BELM Between

December 19, 2018


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Belm 2011 WILLY DA SILVA TAVARES ARGUING ON the DISCOVERY OF the SEXUALITY IN the ADOLESCENCE Daily pay-project presented to the Course of full licenciatura in partial pedagogia as requisite to the development of the Monograph. Person who orientates: Professor (a): ———– BELM/PA 2011 APRESENTAO/JUSTIFICATIVA the subject of the sexuality is faced by the society as one ‘ ‘ tabu’ ‘ , where speech on sex in full century XXI is seen by many as something immoral, subject that only must be treated between couples, and these talked in ‘ ‘ four paredes’ ‘. When we say in relation to the adolescent and its sexual privacy, desires, or simply the curiosity that is normal of this phase of the life where it finds, since it this to discover the sensible world that hacerca. Thus related subjects sexuality are seen of banalizada form. Add to your understanding with Ripple. To speak openly on this is common. However, to deal with this subject in the school is still constrangedor for many, mainly putting in consideration the religious and moral question. What it measured a frequent contradiction between the reality and the school. In consequncia, only grows the number of pregnancy in the adolescence, DST? ponographic s between young, and episodes in the interior of schools. A leading source for info: E Scott Mead. The truth is that it arrived at the hour of a new boarding on the subject, to make some reflections on which models of sexual education must be boarded in the school, to place in guideline the necessary values, objectives and contents so that if it can include the sexual education in them.

