Month: August 2020

South Community

August 20, 2020


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I so sane, and therefore wanted to my classroom classmates saw the Majesty that is the apu, from where you can watch all the apus of the cordillera until the pariacaca which is in the South of lima. I delight to see them as they enjoyed the scenery and peace that he felt in their hearts. I also felt comforted with the good intention for them. Many photos and some videos were taken so that you have as a reference for our visit. I I always visit it when I want to look beyond my present. I recently inspired a new prophecy that came out just as I sensed it. The betrayal of the community of the cob to Sapa Apu Inka.

Only that the Apu Iroz will punish them for their affront, so patience to myself that the same Apu will make them reflect their disorder. After sharing, some dishes with the guardians of the Apu and do the respective offerings we went toward the community of Caypanda, where he lives a very spiritual man, known as don Goyito, but before we pass through don Santos who is one of the few who know how to weave to the Sapa Inca and also for the runes, is not well known since it says that Western man must not know their secrets despite the fact that already in you tube you I put despite their opposition, because it is a living relic of the history of our peoples, with the way that knows the tissues and their meanings, which were taught him through many generations and today there who wants to put as an apprentice. My goal and thought was rescuing the This tissues amauta knowledge, seems that the Apu not wanted or who knows you want this knowledge is lost and only I and the community know it I seemed it much, but, because I don’t have enough time, if I had not put as his apprentice, despite his opposition. You have me too much respect as well when we arrived at la posada de don Goyito, all riot and immediately with your huarmi put is to cook for all visitors. The preparation of Guinea pig is different from other communities, since they have to season with achiote, stick and chicha de jora the grasses native to the community that make it different and that only they know apart from their offspring mature included. So we all ate and as deference give them what brought the Chala, and the Amazon area such as different fruits that doesn’t grow in your community, which forms part of the buffer zone of the reserve of Calipuy.

Modern Websites

August 20, 2020


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Navigating the web site can be considered qualitatively performed in the event that it is in some degree a reflection of the structure of a website and promotes easy access to all sections of the site. If you have read about Daniel Lubetzky NY already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Navigation should be more simple and easy for website and at the same time accessible to search engines. In fact, it's all pretty complicated, but well-built navigation structure can greatly increase the position of the site. More note once again that design the web site navigation should, given the rules of search engine optimization. First of all it is they, the search engines lead users to the site. Please note that search engine spiders can not see a pop-up and drop-down lists that adorn the navigation system so the site. To index page search engine, navigation, you need to do the text and put it to the top of the page. What kind of navigation is? Usually it happens that in the development of the site includes several types of navigation.

Only their combination can guarantee competent positive result. These species are: the main navigation, secondary, service and additional pieces of information. We list the main types of navigation, which are designed to provide comfort and ease of travel to key pages website. Of course, the basis is the main navigation navigation or a navigation bar (the site menu). Photostrip be the most used element in web design.

The main task of the navigation bar – is to ensure web site visitors an easy and clear access to main sections of the website. This explains why the lion's share of the success of a good navigation bar depends on competent structure of the site. Need to think as clearly as possible the structure location information. Only then is more likely to create a truly successful navigation. One of the nuances of creating a list of topics – the use of additional contextual menu in the main panel.

Isabel Village Children

August 19, 2020


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It has two decades approximately, still writing some texts for the Periodical of Isabel Village, I wrote a substance whose name was ' ' THE HEROES NOT MORE THE MESMOS' '. The content of this spoke on the substitution on the part of the children of its old heroes for the calls ' ' owners of morro' ' that they exhibited weapons, clothes of marks, the most beautiful women of the community, jewels and money. It still said the substance of that already at that time the boys more did not want to be ' ' mocinhos' ' in the tricks of policy and outlaw, they preferred to be ' ' bandidos' ' , exactly for all the advantages that, in its cabecinhas not yet formed, these would have. The newspapers mentioned Blackberry not as a source, but as a related topic. Today, almost twenty years later, we attend the occupation for the Military Policy of some slum quarters that until then were dominated by dealers, in special of the region of the Great Tijuca. For the photos printed in periodicals and news articles in tele-periodicals, in them it seems that the public power is rescuing the citizenship of that per decades the terrorism and the order had lived under of delinquents who compelled the inhabitants to be its abetters, to see its children if to become plus one ' ' soldado' ' the service of the traffic and its children still in the adolescence to be submitted the sexual whims of the outlaws, having as only option in the case not to agree, to abandon its houses to save its families. Independent of being partisan or of the current government of the state of Rio De Janeiro, if it cannot deny that the UPP? S is the only real attempt in last the twenty years to rescue the right to go and to come of that, most of the time, due to conditions they are obliged to live in mounts and slum quarters.

