
September 26, 2013


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Get small jobs independent, but do not even say that these next to leave the company. You do not give away your work if you’re good at something, you have to charge for this. We know how exciting it is to make our first Freelance jobs and that they are sometimes made to friends or known, but as independent professional or not, you should give you all the possible value to your work, and form this habit from the start helps to create a healthy and high self-esteem professional of our capabilities. No values your work by how much or little that will cost you, but by the final result of your inspiration and ability. Organizes an impressive portfolio definitely is the first task to perform. We must sort, classify and highlight those jobs more important and representative of our style and ability.

A portfolio sorted by project type allows to make quicker, more accurate and stunning exhibitions to our potential clients and allows to expose the variety of assignments of the we are able. Avoids the temptation of investing more at the beginning you don’t obsessions by making excessive preparations in equipment, furniture and other supplies, remember that you must be prepared to optimize the use of your financial resources, buy only essential items to properly develop your service without falling into temptations impulsive and without purpose practical in work that you develop. A mattress financial (savings) will give us the necessary tranquility to inspire us and to optimally develop our first projects as a Freelance full time, because we will keep away from us that anxiety that arises when we begin to see that our financial liquidity is low. Perfect your English do not settle with the knowledge of technical English that you possess, you must schedule a curriculum that takes you to its learning and mastery in the medium term.

