Author: Evelyn Vaughan
SugarOXtender Combines Open-Xchange With SugarCRM
Manage your customer data with the collaboration tool open-xchange and SugarCRM as longtime open-xchange partners know about DIGITEC and pro-ite flexible customer needs. This connection to be activated simply resolves the desire after investment costs for customers of various industries and sizes. In-house, hosting, SaS, and cloud models with the harmonious interplay between open-xchange SugarCRM can in-house hosting or SaS and cloud solution are combined. “That accommodates customers who already manage your SugarCRM inhouse itself, but use Open-Xchange as a SaS or cloud solution and vice versa.”, says Bernd Strebel from DIGITEC. “We offered a low-cost entry comes the customer very accommodating through flexible sizes and volume design.”, Dirk adds carriage from the pro-ite GmbH.
Open-Xchange with SugarCRM integration is an on-demand solution. Pro-ite offers a hosting, SaS, and cloud providers a free 30-day full version open-xchange with SugarOXtender. The users can also open-xchange free 30-day SugarCRM directly as an extension test, this activates only the connector. As SugarCRM partner, DIGITEC helps you set up a test instance of SugarCRM and the establishment of a professional environment to the customer and contact management. In * annual * cost per user by about 100 euro also small businesses have a cost-effective entry into a full fledged data – and customer management, including backup and backup. Open-Xchange with SugarCRM can be expanded at any time due to staff growth or reduced if necessary.
Your trial account OX6 with SugarCRM connected, see /? sugaroxtender company – and product information DIGITEC has been working since 1981 as an IT service provider and developer. The simple and efficient mapping of communication and business processes on the basis of a web-based application stack is at the heart of customer-oriented projects and solutions from DIGITEC. DIGITEC secure enterprise services (SES) Division helps medium-sized and large companies in building and consolidating their IT infrastructure with particular emphasis on secure networks, both internally and when communicating over the Internet, the sensible use of virtualization technologies and products and the use of proven open source solutions. Open-source solutions offers SugarCRM for more information and facility support receive at pro-ite as Linux-Systemhaus since 1999. The portfolio of pro-ite includes infrastructure, servers, virtualization, security and desktop solutions and Web-based applications. The services are offered for customer networks, as software-as-a-service in the pro-ite Datacenter as deCloud solution. Pro-ite personal support and advice make a strong and reliable partner. More information about the company and open-xchange Add-ons see SugarCRM is the world’s fastest growing customer relationship management (CRM) system with over 850,000 end users. Customer relations and sales processes are depicted on campaign management, lead management and statistics and also inventory management, marketing, and workflow tools can be used intuitively. The popular CRM software is browser-based and can adapt to the required corporate environment. Open-Xchange is the open-source based groupware and eMail solution with over 45 million users. Open-Xchange in the current version OX6 combines E-Mail, appointment, contact, and task management with intelligent document management in an integrated application. Groupware and eMail with smart phones can be used with the mobile Web application itself. The Open-Xchange Server installs the connector for SugarCRM. Want additional users of SugarCRM automatic synchronization of addresses, appointments and tasks with groupware, then this function can be easily in the Open-Xchange user interface enable. Ursula coach, pro-ite GmbH
JobTicket Extends The Range Of Services Specifically
Additional services include the target group oriented design and publication of all types of jobs. Of Spezialdienstleisters in the area of E-recruiting expanded the range of services since the beginning of the year specifically. The online places stock packages tunable precision on the position to be filled are still the main business area of the company. ERecruit by JobTicket implemented currently between 200 and 300 publications on the day. Since January 2008, JobTicket is represented with a strategy Office in the Centre of Berlin.
Additional services include the target group oriented design and publication of all types of jobs. In addition the staff marketers of outstanding rekrutierungs – and communication strategic positioning of companies dedicate themselves. The offer extends from the database driven recruitment external candidate management and innovative solutions of employer branding. From Monday to Friday are recruitment specialists in the period between 9 and 20: 00, Tel. 030 / 219 098 -921 in the Berliner pure Hardt road accessible. JobTicket also acts as the initiator of the HR professional exchange forum staff.
Currently, there is the possibility to get to know the professional job market around the human resources through a free ads. In addition, JobTicket retains staff with the Forum general recruitment problems and the current market development at a glance. By the information and communication platform, the HR managers are accompanied by specific market information and analysis in your specific recruitment business. The experts of the staff forum are at all times able to recommend appropriate measures for the recruitment by the individual job advertisement to the tailor-made recruitment strategy together with the 30 JobTicket staff. The staff of the human resources Forum imagine from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5: 00, Tel. 030 / 92 21 07 60 all questions of efficient personnel marketing. Since June of this year, the company JobTicket also has a new online presence. Under are available in the most current business information and the complete performance overview in the Internet.
