Soviet Land

March 9, 2017


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And it is these circumstances often do good in all respects the land unattractive to buyers. Man wants to build, but there's only state certificate under horticulture. So do not be simpler to look for another site? However, serious investment companies with a vast arsenal of skills and resources, can afford to buy such "problem" areas, so that by investing in the conversion of land earmarked funds and force them to sell at a higher price. By the way, the private customers to buy land in these players be more logical: without the necessary experience and established system of work for appropriate conversions, and just to summarize to the area of communications will take an inordinate amount of time and money. Today in the Odessa region the main sources of land on the market are the Belgorod-Dniester area, which includes Carolino Bugdovo, Egorovka and Eremeevka, as well as other villages in the area of the Kiev highway, direction by Nicholas highway. As a result of monitoring proposals, the most expensive by far the land, "Sauvignon" and in the direction of Carolino Bugaz: availability of the necessary state certificates, communications, resort area and proximity to the sea had done their work in the area of pricing. The average price here ranges from 15 to 20 thousand dollars for a hundred, and in Prilimanskom Chervonoye farm land is slightly cheaper – from 8 to 12 thousand dollars for a hundred. Fontanka and long Lines are for the most part cottages, found at area under horticulture and viticulture is difficult, and the cost of land (weaving) of at least $ 10 000 The most promising direction for today might be called Hadzibeevsky estuary. Go to State Street Global Advisors for more information.

This is not surprising. Traditions cottage construction and, accordingly, summarize Communications develops there since Soviet times. By surrounding Hadzhibeya easily accessible in the immediate vicinity Kiev is a trail around the estuary of the well-developed infrastructure services. "Chip" has long been a fishing Hadzhibeya today there might and main breeds mullet. Local system residential estates and townhouses, as well as individual farms, growing only here until the buyer pays extra for a "brand", as, for example, Carolino Bugaz or Sauvignon. In the vicinity of the estuary today Hadzibeevsky actually buy a plot of 6 acres for 12 thousand dollars, that is, by paying two thousand dollars for a hundred. And the average price of land, which has been landscaped, rarely more than 3-5 thousand dollars for a hundred. Hopefully, the ideas outlined in the article will help many who want to orient in intricacies of the land market. After all, the land – are the foundation that gives rise to everything. And with the right approach, careful analysis and interaction with experts, land can give rise to, and your personal success.

