Animal Welfare Alliance

March 12, 2016


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Nine animal welfare organizations unite to move the German food industry to use no cage eggs. After virtually the entire German food retail (LEH) has decided to take cage eggs from the shelves respond almost all domestic egg producers and switch over to alternative forms of farming. Away from the Kafigei an Alliance of nine animal welfare organizations is this strong trend to use, to seek dialogue with the processing industry. On the Internet page, the Alliance released sector by sector, what model features companies and who handles still cage eggs. The beginning was made when the pasta manufacturers.

The Alliance has written to almost 25 pasta producers. In this industry comes”just movement, describes Wolfgang Schindler, President of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment, the situation. We could identify six companies right off the bat, that use no cage eggs, and we firmly expect that our positive list soon longer.” The animal welfare Alliance doesn’t seem to want to leave but pure public relations. “On the Web page is there to militant: a surprise waves especially ignorant company”, is there to read. Schindler dodging more precise requests: in principle, we focus on constructive dialogues. So we’ve come very far in the LEH.” The cage-free “campaign of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment derives from. It is supported by the organizations working group for human welfare and against animal tests e.V., German against abuse of animals e.V., German animal protection Office, political working group for animal rights in Europe e.V., PETA Germany e.V., VgtM e.V., PRO cattle, Foundation Vegeterra and Vegetarier Federal Germany e.V. contact: Mahi Klosterhalfen Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment Saeed Park 5 10715 Berlin Tel.: 030 86 39 16 59 fax: 030 86 39 51 03 mobile: 0178 46 46 244

