Lucius Century

June 4, 2018


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We can find archaeological objects, drawings, photographs, audiovisual. Since times recent, as these jars of the century XIII passing these amphorae of Byzantine era (VI century) and of course everyday objects from the Roman period (1st century), as these dice and chips to play, needles and more things. And also photos and drawings of the excavations then arrived at room 1 the architecture of the theater here are original parts of the theater, capitals, columns, busts, and also a model of Roman Theatre of Cartagena. The room is quite spacious. The capitals are so high because the actual height that were climbed by the escalators and we got to the room 2, is the society not only theater was a place of the divertimento, also was the place to disseminate the political and religious ideas of Augustus and of those who had financed it, Princes Gaius and Lucius. This room is about that. Rooms communicate using escalators to gradually climb up the height needed to visit the Roman Theatre. There is also an elevator for 1st squares.

The fourth area is climbing again by the escalators, the archaeological CORRIDOR, which can be accessed by this beautiful and gently illuminated passage: this zone is under the foundations, that had to be overcome, the Church of Santa Maria la Vieja (or old Cathedral). We find ourselves with a corridor where there are remains of the different historical phases, as of this Roman House of the second century or this Mosaic Roman, that you can step equal to the house owners did almost 2,000 years ago and finally reach the TEATRO ROMANO DE CARTAGENA went more or less at half height of the bleachers. There were three zones, the more high, summa cavea, for the Plebs; then they were the Middle cavea and the cavea ima, the more area more low. The more down I was one, most important was, of course. This is a panoramic view of the theater, composed of multiple images. Here, Bernard Golden expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

The tier height would fit where 6,000 people can be seen better from here. Here is passed to the area of the Basilica up to fund this entry of the so-called old cathedral, which was built on one side of the theatre in the 19th century and which was virtually destroyed during the Civil War. When we have gone through the archaeological corridor low were its foundations in these columns can be appreciated the height I had the front of the scene, about 16 meters by using a double portico. Too bad that not kept, then it should be spectacular. Finally the scena, with its wooden flooring and large enough. Is from where He is better appreciated the excellent acoustics of the Roman Theatre: can converse to someone in the stands without raising the voice. The truth is he has done an excellent day to visit the theatre. Another day will come back to visit more things of this Roman Cartagena who many are discovering now, but that are there from years ago.

