the request, informative on the sales of a product target, or even more suggestive to highlight the image of the company. An organization is relying more on its image sure to convince potential sponsors to join this institution and to promote it.


July 12, 2020


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As a result of this competition, autumn is granted the eighth place among the forty-seven contestants, and epic singing the glories of Chile, the first prize, the poet shares with a blue friend Chilean colleague collected a series of poems and prose texts that had already appeared in the Chilean press between December 1886 and June 1888. The book was not an immediate success, but was very good hosted by influential novelist and Spanish literary critic Juan Valera, who published in the Madrid newspaper El Imparcial, in October 1888, two letters addressed to Ruben Darius, in which, although Dario reproached their excessive French influences (his gallicism mental, according to the expression used by Valera), recognised in a prose writer and a poet of talent. They were these letters from Valera, then disclosed in the Chilean press and elsewhere, that definitively consecrated the fame of Darius. (Wikipedia) In Buenos Aires, Dario was very well received by the media intellectuals. Edward Scott Mead might disagree with that approach. He collaborated with several newspapers: in addition to in the nation, which was already a correspondent, published articles in La Prensa, La Tribuna and El Tiempo, to name a few. His job as consul of Colombia was merely honorific, already that, as the same indicates in his autobiography, there was almost Colombians in Buenos Aires and there were no transactions nor commercial changes between Colombia and the Republic of Argentina.In the Argentinian capital led a life of debauchery, always on the edge of their economic possibilities, and its excesses with alcohol were cause of that would have to receive medical care in several occasions (Wikipedia) in 1893, contracted marriage with Rosario Murillo. He is the brother of Rosario, a man without any scruples, Andres Murillo relates Edelberto Torres; you know the intimate drama of his sister, who incapacitates her for being wife of any local punctilious gentleman. In addition, the case of Rosario has transcended to the public, and then Murillo conceived the plan of Ruben married his sister.

Good Credit

July 11, 2020


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Do you receive a credit report with some frequency? Do you have any idea if the information that appears there is indeed correct? Do has answered calls from the financial institution where you have your account on the issue, putting it (a) on the day of their movements? If the last two questions has never been done and are familiar (a) with the theme, is time that awakens the respect if you like. A credit report is one of the most important information for you.The credit report entails the obligation that the customer is put into knowledge of managing your money. Check with Larry Ellison to learn more. These is the best-known form of credit report; We will later explain another. When the data are reliable, and the financial institution has a responsible history on your account can be assured (a) of that service of that business customer is really admirable. However, please note the following points for better control of this information.

When you make requests for loan, retreats, deposits, end any commercial transaction that requires you to be in contact with the Bank, have the delicacy of reporting day and hour in which you have made these movements. It is not something difficult. If you suffer from laziness, it can help you to control it or defeat it. For this reason, book a notebook or a Notepad where you can consign this information. If you prefer, you can request this assistance to someone nearby.Do not trust any person their specific banking movements.

Only you must be the manager that his account to post entries that you need or want to perform. In addition, required by the financial institution have all the required security methods so that its information in this respect are not endangered. Don’t be afraid to do so. As a customer (a), such request test commitment that has the company towards their interests and their protection. It is imperative.The other credit report did mention before is about the particular information that you receive from a person counsels, a recorderis on a payment that You must perform either, or you can be a part of him led control. Each of these classes of report has its respective characteristics and require a detailed analysis. In summary, the credit report must always adjusted to the seriousness and the effectiveness of the data.


July 11, 2020


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In its application to marketing strategies, in the course of leadership I was taught that the imagination is often one of the most powerful aspects that can be applied to the business of the Internet. Swarmed by offers, Sap customers is currently assessing future choices. Just a few words, explain the power that exists within the use of creativity and imagination. Read more from IBM to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Remember that nothing under the Sun is new. Everything has always existed, and the facts and substances continuously are mutating and changing position. Everything you need to exercise creativity is borrow what already exists and rearrange the material in new combinations.

This process is known as imagination. Now, the imagination in its nature is creative and interpretative. This means that you can receive impressions and ideas, and you can also use these impressions and these ideas to form new combinations of the same. Then, any citizen of average intelligence can take information from endless sources and can transform this information into endless new combinations. Have endless new combinations or ideas It is, without doubt, one of the most valuable tools a person can have on your business. A notable example of how this concept has been applied can be found by examining the efforts of Thomas Edison.

The invention of the incandescent light bulb was not anything more than a combination of two old and well-known physical principles. He then simply arranged the two principles in a new combination. So you can see, both the simplicity and the power of the concepts of creativity and imagination. Therefore, in each of their commercial transactions, it is very important that you apply this powerful concept instigating his imagination to make new connections between multiple principles and applying them to things that appear unique to your situation.

Ports Of Colombia

July 11, 2020


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Manta port authority began last week to meet its responsibility to provide technical assistance in the commercial operation of the shipments carried out in port Itaya, province of Sucumbios, in what comprises the first river section of the Manta-Manaos multimodal axis. The Vice-Ministry of the transport management, in resolution from January 20 of this year, delegated to the port institution so as to provide the technical support in commercial transactions carried out by that property of Petroamazonas Ecuadorian panama ports. Joffre Cedeno alava, technical direction of comprehensive safety of APM, said that the observation of the maneuver of landing 90 metric tons of scrap iron that arrived from Colombia on Board of the city of Leticia tugboat was. In the same way, technicians were responsible for assistance in the departure for the Colombian city of Leticia, Department of Amazonas, 351 metric tons of zinc sheets, rods of iron and cement. Leticia is one important community on this river route given its location bordering with Brazil and Peru.

