Sacred Knowledge

November 8, 2014


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The medinico development must be used two basic pillars: the study and the development (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 22). The knowledge does not only fit to the guide spiritual, therefore the knowledge developed for it, when incorporated, it belongs. Mdium must search its proper knowledge, through the study, helping itself mutually, supplying good conditions to them of work.

, One mdium thus wise will be attended by espritos of the same level, offering to it ‘ ‘ moral and mental conditions for tal’ ‘ (ORPHANAKE, 1995, P. 67). Therefore, ‘ ‘ the instruction and the knowledge are part of f’ ‘ (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.23). Another common factor to the houses of umbanda, as well as in candombl, is the initiation rituals, that introduce the fidiciary office in the religion. However, they vary of house for house, and generally they are divided in: manifestation, adaptation, baptism, cult and the works, also calls of obligations or party (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 20-45).

The use of grass is another aspect that deserves attention. They are used to a large extent of the sacred rituals, mainly in the banns and sacudimentos, with function to balance the energies, as much of the environment, how much of the body. The banns can be classified in: I unload, defense and energizao. Being that they are used of forms you specify for each in case that, therefore each person has differentiated guides (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.48-49). The same importance is given eb, that it is a purificao ritual, or an offering pra to reequilibrar the energies of the son with the ones of its orixs. Very it is used by umbanda of nation. Only for this end must exclusively be used, never to desire the evil to any person (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 55). The respect to oldest is another principle that deserves prominence. In umbanda, the more age has the individual, more respected it is.

