Author: Evelyn Vaughan


July 19, 2014


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Continue. Now, when defined topic list and get the answers necessarily need to come up with the name of the mailing list and brief description. Add to your understanding with By the way, this site also contains articles of the best masters of copywriting, e-books and more than must have Internet predrinimatel. Description list ….

I think that in explaining this concept does not need. Description is directly under the headline, and should strengthen, he created a desire to subscribe. Excellent! There is a wonderful and attractive name! There is a multiplier effect and hypnotic description! But do not rush! Now you need to write 2 – 3 issues for future lists. I think it's necessary. Firstly, it gives opportunity to test your literary talents to their relatives and friends, and secondly, good information needs to mature a bit and finally ripen. I give my hand to cut off that, after reading it through a couple of days, you 'll want something to correct or change it. Or maybe it happens that want to just throw this nonsense in the trash and start writing again.

Some Recommendations For Choosing A Warm Jacket Or Coat

July 17, 2014


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When choosing a winter coat should pay attention primarily to what you would expect from a potential purchase. The jacket should not discourage you in a few days after purchase, so treat this case with all seriously. Determine for yourself first style: sport – it is certainly a feather bed with natural down and like them with big cocks sports a layer of synthetic insulation or business (Classic) – this jacket with textile upper, classic cut and high-tech fillers inside. Most popular in Russia, winter jackets – down jackets are different. The warmest and quality eiderdown fluff, but it is very expensive, it hand-harvested from the nests of birds, which is very significant effect on the price of the product, but despite this he was very popular with manufacturers of winter clothing for extreme conditions.

Product of natural fluff necessarily be marked Down the domestic label. Often attached to the product sample down, which is inside the jacket or coat. Since 100% of down jackets are very expensive, adding to the down feather. This helps reduce the cost of goods and also serves as the basis for the fuzz, because it creates a "skeleton", which does not allow him to dump down. Composition of the insulation must be reflected on the inside label of a down product. As a rule, down jacket uses the ratio of 80 percent down and 20 feathers. There are jackets and coats, and other relations with the down / feather, down to 50 to 50, but we can not recommend them to you, as an excess of the pen in any case betrays product stiffness and adds weight to the same pen will certainly be to climb through the seams. That is more than fluff contained within, the more light and heat must be the product. Some more advice: how the inside, and with external in any case should not be seen getting out feathers and down.

SMS SMS-payment

July 16, 2014


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So, here I share with you experience of implementing the simplest version of SMS-receiving payments on its website. It is, of course, fully automated system: the customer has paid – received the goods. You only from time to time intervene, if necessary, or some other disruption. I note that the system of mobile payments, which implements the same RUpay – this is not exactly what you need. In the case of using the SMS user manages his account in the payment system, and people such as we found out a little. Need a service that handles classical SMS sending different value.

Those in RuNet unity, and in my opinion the best of them – SMSCoin. This Israeli-runetovsky project;) offers several options for SMS-payment, and SMS-key – the easiest option to configure the sale of your product through the SMS-payment. The essence of this way – in a page, which includes goods sold (registration key link to download the program, e-Book-a, etc.), built a simple piece of PHP-code SMS-key. After that, when referring to this page is not displayed it, and the interface SMSCoin-and containing payment instructions, the selection of countries operators, etc. Also on this page form to enter a password, which is sent in response sms-tion to the client. Enter the password opens the purchaser held the original page. What is required!


July 16, 2014


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In Uganda in Africa the climatic change already affects the coffee production, main product of exportation of the country drastically. It has forecasts of that in 2080 a massive migration will have occurred enters 1,4 to the 6,7 million Mexicans northward of America due to the heating and its impacts on the agricultural production. The forecasts point with respect to the growth of more unproductive regions and rise of uninhabitable regions, not only for the bad use of the land, or for me the distribution? these would be questions of great reach and would deserve another debate. The climatic alteration can also induce in the human behavior, through a cerebral cognitiva disfuno, generating it estresse emotional and agressividades. Until the GIP of the countries it will be able to have high reduction, in the which had average of 20% to the catastrophes. It is clearly that the nature of the account not to all eliminate the garbage and pollution produced on a large scale in the current level of ' ' desenvolvimento' '.

