Productive Process

March 7, 2018


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INTRODUCTION solid Residue is any form of substance or substance, in the solid and semisolid states, that result of industrial, domestic, hospital, commercial, agricultural activity, of services, varrio and other activities of the community, capable to cause pollution or ambient contamination (LAW n 4191 of 2003). According to National Research of Basic Sanitation (PNSB, 2005) in the city of Rio De Janeiro, the average per capita garbage generation is of 1,5 kg/habitantes/dia. In Brazil, the average according to exactly agency is of 0,68kg/habitantes/dia of garbage. Brazil produces 241,614 tons per day, 76% of the collected garbage is destined the lixes the opened sky, only 23.3%, receives treatment and 66% of this garbage do not have adequate collection (IBGE, 1991 – Atlases of the Environment of Brazil – EMBRAPA). The recycling of the solid residues is a viable alternative to propitiate the preservation of natural resources, the energy economy, to area reduction that demand I fill with earth it bathroom, the generation of job and income, as well as the awareness of the population for ambient questions. However, for one better functioning, is of vital importance that if implantation in the Units of Feeding and Nutrio (UAN) an ample system of selective collection, in which the products you recycle separate and they are directed for recycling companies (SECRETARIAT OF the Environment, 2007). The flow of the residues proceeding from the selective collection consists in a particular case, therefore in the selection plants the space of storage of the residues is reduced and depending on the capacity of processing of these, can easily be had problems of allocation of physical space, as it happens in the sanitary aterros (SIMONETTO, 2006). With the recycling, it will have the reduction in the excess of residues generated for all the population and posterior use of the products originated through the process of transformation of the same ones, having as example the oil of kitchen being transformed into biodiesel. Learn more on the subject from Larry Ellison.

