Month: August 2020

In Peru

August 25, 2020


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– Packard grants to its workers the flexibility to enter to work between the 6,30 a.m. and the 8,30 a.m. and to leave the work once turned the eight hours. Therefore, the main time in this organization this included between the 8,30 the 3,30 a.m. and p.m. Of this form the meetings and the activities in equipment are developed in this schedule. Traditionally the workers part-time have been employed of the sector services, because they have a high variation of the demand between the algid moments of work and the low moments. Here, Daniel Lubetzky expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For example, the restaurants and supermarkets engage many workers part-time to serve to their clients during the algid moments (normally week nights and ends).

Du pont I use the work shared between employees of the direction, the investigation and the secretaryship to avoid, of this form, to dismiss these workers. The compressed work. – It offers the advantage to avoid the potential interruptions in services that are due to realise the 24 hours, like the hospitals and the security forces . Shared work. – Two people of similar qualification they agree themselves to carry out a same position in different schedule. For example, of the eight working hours each does in average four, but in the schedule that better complies to its obligations. Thus, when one of them must do something changes of schedule with the other.

This type of work can be assumed by people who maintain a relation of close confidence to each other. b. – Agreements of leaves of absence or losses Allow individuals to leave to the work a long period of time. For cases of maternity, paternity, taken care of of minors. In Peru by labor legislation the worker pregnant she enjoys 45 days of rest before childbirth and 45 days of rest after the same. In addition the enjoyment to the rest before the childbirth could be delayed partial or, and totally accumulated by the rest after the childbirth, to decision of the own pregnant worker.

Adsense Make

August 24, 2020


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That everything began with a mouse. Then To achieve success in Internet and power to make money I create firmly that there is to apply these wise Pillars, if it beams of constant way I assure to you that soon your successes arrived. Now we go to explicarte the different more effective forms to make money in Internet. Click Blackberry to learn more. , we begin. 1. – Money with Blogger and Adsense Wins: I began to make money in Internet 5 years ago with something similar to blogger, and I recommend you if you do not have initial money to invest, here your first one investment will be of TIME, and goes that it is a valuable investment, in agreement you are making money I suggest to you you reinvert a part or 100% of your gains in an own Web site since what you do in blogger it will not be of your property. Djame I explain a little to you as Blogger combined with Adsense works: Google offers the gratuitous service to create your own blog, your blog will be like your own Web site, there you will be able to publish article entrances that you dominate, in fact I recommend to you that approaches your blog in a subject that gets passionate to you, for example if you like much the mascots because you can create blog that speaks of the different mascots that you can domesticate in your home or what your you like, there is where your imagination enters and your passion reason why you like. In order to create blog free you can make it in in Spanish, in fact is too easy darte of discharge and to begin to publish articles, .adems de permitirte to publish articles in your blog, also allows you to make money with CONTEXTUAL PUBLICITY WITH, in fact if you do not know how to create an account to begin to publish publicity you can do it to payment in the following page, The contextual Publicity is publicity or blocks of announcements that adjust to thematic of your blog or your page Web, if your Web speaks on cars, the announcements that will appear there will be on cars, motoring and everything what turns around this subject, the best thing of the contextual publicity is that everything is an automatic process, you do not need to look for advertisers, you only need to stick a code from and ready, it is but with blog of you only need to activate a few connections and ready you do not need to stick any code, to make money with contextual publicity he would be enough whereupon the visitors who enter your Web or blog give click in the announcements that appear there. .


August 24, 2020


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Culture that is imposed in this was is the individualism which pays worship to the ego, without giving priority to the contribution that we can make it to other people. There is also a desire for riches and the accumulation of possessions, which privileges the individualism and self-interest above the contribution to others. Under this scheme anonymity, indifference, indolence and neutrality are gaining ground on mutual support, solidarity and the orientation for contribution to others. We need healthy interdependence. Life, by nature, is interdependent. Living beings constitute open systems carried out exchanges with the environment, taking the elements necessary for their survival, but at the same time leaving your contribution to life. Interdependence is the basis for an effective human interaction.

Interdependence moves us to cooperation, synergistic relations, to trust in others, to teamwork, to deep and meaningful relationships and personal maturity. 8. Hard I will keep my course. I persevere and continue in the pursuit of my goals? People who achieve important results are persevering. Everything that is really worth your while, will take us an effort and a long time. The first vaccine against rabies was produced by Louis Pasteur at age 63, after 25 years of research. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after 30 years of research.

The Patriarch Abraham received Isaac, the child of promise, after 25 years of long wait on God. Demosthenes came to become one of the greatest speakers of the ancient Greece, after many years of arduous exercises to overcome his stuttering. The Wright brothers crashed more than 500 scale models of aircraft, before achieving put on air the first airplane with own propulsion. Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill reached the Presidency of their countries after a lifetime of defeats and political activity. In conclusion, achieving desired outcomes demands focus and perseverance in our daily performance. 9. Strictly I alineare my goals. I make corrections on my way to realinearme with my mission and goals? What is the frame of reference through which I realineo my walk? Dr.

The Heart

August 24, 2020


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In the present you arrive at small before room another great door that takes to another room the perfect place for an ambush, you examine the place where you are empty suitcases, are of specialized equipment probably night vision, doubtless are good preparations than the other, in equipment that left you see something that can serve you, lights of flare, takings pair of them, now you must to enter, has man died in floor reason why you see seems that suicidal, it takings as shield and you begin to run towards the door, when you hit this is abre totally, immediately the bodyguards begin to shoot, who idiot I do not work before and it did not work now, nevertheless when having the lenses of night vision its firings are more effective, one of the firings gives in the right arm, immediately loose the body you takings one flare and you ignite it strips to the air and wheels far from her, now they no longer can verte, the wound in your arm does to your weaker blow, but it even is sufficiently hard to kill them to all, one by one all fall on your feet in a moment have been assassinated by your sword, but it even lacks your objective is not no of them, it listening is hidden in closet, you walk until this you abres and it, is mirndote there you can see the fear in its eyes, it does not beg you by its life as the other although would not matter it did if it, only watches to you fixedly, takings your sword and you nail asegurndote to transfer the heart to him now your mission is complete while the body this on your feet bleeding you return to remember has spent almost a month since your father went away and not yet one has communicated with you neither with your mother, it and the other women or is very worried, on the following day one of them makes a frightful discovery in a newspaper the photo of your father and the one about the other men assassinated by the army, in the newspaper she says that your father and the other men were important members of the guerrilla and that they were planning a great attack in the capital, your father has died now after as much holding you cry to just as your mother, with happening of the days the things are put worse, your mother and your they are thrown to the street, although she attempt to work seriously ill, your knows that she is by the lost sadness of having your father, are in the street at night and is raining, embrace you it very hard to warm up it you remember what your father said the day to you that went away and you say to him to your mother: – " mother I you cuidare" As you were not going to do it, you had promised your father, rain finally had stopped and the night it became day with the exit of the sun, you even embraced your mother you separate a little stops to give him good morning but what you see leaves you terrified, it is dead, died in your arms and you did not make anything to help, salts him running of there and later you cry, continuous crying until she does not have but tears in your body now these no longer only you live but either you do not die, after many days your instincts seize of you, the day becomes night and you are hungry so you rob food, but they discover to you and they go to atraparte your you use few forces that you must to flee, causing destructions by all the place which causes that more people persecute to you, at the outset are many but you do not let yourself catch so they are gotten tired and they go away, every time are less now are only six or seven those that they persecute to you, they are armed and not render the fatigue in the end wins to you they catch and you in an impasse, are very annoying and all have a machete in the hand, the one that seems the leader approaches and it says to you: – " damn rat you have had all night giving to us returned, not only I am going to cut the hands to you, if not that to cut the legs to you so that you cannot flee &quot again; Watch you it at the face you recognize and it immediately is the man who a few months ago back your safe father, you remember its face of gratefulness of that day very different which she has then, another one from the men approaches and she says to you: – " you do not have reasons to live, you do not matter to him to anybody, in this world if cuidarte by same you cannot simply you do not deserve vivir" Your nonbeams not at all only the sights, the leader approach, but then a small shout is listened to of one of the men who persecuted the one that was but far from you, all to you turn around to see it while he falls dead and you can see a man, in its hand has something seems a machete but he is longer and it seems to shine, of the men shouts to him: – " what happens to you you are crazy! " But the mysterious man did not say anything I rush envelope they at a great speed and with his shining one I kill he arms them one by one until only I am the man who was going to cut the legs to you, when this man saw this loosen his weapon and I kneel down began to cry requesting mercy saying that he wanted to return to see his children, the mysterious man unemployment in front of him I rise its weapon and of to a single I kill it blow, now the man walks towards you, it sights to the eyes, its hand approaches and extends dicindote with a smile in its face: – " you would like to come with me " The noise of helicopters landing in brings you to the roof of return, apparently have arrived the reinforcements, sights to your objective that lies dead on your feet and you say to him: – " a little takes you do not create it, but even so it is necessary to give them bienvenida" You tighten the handle of your sword, the wound in your arm hurts more and more but not yet you have finished, you send yourself to run towards the encounter of your enemies. . You may find Nicki Minaj to be a useful source of information. . .

Hymn To The Surgeons

August 24, 2020


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I was a happy man who one day lost the joy, between medical examinations, resonances and CT. I was a free man who one day lost that freedom in the Diving Bell of a sudden and terminal diagnosis. I was a hardworking man who one day lost their jobs between hospital hospitalizations and surgeries. I was a surgeon, plump wielding the scalpel one day scalpel plump turned toward me and opened me a gap in the upper quadrant, returned me to life when life was already leaving of my! I was a doctor who one day Cancer his attire snatched! and threw it to a bed as a patient and when I already expected only be buried hands bloody surgeons returned me life and the pristine bata of Galen. For this reason, surgeon. I welcome your Eagle eyes!, and your eyes of Lynx that allow you to view the tortuous intricacies of challenging sowed Anatomy of tumors and ambushes.

I welcome your Lion heart! and your bravery, that makes you strong, front bleeds, adhesions and imponderables. Greeting from your hands on women! that make you smooth, human and generous to the fierce pain. I welcome your bloody hands! that you represent the triumph of surgery. I salute your faith!, because in any nook of the soul, you acrisolas a prayer, which is always needed in this struggle, I welcome your understanding that combines your innate vehemence. I salute your wisdom in the decisions! salute your reflexes speed greeting from your sense of smell to anticipate risks.! I welcome your adrenaline! natural fragrance of your life raises your surgeon scalpel and toast by the! health and life that we return! Greeting from your heroic victories and your anonymous presence in glory! Original author and source of the article

Buenos Aires

August 23, 2020


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Then, never better average the baptism of detachable aunts. Add to your understanding with Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. It was seven years old, just as my smaller son, when I knew the Paulina aunt. She was the dearest friend of my mother. With her mother cheered up to come single her soul, of other relatives, to Buenos Aires, that nothing had to do with its native Santa Fe. The same Buenos Aires, excited that it when other travellers who went to their province told him of him or the great capital, seemed to Paris. It was scared to him to modest airs few so different ones from native from his terruo.

But the Capital offered the work and the possibilities that its town no longer could give him. And it is thus, that fulfilled the majority of age came with its friend of the soul. Greater than she, even. With the Paulina aunt. Like not wanting it, if it were who had consoled the mother tears, all the trip in train, while the noise of the locomotive did not manage to rock it. Like not loving the Paulina aunt who took metaphorically literal and the mother hand maintained and it until mother, left of to be strange just a little bit just and could learn to walk a little single in the great city. And when in spite of continuing being strange already one grasped them single, it touched the turn to me. It was the one that wove wool caps to me, because it said that the winter was harsh and it cooled the ears to me and that a girl with cold ears could not think or and was necessary for the days that they ran to think or. Or the one that in the name of the harsh winter and behind the back of mother, who knew but that the one became that did not know, gave chocolates me.

Genesis And Resurrection

August 23, 2020


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In order to introduce itself in the Biblical reading, it only needs spiritual will and oration, to obtain the best discernment in including/understanding the words of its author. It has much more in this book that knowledge, is much more wisdom in him is life and life in abundance, cannot be read the bible and remain been silent with this knowledge without sharing all the beautiful one which in him it has, is the unique book that car renews as the man begins to include/understand his own scientific advance, because everything what man tries to realise as social advance; this book already takes writing to it, is on the spiritual awares to you, speaks directly to your conscience, abre the veil of your understanding and you manage to see the life of a way different from the way you took that it before, the fibers of your feelings are affected towards a new spiritual experience. To include this skillful work written by different people during centuries and taken from the hand by the spirit santo and directed by a single consumador author the father all powerful and his son Christ our rescuer, is the greatest legacy of salvation atravez of the faith, written it humanity to reconcile to us with the father and thus to reach the eternal life. During an analysis of study between the chapter of the resurrection of Christ, described by the apostles Mateo, Frame, Lucas and Juan, it is obtained observes a similarity between the tomb where it was placed the son of the man and the Edn where one takes place fall of man, between old pact and pact renewed exists great variety of event that is related to each other like symbolic events of character to similar events in historical synonymy, between the chapter (2) and the chapter (3) of the book of Genesis, in that analogous characteristics are appraised that symbolize in the context of the new testament the tomb and the resurrection, exist in those passages; rhetorical figures between the sin that produces the fall of the man and the condemnation of all the humanity, with the resurrection of Christ by the rescue of the human being.