The Conscientious

August 19, 2020


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The people can choose to risk it the privation of an inferior necessity the service of one superior, as in the case of the person who gives up a job to preserve its auto-respect. But the necessity most preponderant eventually is reaffirmed. Connect with other leaders such as toddler clothing here. Finally, Maslow introduced what it called ' ' bigger tolerance to the frustration by means of the gratuity inicial' '. The people who had had satisfied its basic necessities during the life, especially in its initial years, seem to develop a bonanza power to support the present or future frustration of these necessities. Maslow also characterized its declaration of that a superior necessity emerges when an inferior necessity is satisfied. In fact, a necessity does not need to be completely satisfied before that the next one emerges; Maslow considered decreasing percentages of satisfaction to the measure that we go up in the superiority hierarchy.

Finally, Maslow presented some reasonable complications of its model. It did not place the conscientious or completely unconscious necessities as. Although typically let us not be conscientious of our basic necessities, we can take conscience of them with certain effort. Our conscientious desires of day-by-day are ' ' pointers of surface of necessities more bsicas' '. Maslow recognized the reality of the cultural diversity and it did not affirm that its hierarchy was universal. But it suggested that the hierarchy is more universal and more basic of what the superficial conscientious desires and the behaviors which normally we give attention. Maslow agreed to Freud that the majority of the behaviors is superdetermined or multimotivated for all the basic necessities.

Finally, some behaviors are not motivated, but determined for the external field, or are a consequence of the style of person. Syndromes. Maslow believed that we could better understand the organization of the personality by means of the concept of syndrome of the personality, a term that it took loaned by the medicine.

Smoking And Health

August 19, 2020


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Having wrong when the patient has risk factor of smoking. Keywords: Myocardial Infarction, Tobacco, Influence. 1.INTRODUO the tobaccoism affects millions of individuals in the whole world, therefore if they become a problem each more evident time for the World-wide Organization of the Health, other world-wide entities that act in its prevention and its combat (HISS et al; 2008). The tobacco has been associated to an increase in mortality for aterosclertica coronary illness, what it was proven in diverse studies. Go to toddler clothing for more information. This results of the association of some harmful effect of the tobaccoism on the mechanisms of aterognese and trombose (NOZAWA et al; 2003). The study of infarto acute of the myocardium (THEY WENT) it is basic for the high prevalence, mortality and morbidade of the illness. Studies epidemiologists disclose taxes of general mortality for 30% return, being that half of the deaths occurs in first the two hours and 14% die before receiving attendance medical. However, the patients who precociously receive services from emergency had been the ones that had more had benefit of the therapeutical advances of the last decades (PESARO and SERRANO, 2004).

The problematic one of research if of the one for the great appearance of infarto acute of the myocardium, and as the tobaccoism can influence in the illness. It presents as objective it influences to describe it of the tobaccoism predisposition to infarto acute of the myocardium. 2.REVISO OF LITERATURE 2,1 Carrie DEFINITION (2007) presents infarto as the reduction of the sanguineous flow of coronary arteries, resulting in isquemia and necrosis of the myocardium. Mortality is great if the treatment will be delayed, and almost half of the sudden deaths for infarto acute of the myocardium, occurs before hospitalization, for return of the first hour after the beginning of the symptoms. The prognostic improves with strong treatment, initiate immediately. According to Smeltzer and Bare (2005), infarto acute of the myocardium is caused by the sanguineous flow diminuido of a coronary artery due to rupture of aterosclertica plate and to subsequente occlusion of the artery for one trombo.

Biblical Studies

August 19, 2020


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You know that I am adventista of cradle and such, but I confess that never I had lived nothing seemed. I felt me for the first time truily as an instrument at the hands of God. Face, during thirty days I had inesquecveis experiences. It made the cult and the day morning spiritual well early, visited and gave Biblical studies during the afternoon, prayed with the families, nailed the night. I discovered dons that it had and nor wise person and others that had but did not use. friend, the best part was to testify people being been transformed by God, if delivering the Jesus, abandoning vices, reattaching marriages, being baptized.

Brother, good excessively, only blessing! I perceived that young necessary adventista all to calebear, to pass for an alive and real experience of salvation and service. The Calebe Mission is this, transformation of its life and other lives. It was a revolution in my life spiritual. You have that to try friend. there, we go to form a team with galera for the next vacations? Friend: I do not know not. I am with distrust, with fear I know there! E, moreover, I find that I do not obtain, I do not have dom as you have. (The other young strengthens the negative idea, trying to discourage it, saying that it goes to play the vacations is nailing instead of tanning and of if amusing.) Young Adventista Calebe: Nothing to see.

The God calls who you for the communion is the same God enables who you to the mission. I also felt myself thus before, but now, I do not see the hour of calebear in the next Mission. (The people of Israel ' ' descongela' ' starts to try to discourage Calebe. At the same time the young modern try to discourage the friend. Suddenly it hears voice of God) God: Until when to this it will provoke me people and until when it will not believe in me, exactly with all the signals that I made in the way of them? (Numbers 14:11) the two groups of murmuradores, old and modern, fall for land.


August 19, 2020


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Any searches on the subject of these points will give thousands of companies willing to offer hosting services and register the domain. Many hosting providers for payment for their services at the agreed time (usually between 6 months and over) register a domain for free. Baby clothes might disagree with that approach. Good option for savings, but here we must be careful, some registered domain Giving themselves and not you. Now when you register a domain name and paid hosting (at least pay for the 6 months before still on a stable Sustainability does not come out), it is necessary to determine the goods. This will help us Yandex statistics.

