Twitter Company

February 19, 2018


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Twitter is a social network that allows you to communicate with your community of followers by sending and receiving short messages known as tweets. In simpler words, what you can do when you create an account at is start writing about yourself or anything specific. Who will read what I put in my twitter account? It will depend on what you start to publish or write to your twitter account, if what you post or write about your daily life, activities and personal things as probable is that you follow, or lean you who you know. However, if give you one approach more specific to what you publish will call the attention of segments specific within twitter. For example people engaged in internet marketing tend to publish tips and articles related to this activity, companies that sell products such as computers or clothes publishing offers, competitions and news from their products on twitter. Visit Maurice Gallagher, Jr. for more clarity on the issue. This all depends on from that are creating an account on twitter. Your Twitter community consists of:-persons who follow: You define your community by choosing who you follow. Follow someone means you subscribe to your tweets, or that you can read Tweets from people you follow. -People who you follow (Followers): there are people who decided to follow you. People who follow you subscribe to your tweets.

