The Following

September 8, 2013


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A not satisfactory employment: you know that not you want to but you do nothing to fix it. A couple inconvenient: someone with whom you have a lousy relationship, but tolerate fear to stay alone, to change or to confront him. Talk with someone who treats you in a way that bothers you. Wear the clothes to the laundry Do review your car Clutter on your desktop Develop your financial report Write the pending report frequently those things that you have pending, they worry you so much that they prevent that you focus on your job properly and will force you to invest additional time worrying by everything there is to do, by dates of maturity, or to resolve what is complicated not be cared for in a timely manner. How to solve the concern is not a method to solve outstanding things to change I propose the following: 1. Define what you have is pending.

2 Identifies the action specific you must do to fix it. 3 Define a maximum date that you agree to do so. 4. Launch the defined action. Ntas tools I invite you to use a 3 column format, the first record that you uncomfortable, the second action that you must perform to solve it and in the third, the date in which you agree to resolve it, to make an inventory of what steals your energy, download your concerns there and undertake actions to change your life.

Use blades that are necessary, write down clearly what you have pending, not to use phrases such as pay services or make calls employs best: pay the water bill or call John to discuss the twentieth issue when you’ve completed the inventory, check that you can solve immediately and get it. See if there is anything that you can delegate and delegate it, finally revises which of the outstanding things require actions further, in that case what should be the appropriate action. Finally define a realistic date in which you commit to fix it. Use this form to record the new things that arise and can not respond immediately, periodically review, eliminates the things that are already resolved and those who have left have importance, adjusts the dates that you have pending and acts to resolve them.

