Antonio Lazarini

August 18, 2020


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With the quality that came demonstrating in its presentations, them they had been called to touch the carnivals in Altamira. Beyond touching in parties of carnivals the function could be attributed to the musicians to touch in the commemorations of the week of the folloied Native land the pupils. As Mr. Porfrio Lazarini in the year of 1974 tells, having Antonio Lazarini as conducting the following ones had been executed folded: White swan, Two Hearts, Song of the Army among others. The local age in the km the 170 edges of the Transamaznica Highway where it did not only have houses nor commerce trucks that passed leaving track of dust in the road.

The present public was composed for parents of the pupils who came of its lots for the Highway to sanction its children in commemoration of the independence of Brazil. The parades in day 07 of September if had become a commitment that to each year if repeated up to 1979. The inheritance of the Lazarini family if keeps gift until the present as if it can observe below in the register: With passing of the years the Lazarini brothers had followed different professions. Amongst which if he detaches the public service in the occupation of the mayor position, which, Antonio Lazarini after occupied the emancipation of km 180. This was the first mayor of already the existing city of Uruar in the year of 1989. According to Porfrio Lazarini, the last time that had touched was in one of the carnivals of years 80. I finish it year that we touch carnival we were in ' ' Three Estrelas' ' (hall of parties of Uruar) I do not remember the year, also, this year was pra if to finish to the things, because we already were not better of mouth and tire fast, there, agent went down of palco and decides not to come back more, leaves the instruments there all, after some days, when I was to look for the instruments already they were not more there had ' ' sumido' ' , from we do not touch more there.

