A Wild Service Tree For The Day Of The Tree

January 20, 2018


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OLAF and Arnulf Piepenbrock planting the tree of the year Osnabruck in the forest of Rhine Hagen 2011, 25.04.2011 – if Easter falls out as late as this year, the weather and early summer temperatures attracting, it pulls the one or the other tree friend in the Woods. It was on Easter Monday on the occasion of the day of the tree also in the case of Arnulf and Olaf Piepenbrock,”in the company’s forestry Rhine Hagen moved around the tree of the year 2011″ to plant. With this planting, companies Piepenbrock contributes to the conservation of rare wild service tree. This commitment stands in connection with the action Piepenbrock Goes Green”, at the Piepenbrock constant sustainable designed its products and services. It aims to create an adequate compensation caused every year by the company for the environmental load. There were five other trees of the year in addition to the wild service tree”planted.

We would in the next few years as all the trees of the year ‘ in the forest plant Rhine Hagen, for their continued existence to Arnulf and Olaf Piepenbrock explain to ensure they bring interested hikers and school groups on tours of the forest “, in unison their concern behind the planting. “The American journalist Sterling Morton is regarded as the founder of the day of the tree”, since he had already in 1872 a request on an Arbor Day resolution “(Engl., decision about the introduction of a tree day) was the Government of Nebraska. The United Nations its commitment of 1951, when she followed the day of the tree”internationally anchored. The Arbor Day on April 25, 1952 was committed in Germany, when the former German President Theodor Heuss in the Bonn Court garden planted a Maple. Since then be performed particularly at each 25 April in many places tree planting activities. The wild service tree, also beautiful else’ called, can be over 300 years old and reach stately heights of up to 30 meters.