In this direction practically all action of the man modifies the nature, but the action of the nature (catastrophes, climatic alteration, water scarcity) does not modify? exactly that insistently? the action of the man, however, the alienation of the nature cannot be perceived in concurrence with the alienation of the work? How the way of production and its historical mutations distanciaram each time more the man with the remain of the nature? as the relations of the production of the work could demystify these questions. In such a way we intend here to argue the way of capitalist production and which the impacts the same produce on the environment. Specifically we search to foment on the problematic one that it involves all the society, a time that the ambient changes, provoked for the man, come causing of disordered form, the degradation of the planet.

Intel Atom Netbook

July 13, 2014


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ASUS has announced the launch of a new series netbook Eee PC – Asus eee pc 1015PEM. This model is equipped with the latest dual-core Intel Atom N550. With the new powerful processor netbook Asus 1015PEM demonstrates a high level performance over single-core netbooks with N270 or N450. EEE PC 1015PEM equipped with 10.1-inch display, which does not glare when working outdoors in daylight. Because of its dual-core processor Atom N550 netbook provides high-speed data processing.

It can be used to work in the graphics-intensive programs and for entertainment, playing computer games. Netbook 1015PEM more than 23% larger than other netbooks based on single-core Atom N455. High Performance Asus EEE PC 1015PEM do not adversely affect battery life. Battery life between charges – up to 13 hours. This high figure is achieved by special energy management system, called Super Hybrid Engine.

The model is equipped with 1015PEM hard drives at 250 GB or 320 GB. Modern interfaces distinguish this netbook from other members of the series EEE PC. Through New Interface USB 3.0, provides quicker data transmission – 10 times faster than USB 2.0. In addition, USB-port can be used to recharge various electronic devices – phone, player, for example – even when 1015PEM is off. For wireless communication with electronic devices is the interface Bluetooth 3.0. As expected, the model of this type is installed built-in adapter for wireless networking standard Wi-Fi 802.11n, as well as built-in webcam with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels. Color of the case, you can select your own taste. EEE PC 1015PEM offers a wide range of colors, so each user can choose a shade for everyone. Moreover, the covering of the shell 1015PEM can be as glossy and matte in the performance.

QMS Certification: Stages

July 11, 2014


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Certification of qms (Quality Management System) is excellent for any business and a proven way to confirm the high status, reliability, and respectability, as well as to create a serious image. qms Certification enhances chances of winning organizations in various competitions and tenders. The organization, which took such a procedure as certification of qms, guaranteed receives the confidence of the investment companies and, therefore, achieve investment support to develop and improve production. In addition, the certification of the qms will enable the company to increase the confidence on the part of law firms to protect their interests in the case occurrence of certain disputes. qms certification involves six main stages. At the first stage, the filing of an application for certification of the organization. After consideration of the application in the certification body in the case a positive decision, the process of signing the contract and payment, as well as providing the organization of all information and documents necessary for the conduct of certification.

In the second phase of certification involves analysis of all documents submitted by the applicant organization. Certification body prepare a conclusion on analysis of documents. In the case of those or any other comments, the applicant organization will now begin their elimination. In the third stage is preparation for the audit on-site. Going to develop a plan review and allocation of responsibilities among members of the Commission for the Certification of the qms. Next, the fourth stage, includes examining, on-site training and act according to the results.

At the fifth stage of the decision on issuing a certificate to the enterprise. In case of refusal, the leadership of the organization is notified of that can re-certification of the qms. If the decision on issuing the certificate is positive, there is a transfer to the enterprise-customer certificate of compliance, as well as registration of the contract to conduct the inspection control. At the final stage, the inspection control of the certified qms.

The Role Of Business In Development Of The Company

July 10, 2014


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Modern economics defines the economic system as a set of economic relationships in society, ie set of economic relationships, not only of enterprises and companies, but also every member of society, citizen. Depending on the ownership of the means of production, ways of coordinating economic activities and the method of distribution of wealth, it is customary to distinguish between such economic relations: patriarchal (traditional) team (administrative or planned) and market. As part of this work is necessary to clarify terminology and to clarify the understanding of these types of economic relations. Under the 'traditional' economic relations should be understood as relations developing due to traditions of a certain community of people (family, clan, tribe, etc.). In such communities the means of production belong to the community, the management and coordination of economic activities by the head of the community, get it right in keeping with tradition, the distribution of benefits is also in keeping with tradition, no account invested labor. Such a relationship can be seen today in the household, farm and family craft workshops, etc., as well as in some tribes living in remote places around the world. In addition, each able-bodied member of society contributes to the creation of wealth, and their distribution is in accordance with the accepted way of life, of tradition. 'Administrative' economic relations are characterized by: membership of the means of production group or society, economic management, through planning and hard teams, designated by the sponsor; distribution of goods in accordance with Regulations, subject to sub work.