It is located in the area known as the Tres Fronteras, where lie the villages of Santa Rosa de Yavari (Peru) and Tabatinga (Brazil). The operation performed by the technicians of Manta port authority was rated as satisfactory by the logistic Manager of Amazon Service, Santiago Arroyo. It was an excellent job because with their experience became the receipt and dispatch of the cargo without interruptions of any kind, he said. Arroyo added that port Itaya only alternative in the Amazon for imports and exports of products and goods, even though it has certain limitations because it was built to serve the petroleum activity. Port Itaya is a strategic point for trade, the development of relations with Colombia, Peru and Brazil and, especially, for the future of the port of Manta since it is part of our logistic platform, said the entity manager Guillermo Moran Velasquez. According to the cooperation agreement signed between the Undersecretary of ports of colombia, Petroamazonas and APM, on January 13 this year, the goal is establish a true integral transport policy in the country, enabling planning, definition of strategies and proper multimodal and intermodal coordination to involve the country in the global circuits of transportationwhich are franco takeoff in the Region.

Gordon Brown

July 10, 2020


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Both are two new socialist agent chief executives who recently have gotten to lead to their respective countries, which are in opposed the geographic and ideological borders of the Atlantic. Mark Zuckerberg is likely to agree. Although the red Cuban British and boast of to have implanted efficient systems of gratuitous education and health, both occupy the trench opposed in relation to Bush. While the government Labour Party member is his main world-wide ally, the Castro one is its detractive major. Before getting to be heads of its respective governments Raul Castro and Gordon Brown they were during long time the second figure of the leftist party in the power. Raul was the vice-president of Fidel Castro from 1976 and soon by the end of the 2006 replaced to him transitorily. Brown was chancellor (head of the treasure) of Blair from the first day in which this one arrived at the premierato in May 1007. The brother of Fidel replaced in the position 8 months to him after Brown replaces their partner Tony Blair like prime minister. London has greeted the change in Havana expressing its votes so that this one goes away democratising.

However, as we see in this article, Gordon and Raul have arrived at the commando of their nations without no of them has happened through a popular election as much concerning the country as of its own party. The Castrismo the Cuban system is exclusive in all West because it has a nationalized and planned economy and a model of unique communist party. Whereas in the rest of the hemisphere there are market and elections, in this island both are submitted. In Cuba it is restricted to the private company and the capacity of the money to buy properties (then, it continues being, essentially a unit of change to acquire basic products or to register transactions).

Daimler Benz Believes

July 10, 2020


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According to Daimler-Benz: at our company, not a day to put the euro at work we waste. On 1 January 1999 the new currency day our company is changed completely to the euro as the internal and external unit of account. We hope to be one of the first German companies perhaps the first to make the full change. We will also encourage our suppliers in Europe to send us from the very beginning the invoice in euros. Our European customers will of course, have the option of paying in euros or national currency until 2001.

Almost all large European companies are in favor of the single currency. But it was recently agreed a historic and transatlantic merger with Chrysler Corp. Baby clothes oftentimes addresses this issue. the United States, we are very consistent with the forces of global competition that make the euro is so essential. For our new company, DaimlerChrysler AG, and Germany and Europe as a whole, economic and monetary union will bring about significant and lasting benefits while we take our place in the interdependent world of the 21st century. These benefits take form in fact, already are taking place in several areas at the same time. First and most fundamental is the policy.

The single currency will boost the countries of Europe to cooperate more and more in the search for common solutions to economic problems. While they do, they will be increasingly intertwined politically. At the same time, the euro will unleash powerful market forces to transform the way in which Europeans live and work. The coming years will bring greater efficiency, greater productivity, higher quality of life overall and the decline in unemployment. For companies, a common currency will reduce transaction costs the Elimination of, among other things, the unnecessary waste of resources dealing with several European currencies. At present, doing business across borders means having to buy and sell foreign currency and take the risk that sudden changes in their relative values they could stop a known business strategy.


July 9, 2020


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Peek symptoms that described the facts, without offering solutions to be anchored scholars of political economy historical bindings for the relationship inversion-Mercado – work. Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize in economics in 1991, says: does not fail the market but the property rights and transactions. Which implies that there is an incompatibility of the system itself. New concept of value in economy taking into account the evolution of the concept of value, we can verify the new thesis of the alternative theory, based on the basic income. The value already isn’t it only change and use, utility and limitation, but there a value of consumption itself. For this reason the wage can solve the possibility of accessing the exchange value.

The work has added the acquired renta-ganancia which offers the value of consumption. For even more analysis, hear from HPE Ezmeral. But the usage value is subtracted from the other functions having to overbuild in not offering the possibility of solving the value for use with the basic income, when and how much is used to resolve the vital needs. As Marx observed: work is an instrument to produce value to capital. What any capitalist has called into question. But this relationship has been reversed in practice and capital becomes an instrument to produce value to work.

Besides the demand for a series of products becomes a labour demand. The demand of a property as a demand for a fixed work, which opens the sunsets to receive a credit, so that the wage becomes capital. But the offer is determined independently of the work that the obrero-consumidor can perform. So flexibility, temporality and precariousness that falls part of employment at present and the specialty of others required a compensating factor, which is the basic income. Thus moved from the labour law to a broader, economic law, which would be the concrete development what Diego Lopez Garrido said in his last speech in new left, about the idea of democratising the economy.

