Service Plants

October 11, 2015


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We only preserve what we know well, from there the necessity of systematic studies on this species that although so attacked and of the risks that run the Ministry of the Environment if wants integrated it in the new Official list of the Species of the Brazilian Flora Threatened of Extinguishing elaborated for the Biodiversitas Foundation in the Category of plants II – with deficiency of data: those whose information (geographic distribution, threats/impacts and uses, among others) are still deficient, not allowing to fit them with security in the condition of threatened. Orquidfilo has a paper very important in this process of calling to the responsibility of the public agencies in the direction to stimulate the creation of data base on this and other plants that had been at least catalogued and is running eminent risk of extinguishing. To be more accurate, only the Cattleya Nobilior and the Cattleya Walkeriana enter the orquidceas of TM had been fit in this category although to be common we find in the side of the roads that take for the region TM north, barraquinhas in the edge of the highways vendendo orqudeas natives without no fiscalization or accompaniment of the agencies ' ' competentes' '. They agree to detach that the article 8 of the Instruction Normative of the Ministry of the Environment published in September of 2008 it determines that: ' ' The species with deficiency of constant data of Annex II to this Normative Instruction and that in accordance with the studies mentioned above to present scientific information enough to be considered threatened of extinguishing will be publication object of new Normative Instruction for the Ministry of the Environment ' '. It wants to know greaters information on the Complete List of the Threatened Plants? It consults the list and it verifies if there well pertinho of you is not occurring indifference or omission on the part of the authorities, its action can help to preserve a species and all chain that it needs to survive, is alone to clicar in link: Who loves takes care of and who knows makes the hour! This is the moment to promote studies, quarrels and debates the national level on this and other plants of the family of the orquidceas that are at risk of extinguishing so that they do not disappear completely of the nature. preservation of the species in its natural habitat surely will contribute among others for bigger genetic variation. Currently the country if is proud of being the fourth bigger power in regards to bank of germoplasma, being behind only of the United States (500 a thousand samples), of China (390 a thousand samples) and of Germany (160 a thousand samples), thanks to the interchange between the EMBRAPA and the LABEX-EUA and the Service of Pesquisa Agrcola (ARS) American north, the challenge is to demonstrate that we need to expand the research that until the moment if concentrates in the lumber and nourishing activities for other areas not less important for the balance of the planet among which we detach the orquidofilia and all gamma of life that if it interrelates with this that if configures as of the families of evolved plants more than science it has knowledge.

