Jesus Christ

May 24, 2018


Comments Off on Jesus Christ

' ' (Tt.3: 5); ' ' knowing, however, that the man is not justified by workmanships of the law, but yes, for the faith in Christ Jesus, we have also believed in Christ Jesus to be justified for the faith in Christ, and not for workmanships of the law; therefore for workmanships of the law no meat will be justificada.' ' (Gl.2: 16) The Word of God, conclusive to the inoperncia of our comment to the law, of our justice and practical ours of good workmanships, with the end to reach the Perpetual Salvation, says: ' ' As it is written: It does not have just, not even one. It does not have who understands; it does not have who searchs the God. All had been embezzled; together they had become useless. It does not have who makes the good, does not have nor one s.' ' (Rm.3: 10-12). ' ' Therefore all we are as the dirty one, and all our justice as rag of the imundcia; all we wither as the leaf, and our iniquidades, as the wind, in arrebatam.' ' (Is.64: 6) It was therefore that Mr. Jesus said: ' ' FOR THE MEN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT IT DOES NOT STOP GOD; BECAUSE FOR GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSVEL' '. Yes, for God everything is possible because who is Jesus Christ is saying, affirming, guaranteeing: ' ' everything is possible what it believes! ' ' , It said, in the Evangelho de Marcos 9:23. ' ' Have porventura, some difficult thing the Mr.? ' ' (Gn.18: 14) ' ' Ah, Mr. Deus! You are that you made skies and the land with your great power, and your extended arm! It swims has that you it is too much difficult! ' ' (Jr.32: 17) ' ' Because for God nothing he will be impossvel.' ' (Lc.1: 37), the Maria said the angel Gabriel, mother of Jesus, in Nazar of the Galilia.