German Provider
After the victory in the study of the German society for consumer research (DtGV) * MyPlace SelfStorage is again chosen the winner among the storage providers. Munich, 22.08.2013 – the German Institute for service quality (DISQ) took six self-storage provider are scrutinized and tested them on services and consulting services. “The result: MyPlace is very good as the only provider with the quality rating” awarded and ensures that already for the second time the top spot. The German Institute for service quality (DISQ) took six self-storage provider are scrutinized and tested them on services and consulting services. “The result: MyPlace is very good as the only provider with the quality rating” awarded and ensures that already for the second time the top spot. Undercover investigator of DISQ tested various nationwide locations of provider between July and August 2013. Test winner and thus best Selfstorage Center 2013 “MyPlace self is. The company secures the top spot in three of four categories and scores especially with the best consulting services on-site.
Employees were convinced by full, individual and competent advice. Also, the test winner prevails against its competitors in Internet performance and processing email requests. MyPlace self is very good as the only provider with the best grade”awarded. The detailed test results you can see on the website of the German Institute for service quality: * can be viewed at: testergebnisse/test advice and service to self-storage-anbietern.html MyPlace SelfStorage Selfstorage means flexible rental of storage facilities for individuals and businesses, mostly in sizes ranging from 1 to 50 m, and go back to renting simple garage rows in the United States for the storage of goods of all kinds. MyPlace self is the market leader in the German-speaking world. In addition to the 23 branches in Germany, MyPlace operates another 12 in Austria and 2 in the Switzerland.
Forest Finance
Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance awarded with graduates and interns for fair dealing. “The Bonn party sustainable forest investments ForestFinance received the seal of approval fair company” for socially exemplary treatment of employees. With the fair company”seal are awarded, providing real opportunities for the future graduates, instead of schlechtbezahlte placements. “The magazine career” the “Fair Company” seal of quality awards who actively oppose the exploitation of so-called companies, “generation internship” Act. Fair company”company must offer a comprehensive career orientation during the training interns, rather than to use them as permanent trainees without perspective. A positive interaction with interns and graduates is nothing new for ForestFinance. The Bonn company has for years regularly preferred graduates and offers you in addition diverse and extensive training opportunities.
An internship in the company is only While studying possible, but not later. In recent years, however, more and more companies full-time built up substitute poorly paid internships. These are often replaced by committed graduates, a promotion of qualified junior staff there however. To counter this, it has career “magazine the initiative fair company” launched. This endeavor means for ForestFinance: no substitution of full-time or part-time positions with interns. Graduates are not put off in job advertisements and job interviews with an internship.
No advertising of interns with the vague prospect of a subsequent full-time position. Internships are for professional guidance and also will be rewarded with an adequate allowance. The career-desk monitors compliance with this fair company”criteria. In addition, graduates and interns on the career website the opportunity to have Company violations of the fair company “criteria to report. ForestFinance can succeed in the long term only as international company, if participate also their staff’s success. Teamwork, dedication, and last but not least qualification are essential for this. Employee engagement contributes significantly to the long-term performance of a company according to the company. It is therefore logical for ForestFinance to the initiative fair company”to participate in and to engage in a responsible handling with future specialists and executives.
German Financial Resources
German financial resources AG / DFK AG: MehrNettoCard rewards customer loyalty with every purchase of Kaltenkirchen, October 2011. The German financial resources AG / DFK AG their advice offensive more net, more joy continues. Latest project of DFK AG is the MehrNettoCard: online shopping, customers receive cash back from 10 euro refund claim payouts are possible. Net continue the advice of German financial resources AG / DFK AG on the issues of investment, insurance and pension programs provide for more. What is the optimal way to more net”and to a maximum of financial freedom? The German financial resources AG / DFK AG delivers a holistic response that covers virtually all areas of private financial planning on this issue for many years. Based on the advice of German financial resources AG / DFK AG is developed in-house, 7-benefits concept. The DFK consultants this first carry out a detailed analysis of the subsidy, the customers tax savings as well as State Funding is transparent and allows him to exploit them fully. “For more net” provides the German financial resources AG / DFK AG at the same time with a health insurance check, whose focus is a detailed tariff and benchmarking.
