Nail Paint Like The Pros

May 12, 2021


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Birgit Neumeyer from Tuttlingen provides information for women of all ages, they simply include a perfect outfit: varnished fingernails. Since the first nail polishes are in the twenties of the last century on the market, a lot, not only in relation to the manufacture of paint, but also as regards the technology of varnishing but chose. Many women who make their nails themselves, don’t know the tricks of the pros, and must be satisfied with a moderate result. The nail designer Birgit Neumeyer from Tuttlingen says: “It doesn’t have to be!” and reveals how a professional finish at home can be achieved. With some flair and high-quality products, trendy painted nails are the absolute eye-catcher. Before however do the work, are used, it must be ensured that the nails are free of old paint residues, grease and dirt. Oil-free nail polish remover is suitable for this purpose best.

Also the cuticles should be retracted and removed. Should not be removed but with a pair of scissors, because it minor injuries can be caused, which may lead to infections. The nails are so well prepared, the next step in a suitable base coat, optimizer, or Groove filler is. This is colorless and so compensates the grooves and irregularities on the nail plate to get a smooth surface. This is the best basis for the later paint. Also, under coatings protect the coloring the nails. Discoloration should occur but once, helps the treatment with fresh lemon juice. The lacquer is then applied in two layers.

As the paint dries faster and higher is the opacity of the color. It is important that you the nails do not “Criss -Cross” painted, but in the middle of the nail in the nail root begins and to the top of the nail. Then follow the edges of the nails. At the end of styling, an excess paint ensures a longer shelf life and better resistance of the paint coating. So the nails look longer, as freshly painted. Who it now something more unusual like, decorated the colored nails with imaginative Nailartelementen. The hit in the summer! Professional nail design succeeds best with professional products. Therefore advises Birgit Neumeyer her clients and customers of course also in detail to the care articles suitable for them for at home. For those who would like to go one step further and from the ground up, or even certain techniques learn the craft of nail Designer, Birgit Neumeyer offers workshops and seminars. For further inquiries it is available at any time.

