Planning CVM

October 2, 2015


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Oligopsnio It is a form of market with few purchasers and innumerable salesmen, that is, inverse to the case of the oligopoly the purchasers obtain to impose a price of purchase of the products to the producers. Its profits depend on the elasticity of offer. It would be an intermediate situation enters of monopsnio and of fully competitive market. Regulating agencies the markets financial and of capitals in Brazil are regulated by Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN), by the Brazilian Central Bank (Central banking) and by the Commission of Movable Values (CVM). In accordance with the regulation Brazilian, the creation and the movable operation of organized markets of headings and values and systems of safekeeping and liquidation require the previous authorization of the CVM and the BACEN, as the case. Monetary advice National CMN – O Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN) is the maximum deliberative agency of the National Financial System.

To the CMN it competes: to establish the general lines of direction of the politics monetary, exchange; to regulate the conditions of constitution, functioning and fiscalization of the financial institutions and to discipline the instruments of monetary and exchange politics. The CMN is constituted by the Minister of State of the Farm (President), by the Minister of State of the Planning and Budget and by the President of the Brazilian Central Bank (Bacen). The services of secretariat of the CMN are exerted by the Bacen. Commission of Movable Values CVM & ndash; it is a federal agency of the Treasury department with ability to regulate and to monitor the stock market of Brazilian market. One of the main attributions of the CVM is to monitor the activities of public company, organized markets of balcony, markets of stock market and futures, as well as of members of the system of distribution of real estate values, such as administrators of deep and asset. .

