Logistics Specialists

September 15, 2014


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The crisis brought a sudden downturn and benefit the Russian logistics. By most accounts, the current model of "employer – employee" is close to ideal: "Both sides began to feel the value of each other. At the same time on the big payday rightly claim to only high-class professionals. " According to Vitaly Lavrentiev, a leading specialist recruitment personnel center "UNITY": "To date, the logistics market is no problem – just as vacancies and qualified specialists. The only print the last – the level of desired income specialists are 20-30% higher than the proposals of potential employers. In addition, every third-fourth organization had not to recover additional medical insurance, free lunches and other social benefits staff.

According to research personnel center "UNITY", Director of Logistics offer, on average, 100, 000, Manager fea – 35 000-47 000, " – 35 000-40 000, warehouse manager – within 30 000, his subordinates (drivers, store clerks, baggage handlers) – 10 000-15 000. Typically, mobile communication and travel on business matters covered dopolnitelno.Naibolshy demand has been observed at the warehouse staff. According to the personnel center "UNITY", these jobs account for about 20% of the total number of proposals on the logistics market. Looking for drivers, experts maintenance and repair of warehouse equipment, storekeepers, and the operators. It should be noted that employers and prior to the crisis were constantly forced to look for specialists in this segment because they are characterized by "turnover". Full restoration of the industry (up on 2007), experts expect to 2012-2013. In his study, "the Russian market of logistics services" Frost & Sullivan experts argue that in 2010 the entire industry will be more successful and promising stabilization of the market with growth rates of 6-9%.

