Portuguese Literature

May 23, 2018


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Barbarous academic Tahis Patta Soares, Teacher and academic of VII the semester of the Course of Letters of the URCAMP/Are Borja. The mentioned scientific research mentions the study to it of the lyric poetry of Luis Vaz de Cames, in which the feeling ‘ ‘ amor’ ‘ its inspiration, compared with the poetry daily pay – romantic is pointed as element key of all of Manuel Barbosa Maria du Bocage, that presents new and a bold one to look in its poetical production, bringing for the poetry of its time the personal world and without justifications of the loving passion. Luis Vaz de Cames, probably was born in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, in the year of 1525. Its life if interlaces with its workmanship. The behaviors of the society, the conquests and the cultural manifestations of Portugal of century XVI, suggest a sensible profile to the elaborated forms of the poetry of this author. Through an intense literary experience and of life, Cames was devoted as a poet of some languages, that it preserved national sources and that it advanced in its productions for the admiration to the classic philosophy, it faleceu in 1580 in absolute misery. Manuel Maria du Bocage, also Portuguese poet, was born in Setbal, Portugal, in the year of 1765.

Very on its land, as well as Cames, is known in the literary way as ‘ ‘ Badly – amado’ ‘ , therefore frequently it expressed in its workmanships the hypocrisy and the decay of the Portugal of century XVIII. When reached for the incompreenso that its poetical terms provoked in the half intellectual, it abandons the rules of the Arcadismo, rigid aesthetic literary which belonged, and is dedicated to write it on the subjective desire of the being, to the wills that are not justified to the pleasure for the pleasure, without leaving of being controversial, leaving of being Bocage. It died in the day 21 of December of 1805, victim of a probable aneurism. The objectives of this Research if present leaving of the premise to value the limitless genius of these two poets, Cames and Bocage, Giants of Portuguese Literature, well as to vivify in the reading adepts poems, the taste for the lyric poetry of Cames and the daily pay-romantic one of Bocage, coated with requinte of pure intellectuality and sensitivity. It is also observed, the forms of composition used by the poets, the rigid ones and cut redondilhas so well, the musical comedies and rigorous sonetos. The intention is to oportunizar the knowledge of a more concise form of the ambiguous, present relation in these two styles to compose poetries. How much to the gotten results, exactly being still in development phase, already the reach of the objectives considered in its execution can be observed, in view of that the readers (participant) already obtain to use in adequate way the knowledge of Portuguese Literature in its research throughout its pertaining to school and academic formation.

