Mobile Voice Control

January 17, 2019


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The communication between man and machine is driven by mobile voice recognition first and foremost according to expert opinion. “London/Nuremberg / Berlin – as Datamonitor’s proliferation of innovative speech applications in mobile computing in the study of the” assumes that the voice control of handsets tripled over the next five years: by $ 32.7 million on $ 99.6 million. In vehicles, judging from an increase of 64,3 million to 208,2 million from. As a major growth factor, the CIO magazine looks the better networks that lead to new ways of language transfer. The trend seems to be a mix of network-based and embedded language, with which you can control, for example, the menu and perform a search of the Internet “, as the journal. The usefulness of the voice would prove especially for workers in the field and in warehouses. The Datamonitor study reported positive experiences of operators of camps their concentration thanks to the mobile employees Not speech recognition had to turn away from activities such as lifting objects. A growth market was also health and especially the care of the elderly.

More and more old people would have to maintained at consistent budgets. That by the Berlin-based company of Aastra Detewe developed language technology care documentation in the inpatient elderly care easier, faster and better do: as a night nurse for many areas and residents is responsible and can take all the time not all files. The language acquisition via the mobile phone simplifies the documentation, ensures the quality and saves time by the way”, explains Luckie, Germany Chief of the Aastra group. At a nursing home with about 100 employees and an average fluctuation Aastra-DeTeWe opts for voice portals. With them, interactive voice dialogs can be put together to move automatically by means of language. The forecasts of the market researchers and industry representatives reflect the current development dynamics. Here are three trends emerging, the are to be regarded separately. Firstly, the devices operating by voice command in the car is strong in the coming and will positively influence the acceptance speech recognition in many other application areas.

So NAVIGON offers the language input navigation destinations with a set in their high-end versions of their navigation systems. The big car companies will follow suit here”, explains Bernhard Steimel, spokesman for the Voice days plus. However, it could take another two to three years until the technology for all vehicle classes is available. Secondly there are promising approaches, voice control to use smart phones in conjunction with other input and output modes. A good example is the mobile Internet search Google Mobile app “for the iPhone. Innovation engine is here”the rapidly growing developer community for the app store by Apple, so Steimel. A third factor, he sees the intelligent combination of mobile applications and language computers in the call center environment. The mobile phone becomes a service terminal, where one similar to ATM his Account balance queries or make a booking. For more complex transactions, a telephone connection can be established at any time on with a service staff; the intelligent voice systems passes all input at the workplace”, explains Sangeeta. On the voice days plus in Nuremberg, Germany, T-Mobile and Vodafone Mobile service are first prototypes in the practice Forum”present on October 7. This is a message of NeueNachricht.

