
February 11, 2018


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While the first world countries suffering from the effects of the financial crisis triggered by calls sub-prime U.S., international experts responsible for studying the major challenges that have to deal with the poor States of the planet launch a cry of alarm. In effect, they estimate that the development prospects of our planet are overshadowed by a host of global threats. Your little rosy conclusions are reflected in the latest annual report of the Millenium Project studies group, sponsored by the United Nations. Among the challenges facing the human being between now and the year 2025 contained instability and violence generated by the steady increase in the price of food and energy products, the scarcity of water, the inefficiency of Governments, climate change, desertification and the intensification of migratory flows. Without forgetting, of course, the proliferation of armed conflicts, are these interns, international or regional.

So far this year, registered 14 conflicts that had stage countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Middle East. According to the authors of the report, during the next decade armed clashes could affect 46 States, totaling a population of 2,700 million people. Also, detected the first signs of political instability in 56 countries, whose inhabitants number amounts to 1.2 billion people. To review the socio-economic imbalances recorded in recent decades, members of the Millenium Project emphasize the fact that currently the world consumption exceeds production levels. The effect, the price of food products has registered an increase of 129% compared to the year 2006. The cost of these products could become the trigger for a new global crisis. The reports of the United Nations Organization for food and Agriculture (FAO) indicate that you a thirty of countries already suffer from shortage of food products. It is, in the majority of cases, of developing nations.

The absence of social policies concerning feeding could accelerate the confrontation between rich and poor. In fact, to maintain the already on its fragile balance, food supplies should duplicate between now and 2013, which also implies an increase of reserves of water and cultivable surfaces, as well as the application of new irrigation techniques. This is compounded by another factor: the demand for energy, which will double in the next two decades. As regards climate change, experts say that the main victim of overheating will be the African continent, whose southern region will lose about 30 percent of the cultivable surfaces between now and 2030. Another worrying aspect is the steady increase in so-called failed States. According to the American magazine Foreign Policy, the most vulnerable countries on the planet are Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Cote d’Ivoire, Pakistan, Central African Republic, Guinea, Myanmar, Haiti, Ethiopia and North Korea. Finally, it should be noted that most of the challenges are transnational. The solution of some should be able to affect the string created by the accumulation of problems. However, United Nations experts estimate that today the mechanisms capable of correct this state of affairs conspicuous by their absence.