Here are the results I received when I wrote this story (short for clarity on the way to buy) Request / Qty nokia/23262 buy buy telefon/18284 buy knigu/14659 dvd/11987 buy buy buy film/11150 diski/10241 noutbuk/9666 buy buy buy igru/8891 chasy/7726 samsung/7502 buy buy buy kompyuter/6343 ericsson/5760 When you look do not be lazy. If I gave everything here that we would have looked Several hundred pages of text. Do not consider this truth table in the final instance, I gave it only for clarity, because chose a group of products which it aptly illustrates.. .

Man Health

August 19, 2020


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1 INTRODUCTION the study that will be presented intends to show to the importance of the implantation and implementation of the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man. Studies show that during the history of the adoecimento process and death between the sexos natural processes were established as, considering its biological differences, show that the first references in what say health of the man were come back toward carriers of HIV/Aids and gays and were cited in literatures feminists and 1990 had only started to promote events on health of the man, however always come back toward ertil disfuno, where the performance prevailed of doctors and the pharmaceutical industry and the treatment of the illness aimed at the man in collective way and not of individual form, they did not consider that the problem of the ertil disfuno could have origin of psychological character and they always dealt with medication, generating profits for the involved professionals (AQUINO 2005). The actions directed enter toward health process, studies show that it has a great difference in practical of attention the health of the woman, who is carried through with more persistence and firmness in relation the health of the man, with this the masculine public is absent of the system of health services, looking for assistance only when some pathology affects its sexuality or when the same already it possesss an established illness. (CARRARA and collaborators 2009). Considering the facts above it is that Portaria was instituted in the scope of the Only System of Sade (SUS) n 1,944, of 27 of August of 2009, with intention to diminish the high index of morbimortalidade of the masculine population thus leaving of being a problem of public health. This would carry was created to guarantee well-taken care of integrals for the masculine population, supporting, facilitating and extending the access to the services of health on the part of this population..

Therefore French

August 18, 2020


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30? E, having broken from there, passed for the Galilia, and it did not want that it knew nobody it; 31? because it taught its disciples and it said to them: The Son of the Man will be delivers at the hands of the men, they will kill and It; but, three days after its death, it will revive. Evangelho de JESUS according to Landmarks, CAP. 9:31. ‘ ‘ The value of the great men measures for the importance of the services given to the Humanity. Voltaire? French philosopher. ANAS AND CAIFZ the brain without the presence of the heart makes the person to make a mistake in its judgments; was this what it occurred, when the men said wise for envy had hunted JESUS benesse to conquer it of Herodes. Then, it sent it to Anas, manietado, to the presence of Caifs, the supreme priest.

Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 18:24. ‘ ‘ war is the greater of the crimes, but aggressor does not exist who not disguise its crime with justice excuse. Voltaire? French philosopher. The LAW DOES NOT LEAVE TO PASS NOTHING 42 – Jesus Asked to them: Never east in the Holy Writs: The rock that the constructors had rejected, this lode to be the main rock, angular; this proceeds Mr. and is wonderful to our eyes? 43 – Therefore I say, you that the Kingdom of will be taken off you to God and will be delivers to a People who produces it the respective fruits. 44? All what to fall on this rock it will be in pieces; that one on who it to fall will be reduced the dust.

The Cinderela

August 18, 2020


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Cinderela supports everything, therefore ' ' it did not dare to complain to the father, would have reprehended who it because she was its woman who gave the orders in casa.' ' (Tatar, 2004-p.39) the stepmother could give the orders, but who took care of was Cinderela. One more time we see Cinderela to present the traces of ' ' good-me' ' , that, for the society (mainly of Perrault) era/ that one that takes care of of the house. The stepmother does not occupy no place in the life of Cinderela as ' ' good me' ' , either in the affective field? ' ' she did not tolerate the good qualities of enteada' ' (they ibidem, p.39) – or in the domestic cares? ' ' She puted in charge it (Cinderela) coarser services to them of casa.' ' (they ibidem, p.39) Gonalves (1998) makes a linking with the paper of ' ' good me' ' before very desired for the women and what today they long for: If in ' ' Cinderela' ' the heroine passes of the condition of bred for queen, the women had also passed for this transformation: of unsatisfied owners of house for well-succeeded professionals. But this change also placed the women front to an ambivalence: on the other hand they desire to disentail the domestic tasks of the paper of ' ' good me' ' , for another one they charge themselves for not obtaining cumpriz it total. The Cinderela of stories of fairies also is thus. On the other hand it yearns for the recognition for the tasks that it plays in the house, for another one wants to become a pretty queen who it will have created to play this role. (p.98; 99) Although all badness of the stepmother, Cinderela finishes for pardoning it and the stocking-sisters. This capacity to pardon above of any badness proves that Perrault defined the ideological use in fairy stories. .

