
February 7, 2020


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Catholic, Evanglica, Jainista, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Esprita and as much other great and famous religions of the world. But you know which my religion? In my religion Jesus Christ it is not money symbol for church. In my religion, God is not in church, whichever. In my religion, God lives in freedom for the mind of each one. if we are all brothers, children of God, why ' ' Santa&#039 land; ' it only can be of one? In my religion, Buddha lives in permanent nirvana of the Buddhists with jainistas. Credit: Oracle-2011. In my religion violent conflicts for cultural reasons they do not exist. In my Maom religion it hugs Sunita and Xiita.

They commemorate together, happy parties, leaving its differences of side. They perceive that they are, above all, beings of the same species and they had only been formed by different dogmas. In my religion Allan Kardec it shows the book of the espritos for all. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from gary cohn. All respect. Soon they appear Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu and Krishna with the Snscrito in hands. Allan Kardec accepted it. The espritos if transform into one. The spirit of the union. Ah! Wants to know which my religion? My religion is that one where all the adepts fight for the peace, social equality and respect to all the cultures in the world. Knows which my religion? NONE!