Decorativas Figures

August 23, 2020


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You would ask yourself that he is foami? foami is a material of the family of the plastics, who due to her condition for combining flexibility and resistance, is used to make figures decorativas of all class. as they are the typical of foami? Good resistance to the climate and the chemicals. Low water absorption. It is easy to beat. It is easy to cut.

It is possible to be colored and to be painted with any type of painting. Read more from Scott Kahan to gain a more clear picture of the situation. He is washable. He is not toxic. He is not harmful to the environment, it is possible to be recycle or to be incinerated. That decorativas figures can be done with foami? All that you want! only your imagination is limits. the figures can be: Decorativas for your kitchen decorativas for your fourth Decorativas for your Decorativas bath for your office decorativas for all class of events like marriage or the birth of a boy. Foami is so useful, that also it is possible as much to be realised all class of dolls and accessories like purses and portfolios for men as for women. Because he is so simple to learn the techniques of foami? Because it gives the facility to work with molds predesigned, that is to say you only need your predesigned molds and ready a! to work.

Can be created company learning the technique of foami? Doubtless. the accessories and figures in foami very aprecidas and are commercialized in the market due to their decorative beauty and to its practicidad, by their little weight. That tools I need to work the technique of foami? only pencils, markers, scissors, drill and watercolors. any more. Foami doubtless is an excellent material that by its condition is easy to work and to mold, if you wish to know but thorough these technical ones visit: Original author and source of the article.


August 23, 2020


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The geotubos are definitive solution for the protection of coasts, rivers and lagoons, among others applications of support in other hydraulic works. Species of bags in the form of tubes, of called there geotubos, that are constructed directly on the slope of the margin. Geomanta specific that forms the container of the geotubos fills with sand, earth of the place or with hydraulic filling contributed by a dredge. The applications with geotubos are used the geotubos in the construction of spurs, breakwater. The newspapers mentioned Daniel Lubetzky Bio not as a source, but as a related topic. The beaches against the erosion are protected, the spurs also are used to establish intermediate zones that the contribution of the sand by the currents allow the recovery of beaches. If the geotubos are placed parallel to the coasts it generates a structure that reduces to the energy of the waves avoiding the erosion of the beach. The geotubos in the protection of coasts In mighty rivers the geotubos act as of gravity structure that it prevents that the river leaves its channel flooding populations or fields of of agricultural character, mainly maintain the coasts stabilized and avoid the located and retrograde erosion. One is fit solutions, respectful with the environment and of reasonable costs for his application in cases of deprived property, where until it is possible to be carried out manually. You know cases erosion of margins? as the administration tries these problems?

Tao Divine One

August 23, 2020


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We are told, that we are cosmic antennae to share and give everything for our awakening, know our opportunity and cultivate what dominates our Tao Divine spirit. Taken into account, says the cited source, that the consciousness of the majority of human beings is very locked. Vessel of life, the structure of the body’s cells and particles of the soul, are full of opinions, ideas, customs and human dogmas, only when the man hears or reads over and over again, fundamental divine laws, that make possible a life of the spirit, also his conscience can capture them slowly on the other hand brings us, we are all part of the same spirit. And however, we must take our place in the world. One should take their place in the world. The place that our hearts knows that we must deal with, do the things that our hearts know that we have to do, regardless of the geographic location in which our body is. Because we are where we are one is the center of the universe. It is not something Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries would like to discuss. And God’s heart beats in our chest.We take our place in the world.

There is a gift that one can only make offerings. A look that only one can play. Learn more about this with Munear Ashton Kouzbari. We have a mission to accomplish. And this mission is present in every part of our being, as they are fingerprints on our fingers and eyes on our face. Don’t read it or interpret it. You need to live it. Because our mission more beyond being something that we feel in our hearts, is our heart. To delve into our inner Temple will find that necessary information that will allow us to determine the why we are, what our reason for being, what we should do to take advantage of the time that are permitted to be and make progress in the spiritual.

