Internet Business

March 9, 2018


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Likewise, this process helps that levels of management can have a clear view of the inventory of business opportunities and chances of closing that exist. A very important aspect of the discipline of opportunity management is the fact that not only applies to new business. It is totally effective business recurring, obviously talking about goods and services of high involvement, not massive sales. For many years I have applied the opportunity management supporting me in computer tools such as ACT and SalesLogix. This last we developed him a series of elements that are necessary for the type of goods and services for sale. The result is: better visibility of the Pipeline or inventory of business opportunities clear identification of opportunities with greater probability of close identification of lack of business in the early stages of the sales process that can affect the achievement of results for future periods guide in the implementation of strategies to achieve the evolution of business opportunities from one phase of the process to the next productivity report to my bosses of the status of each opportunity, they can enter the system and review the status of all my map of opportunities greater State control of each of the business opportunities better management of my Arsenal of sales for purposes of applying it in accordance with the status of each opportunity complete visibility into the status of achieving my goals of sales support in planning the strategy for the development of businesses that I have within my map of opportunities increase in the achievement of results, definitely this kind of tool helps me to improve my results and focus me on the development opportunities that can help achieve the goals. Unfortunately there is not much documentation on this subject, much less in Spanish language. I have found anywhere in England interesting on this topic and the author has a document that found me very interesting..

