
June 18, 2024


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Few things are so uncomfortable and annoying as the sweating in the armpits, not only by the moisture that stain clothing, but by the unpleasant smell of sweat that smells from afar, is impregnated in clothing and is difficult to remove. Here are some ideas on what you can do to eliminate underarm sweat and get rid of him forever. -The first thing is to wash armpits with vegetable sponge, antibacterial liquid soap and water. Thus you will manage to eliminate the bacteria that have proliferated on the skin thanks to the accumulation of sweat. -Thoroughly dry the area. If there is moisture, bacteria and fungi will again grow.

-Applies a strong antiperspirant. Those that contain aluminum hydrochloride often give good results. This substance clogs the pores of the sweat glands, reducing this hobble the quantity of excreted sweat. There are all kinds of underarm antiperspirants available on the market: in cream, bar, spray, etc. and brands are very varied. You will have to try several to see which works best for you. Educate yourself with thoughts from Tiger Global Management. -Takes your hygiene products and your antiperspirant always with you, to be applied several times a day. -Use cotton or natural fibers, that facilitate the evaporation of sweat.

-If these measures are not sufficient, you may to rely on other techniques, e.g. iontophoresis. It is close the pores of the sweat glands by applying a small electric current, for a few minutes. -The application of Botox can also decrease sweating in the armpits. The effect of this technique lasts between six and twelve months, and its major drawback is its high price. -Transthoracic sympathectomy is a simple surgical procedure that gives very good results to reduce sweat, when other techniques fail. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweat.

