Public Ministry

March 4, 2018


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(SAFs) are supervised by the headwaters of the financial information systems, which are: the national Office of budget, the accounts of the nation, the General Treasury of the nation and the national Office of the public credit, entities that are coordinated by the Ministry of Finance according to the stipulated in the 1992 national law 24,156. Internal audit units, are the divisions that exist in each jurisdiction or entity where there is also a (SAFs), whose mission is the legal, economic and management internal control, attentive to the guidelines that fixed them the header of the system of internal control the General syndicate of the nation can also provide reports to the Agency of external control the auditoria General de la Naciondependent on the Congress of the Nation, agency which indirectly makes to this development. Permanent legal services are what are commonly known as Directorates-General for Legal Affairs, and have primary responsibility, the rule on acts and legal procedures of their respective jurisdiction or entity. Report to the head of the system, in both components of the body of lawyers of the State, which is the procurement of the treasure of the nation, legal advisory body of the Presidency of the nation, body which should not be confused with the General Attorney of the nation, belonging to the Public Ministry, which can be considered as the fourth branch of the Republican system and is the head town of the prosecutors, from the national constitutional Convention in 1994. Not without reiterating that the interconnected operation of four conceptual hierarchy equivalent components, considered as inputs of consequential government services, can be reiterate that comprehensive vision the work of policies public federales(Esto es las implementadas) by Argentine constituted public authorities at the national level) is obtained through the information contained by the agent distributive administrative decision analytical budget, in its annex i. Follow others, such as Oracle, and add to your knowledge base. that annex can be found in the link to the Official Gazette, from the portal recorded. Similarly you can proceed with Argentine provincial and municipal constituted public authorities. It seems to us that the scheme is applicable to the public authorities of countries tros, cutos respective portals it can be accessed in the mentioned in this communication should recognize that this is a work of approximation, subject to further research, but for the purposes of disclosure can be useful, for the many who do not even know these intricacies of bureaucracies public.