In a further step, the DFK consultants create a private balance and develop viable solutions for the long term asset optimization with participatory rights or real estate, for example. The annual insurance analysis, where the German financial resources AG / DFK AG focuses on the entire insurance protection to the test and provides a meaningful balance between risk prevention and cost optimization is a further focus of the deliberations. The individualized, multi-stage consulting concept of German financial resources AG / DFK AG has proven clearly according to the customers. With the MehrNettoCard the German financial resources AG / DFK AG extends its versatile performance now. The MehrNettoCard the possibility of private households, comfortably in more than 1,000 online shops to buy and save up to 60%, or to get back up to 35 per cent of the purchase price.
Unemployed Loans Financial Solution
Unemployed loans are a sort of finance programs which has greatly helped the jobless men and women of United Kingdom. Terms and condition for unemployed unemployment loans are fundamentally for the borrowers. Financial crisis all around the world is at present graver than before. Great Britain cannot be and is not on exception, it sure is. Population of jobless women and men has been increasing in alarming Council.
Closure at the factories, downsizing in the working places, retrenchment, lay off and terms search are dominating in the air. Governments and international bodies appear to be helpless. How, then, will the unemployed people of United Kingdom pull on in this critical period? In England, provision of unemployed loans is not, however, new. It is a wise decision for the part of finance market to introduce unemployed loans to benefit the British people who cannot secure a job. Thousands of women and men are unemployed unemployment in England. It of important to know who can apply for unemployed unemployment loans. The loan seekers must be citizens of England. They must have completed eighteen years of age, unless which they are not eligible to sign in any finance agreement.
As bank transfer is the mode of payment in unemployed loans, the loan seekers must possess to active checking account. The loan seekers must produce relevant documents to certify that they have been registered as unemployed persons in England. The finance providers like to have assurance of the return. Yes, they must get back their investment. They decide what amount of loans they want to offer to the applicants. They study the loan application submitted by the loan seekers. It is important to know the fiscal condition of the unemployed unemployment applicants. There is little problem if the jobless persons have property of worth which they can place as security. Many of them have some child of earning and many of them are equipped enough to secure a job in near or far future. The lenders so study the repayment behavior of the loan seekers. On the basis of the above, they determine the payable amount of loan. It is possible, in some cases, to secure as high as 25000 towards unemployed unemployment loans. Terms and condition for unemployed unemployment loans are usually favorable for the loan seekers. They are advanced the loan amount at reasonable interest of Council, and so is so set the repayment tenure. The finance seekers should submit the loan application online. Christopher Michael is author of Instant Cash Loans.For more information about fast cash loans visit
Great Britain
Installment payday loans are better in the sense that the loan amount is allowed to be cleared in installments. On amount within the range from 100 to 1000 can be fetched by the loan seeker if he applies for installment payday loans. This is to suggest that installment payday loans are a type of small finance. The people who have a regular earning as wages or salary secure the loan amount against their paycheck of the immediate next month. Actually, the finance provider consider the paycheck as security. Despite being so, it is installment payday loans are offered as unsecured form.
This is to imply that the loan seekers are not to provide any child of tangible assets as a guarantee. The reimbursement for the installment payday loans is short duration and it is a period within two to four weeks. On the other hand, the borrowers are to pay the interest at comparatively high Council. There are provisions are which of fines and penalties charged if the loan seekers fail to clear the outstanding within the stipulated period. Extra charges are so to be paid if the borrowers secure extension of a few more days for clearing the loan amount.
Better it is always for the borrowers to clear the outstanding without thinking of securing a second loan during this time. On adult citizen of Great Britain (that is, one above 18 years of age) is eligible for installment payday loans. The applicant must possess a checking account, because his lender would dispatch the loan amount to his bank address after the loan application is approved. The applicant should be capable of paying back the borrowed amount. Hence, it is demanded that he has a of about monthly earning 1000 it is again important that he has been working in any organization for half of a year last. People with bad credit history are not to be worried if they want to apply for the installment payday loans. This child of finance programs is free from credit verification. Installment payday loans are free from hassle. The loan seekers are not fax to their personal information. They can submit the loan application online. These are, in essence, time-saving measure. Installment payday loans are instant cash program. Initiative is taken to process the payment within twenty four hours. Angel soffy is Finance advisor of no. credit check installment loansFor more information about bath credit installment loans, unsecured no credit check installment loans visit
Provisiosnzahlung Commission
Independent financial advice has become indebted financial advisors through the often precarious situation of the financial advisors of utopia of which there are many. Internally, one speaks about 50,000 agents and more. Many of the aforementioned intermediaries working in industries where it is common to have a longer time of cancellation liability, this is sometimes more than 5 years. However often in advance, many brokers get the Commission. If the customer can no longer pay his contributions, for example, for a life insurance policy, the employee is obliged to pay back the not-earned share of his Commission. We know cases where intermediaries are indebted with 100,000 euro and more.
