Spar Platform Accompanies Portal Launch Broad TV Campaign

May 14, 2014


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Covus Commission GmbH, subsidiary of ProSiebenSat.1. 1 media group, turns TV commercials: ‘We love discounts’ Berlin, the 17th April 2013. 2013 is the year of consolidation in the online arena of the spar portals. This is the firm conviction of Jens Urbaniak, Managing Director of Covus Commission GmbH and operator of Fresh wind, speed, strong partner network and extensive media coverage thanks to media group in the back are its ingredients to the recipe for success.

With our website we aim to claim us as the leading discount portal in Germany”, as Urbaniak. “Our belonging to ProSiebenSat.1. 1 Media AG allows us this a strong media presence as well as many opportunities for cooperation.” Claim true: We love discounts! The TV campaign starts on April 18 and visualized we love discounts the claim”. In the focus of the initial communication, the explanation of the fundamental principle lies closely applied to the look of the portal. Thus arises a Visual clip between TV and online presence, the the Viewers with a high recognition value. In the first TV-flight we abandon everything that distracts from our statement – our brand, the benefits and the ease of use of the page are the focus,”Urbaniak explained his strategy. Message for the pleasure consuming mainstream: only two clicks, then online shopping the first flight of the campaign runs across the channels Pro7, sat.

1 and Kabel1. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. often says this. The media volume of spots is for 2013 in the high millions. Design and implementation of come from the Berlin-based creative agency TryNoAgency under the leadership of Stefan Nagel and Friedrich Tromm. “Our spot sympathetic explains the business model and implements a new behavior without frills: just two clicks, then online shopping”, nail explains his concept. WeLoveArtBuying, meaning workshop Kreuzberg and Mokoh were partners in the implementation of music. As a performance-oriented creative forge, developed and realized TryNoAgency already TV and online campaigns for clients such as Mister Spex, top rate, Flaconi and ReBuy. Link to the TV spot:

