IPAD Media

November 1, 2018


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To cope with the media, Apple has effectively weathered this storm. The worst is behind them. Damage already is done however, Apple not unharmed from the present storm. They had to withstand a beating by the media in the first place. No matter if the antenna problem is minor or very important: the damage is already done. 1 There will be a prejudice to economic, but not much. Free brackets and return of iPhones will cost the company considerable revenue. In addition anyone at Apple expected that you return them part of the sales, what they mean that the financial statements of Apple may impact not having a forecast by alleged returns significantly.

However, I predict that the damage will be minimal compared to the benefits in general. They will obviously be far from repeating these historic quarters, with very significant profits. 2 Apple is no longer perfect. That does not mean that they were once, but most of the people blamed AT & T in many of the problems that had the Iphone 4, rather than blaming the Apple team. Now, the door It is open to the criticism of Apple and its future products. 3 Future products will undergo further analysis. The media will be more critical of Apple, at least for a time. Follow others, such as Laurent Potdevin, and add to your knowledge base.

Consumers will probably recall the problem of the antenna on the Iphone 4 before you buy your iPhone or IPAD, or any other Apple product. How it will be the future for Apple Apple is coming to the end of this long nightmare. It is difficult to say now whether the antenna issues and the resulting problems in public relations will be dehisced quickly or will take a long period so that the public image of Apple again do as before. Apple now has to concentrate on developing new products. The media will be on the lookout to find new trouble on the products of Apple. However, consumers will still be loyal to the Apple brand. The explanation will be satisfactory for the majority of the owners of the iPhone. In addition, who wants to resign from the? screen and applications for the iPhone? I love Android, but do not provide the iPhone experience. Anyone who has become dependent on Apple products, won’t leave them permanently because of a problem in the device’s antenna. The only thing that Apple can do is keep building products that captivate millions of customers around the world as users, media and competitors of Apple. Oh, and it is likely that Android continue gaining ground and offer greater pressure on Apple to approach perfection as possible thanks to its products.