You no longer comes out of this debt trap yet this debt trap makes it more the consultant often impossible to switch to another company. He must then sell products under circumstances which he keeps himself for risky or not suitable. Here, the legislature with a new regulation of the financial markets must counteract. Commission payment in installments is from our point of view the magic word. The broker would then only the percentage of the Commission paid out the really has earned. Thus such debt situations would have avoided largely. Moreover, free agent would have the possibility to sell so-called “cancellation-free products” such as gold, with a one-time payment and real estate funds. The tied agent could enter a temporary contracts by about 12 months. During this time, the intermediary would then have the opportunity to set up a monthly, ratierliche Provisiosnzahlung in then guaranteeing him his.
CCJs Loans
People with damaged credit scores who look for some financial assistance to help them get rid of their tough financial times must avail the no credit check loans. People who are having bad credit issues and look for fast cash to overcome their financial needs must make use of the no credit check loans. These loans are especially developed for people who are unable to get any financial assistance due to their bad credit status. The loans are offered to people with the bad as well as the good credit histories. Number most of people who are facing financial crisis gets sigh of relief with these convenient no credit check loans. Bad credit scores are not going to become a hurdle to avail the no credit check loans. These loans are offering sufficient cash to people with the bad credit status to get rid of their financial problem.
People with the bad credit issues like CCJs, late payments etc can easily apply for these loans. People who apply for these loans get the want to cash in a quick manner. Application processing times are really quick in the cases of no credit check loans as they are free from large formalities. There is no large credit verification involved. They have instant approval times. Thus, people who are in need of urgent cash can meet their needs in short span of time.
The loan amount that can be availed with these loans ranges up to $1500 repayment of the loan can be done within 4 weeks of availing the loan amount. These loans are available at little high rate of interest, but a little search on net can help you get a reliable lender that can offer you the loan at low rate of interest. You can therefore compare the loans from different lenders and their rate of interest online. This will help you save your energy as well as time to get a reliable lender. If you have the bad credit issues and going through the tough financial times, the best way is to get rid of your financial problem with the most convenient no credit check loans. No. doubts, the loans are really helpful for people who have lost their hope of getting instant loans due to their bad credit issues. Britany Scarlett is author of no. credit check loans for unemployed unemployment wanted.For any queries regarding unemployed unemployment loans bad credit, payday loans unemployed unemployment unemployed unemployment loans visit
October 27, 2014
Comments Off on NetBooster
Evelyn Vaughan
Bonds are interest-bearing to a nominal fixed annual rate of three percent. In the case of non-conversion, the bonds at face value to buy back increased with a replacement premium, which is equivalent to 13.67 percent of the nominal value of the bonds at maturity on March 23, 2016. At the same time, NetBooster will carry out a capital increase through a private placement to strengthen the financial position of the group. The issue price was fixed at 2.50 euros per new share, what a six percent premium compared with the average closing price of the past 20 days before the announcement which corresponds to financing agreement, E.g. 2.36 euros. NetBoosters main shareholders, namely Raphael ornamental (24.5 per cent of the share capital before the transaction) and Truffle Capital (21 percent), as well as IDinvest partners (9.3 per cent) have already confirmed, contributing EUR 4.2 million for this placement may not exceed 20% of the share capital.
Motivation and to secure the loyalty of the group management a reference certificate or stock option plan is submitted to limited to ten percent of the share capital of vote the shareholders at the next annual general meeting. NETBOOSTER NetBooster was founded in 1998 and is an independent group of companies for interactive communication, that provides comprehensive and specialized expertise to customers in the field of Internet Marketing: marketing consulting, online recruitment and confidence-building, search engine optimization, affiliate, Web design, online media, CRM and social networking. With high levels of investment in research and development, the agency uses their expertise and digital marketing technologies of tomorrow, to guarantee its customers the best returns on their investments. NetBooster is Italy, in France, Represented Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Philippines, China and Brazil. The group is led by Raphael ornamental and has 450 employees. NetBooster achieved a consolidated turnover of EUR 45.6 million in 2010. The Group bears the seal of OSEO-ANVAR and is thus recognized as a “innovative business”, an innovative company. NetBooster shares are traded on the Alternext market of Euronext Paris. ISIN code: FR0000079683 – ticker code: ALNBT for more information please visit our websites:,. 1 the changes referred to in the memorandum of understanding require the legal approval of creditors general meeting and by NetBoosters shareholders.
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