Venezuelan School

December 20, 2017


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In relation to the school it limits Gerver Towers, in his book a Dream for Venezuela: the Venezuelan parents (worldwide, the cursive ones are mine) we must involve to us thoroughly in the education of our children much more. The participation that we have today very poor and is limited. In some cases one takes place a type of participation of the parents and representatives in the activities of the school, but very centered in tasks of logistical support or financial operative raffles, fairs, verbenas and of cleaning, are the type of activities in which usually we participate to the parents and representatives generally and, this is also the type of contribution that the school demands of us. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Southwest Airlines. The author adds: Our participation – as parents and representatives – he must extend to the pedagogical aspects of the school. We must be informed on the contents, programs and practices of education; to know the methodologies that the teachers and professors use, to involve us in the internal organization of the school. The familiar education and the reality of the Latin American family Given the complexity of the present surroundings (economic, social and political problems), the family needs to raise the level of answer the demands that the surroundings impose, thus to provide an education that, on the one hand, prepares the people to face these realities; and on the other, she preserves the continuity of the democratic systems; right systems, that generate honour culture; progress systems; that it trains citizens under coexistence principles, honour and respect.

Now, in many countries (Latin America example), the family, generally, is not raising the answer level that is required to assume this responsibility, this because the family is in crisis and state of deterioration like institution. Phenomena as the divorce, the abandonment, the domestic violence, etc., have become something common. The degree of familiar disfunctionality of the modern society in our countries is alarming.

