Democracy Processes

September 10, 2014


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In Peru it provokes new approaches of inclusion from the optics of the takers of decisions, where to the amazonian towns they have not been participates in the design of new policies, like the structural changes of the state, the design of new norms, the promotion of the investments like the industries, and infrastructure projects (IIRSA) great part of these initiatives have affected of direct way the life of the indigenous populations, excluding the social and environmental impacts. On the other hand the sedentary social programs and care attendant that the government promotes do not solve the problems basic, by being has the low indices in educative, increasing quality pictures of undernourishment, illiteracy, among others, as the institutionalized corruption locates to the citizenship in the marginality and abandonment; reality that has put in risk the fundamental rights and to debilitated the democracy. The little efforts like the spaces of dialogues, with the indigenous populations have been developed of one long claiming social fight, in principle for recognition of the territoriality, the cultural expression, and the rights of historical property, these initiatives have a nexus of the past and of continuity that goes within the demand pro-right human, right to the environment, right you inhabit to it right and to the participation and the basic service. The sprouting of the indigenous Movement of the Amazonian Town (MIAP) is one of the collective sample of interest been born from the bases and this goes in growth, that is seating preceding for the reestablishment of the democracy in the country, Peru is Plurietnico and Multilinge, great part of the original populations is based in the Amazonia, with a republic that does not contemplate the expression diversity and cosmovisin in the development processes, as a result of this connotation norms, laws, projects are generated and programs which at heart instead of you consolidate the citizen identity breaks social structures and generates action reactionary, as the recent events (Bagua Case) generated by the improvisation of processes and imposition of norms that affect the indigenous populations of the Amazonia. The indigenous organizations have shown interest to have a discussion; but the external interests cause that the dialogue spaces are decreased in the realised proposals; for this a new action is born to establish spaces public for the own natives, compatible to design and to rule, processes where this immersed collective interest that altogether has come defending through their long history from existence, and this necessarily must happen through the own democratic processes and within the state estates normative the project looks for to fill this emptiness in the organizational support and fortifying local capacities, to consolidate a government plan who serves as tools to help the next democratic processes properly exerted by the natives in the jurisdictions where the majority inhabits indigenous citizens. This is crucial necessary and innovating – in the context of the Peruvian Amazonia historically excluded inside s from the inclusion processes, joint and government exercise, to be able to respond against new realities that are called on to them to confront like towns and citizen by external pressures like the forest concessions, the extractive industries, where it arises in the necessity to invigorate the new organizational processes oriented to fortify the democracy towards a participating context in the politician, social and economic promoted locally, with an own proposal that allows them to explore approaches and alternatives in governability, territoriality, conservation and sustainable development..