Todays Networked Market

July 4, 2014


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The beginning of 21 century was marked by turbulent events in the life of our planet. Political upheavals are intertwined with economic ones. Do not lag behind them in the scale and drama of natural disasters. The rapid development of communication technologies has accelerated the pace of life almost every inhabitant of Earth. Along with this person is experiencing an unprecedented in human history, information and psychological pressure from the media, advertising and PR-campaigns. Every day we are bombarded by streams of negative information, the hype from all sides, the constant pile of sugary promises and dire predictions …

In addition, many people work for 10-12 hours a day very little money, you just have to pay the bills and something a food. And these concerns flies entire life. And if someone dies before retirement, their standard of living is even lower. And that? Why do we live? For what or for whom so much work? How to be a person in such an atmosphere as to be able to not get lost in the swirling flow of the current civilization? After all, there is in this world is another, more peaceful and prosperous life, rich pleasant pastime with loved ones. Without having to spend half your life at work, which is only an illusion of our importance and necessity.

Most economists agree that modern society, consumer in nature, increasing their demands more and more. And to satisfy them are improving old and creating new methods and ways of providing goods and services.

AGL Logistics Change Installations

June 26, 2014


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AGL LOGISTICS changes of facilities and create a new line with ANGOLA Alman society General Service exports, logistics operator and commercially known with the name of AGL Logistics, warehousing and international transport agency has opened a new Center in Coslada for the development of its logistics activities and transportation. The new facilities have a surface area of 3,600 m2, of which 600 m2 are Office. This Center replaces that AGL Logistics had in Alcala de Henares, with an area of 1,500 m2 of warehouse, and allows the company to unify everything in a building. Both their offices and logistics platform, temporary storage warehouse and the customs warehouse. New line of export with Angola on the other hand, and due to the growing demand for Spanish companies, AGL Logistics has recently opened a line of export with Angola, for what has the services of its correspondent in Lisbon. Thus, the company expands its international transportation services of goods, line of business that develops through correspondents and agents in national territory and countries in the rest of Europe, as well as in Morocco. AGL is specialized in promotional marketing, as a logistics operator, and in all kinds of goods like agency of transportation and warehousing. In 2010 the company plans to multiply by 2 its turnover compared to 2009, due mainly to the expansion of new business lines.

Keep Beliefs

June 26, 2014


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Although both are interrelated. Example beliefs 3: I must understand the distribution of profitability of its trading system, its average yield (wait) and the variability of this distribution (ie, the volatility of the yield). Example belief 4: I should know goals that I want achieve. What results do I want to achieve, and how can I prevent decay? (In my case, I would like to make 10% a month in their trade.) Sample convictions 5: In order to achieve their goals, I need to understand and use effectively management position sizing. Example beliefs 6: Complete your portfolio main positions that I could adjust the weekly or daily. But then, to find effective market-based instruments and use leverage to achieve the best results. (These are my beliefs are not necessarily suitable for you) Example of persuasion 7: When a day of great decline, to investigate what happened and why, perhaps, my fault.

Determine what errors, if any, I have done. Example beliefs 8: Keep shopping diary for each transaction. Example beliefs 9: Follow the 10 tasks of trade. Example beliefs 10: When I can not actively trade, I must remove all speculative positions. Example beliefs 11: Understand the risk and profitability for every sales transaction before you enter into it. For example, my profit potential should be at least three times greater than my potential risk. Example beliefs 12: Have levels of limiting losses to their basic positions and actively monitor the market for their speculative positions. (This concerns me personally.) I want to once again warn you that these 12 examples are my personal beliefs, which may well differ from yours.

However, some beliefs are universal for a good trade. These beliefs are examples of 1 to 4 (the knowledge of their targets) and 8 11. This list of 12 Belief is designed to give you an impetus for introspection. Thus, be honest with yourself and begin to explore what you really believe about markets. Results may not be for you a very unexpected.

