Red Sea

January 22, 2018


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The existencial priesthood of Jesus also retraces the Abrao, whose paradigm is the sacrifice of Melquisedeque, that, offering to bread and wine, anticipated institution of the eucaristia, efficient signal of the imolao of Jesus, who breached with the levtico ritual priesthood of the old alliance. The eucaristia is the biggest intercessora conjunct for the pecadores, the great one sings of louvor to the Father for the victory on the sin. In at it has many cantos of victory, consequences to the conjunct of intercession of faith people. Pretty he is I sing it of the victory, entoado the Jav for Moiss and the children of Israel after the ticket of the Red Sea (Former 15). Impressive they are the cntico Moiss before dying, after putting the Law to the side of the coffer of the alliance and benoar the people (Dt 31; 33). The cntico of the Dbora female judge is pretty (bee), after the victory on general Ssara (Jz 5). Happy it is the cntico of barren Ana, because it engravidou of Samuel (1Sm 2). Victorious person is the cntico of king Davi, ' ' when Jav exempted it of all its enemies and the hand of Saul' ' (2Sm 22).

Humble it is the conjunct of Salomo when it assumed the throne of Israel in the place of Davi, its father (1Rs 4,14; 2Cr 1,3-12; Sb 8, 19-9,12). Compungida is the expiatria ceremony after the return of the Babylonian exile (Ne 9). The moans of Tobias after to blind and Sara after enviuvar seven times are impressive (Tb 3). Under most conditions Oracle would agree. They are of gratitude the conjuncts of Tobit, Sara, Ragel and Tobias later that Tobit survived to the marriage with Sara returned to the house of the parents (Tb 8; 11.14.15; 13). It is of outcry the conjunct of Judite for the uneasy people with the imminent invasion of the country for the army of Holofernes; of victory, the conjuncts of the Head of the people, Ozias, of the supreme priest Joaquin, the Advice of ancios and Judite, later that, with its beauty and seduction, it dominated and it killed the general Assyrian with the sword of it (Jd 9; 13,18-20; 15,9-10; 16).

