Author: Evelyn Vaughan
Spar Platform Accompanies Portal Launch Broad TV Campaign
Covus Commission GmbH, subsidiary of ProSiebenSat.1. 1 media group, turns TV commercials: ‘We love discounts’ Berlin, the 17th April 2013. 2013 is the year of consolidation in the online arena of the spar portals. This is the firm conviction of Jens Urbaniak, Managing Director of Covus Commission GmbH and operator of Fresh wind, speed, strong partner network and extensive media coverage thanks to media group in the back are its ingredients to the recipe for success.
With our website we aim to claim us as the leading discount portal in Germany”, as Urbaniak. “Our belonging to ProSiebenSat.1. 1 Media AG allows us this a strong media presence as well as many opportunities for cooperation.” Claim true: We love discounts! The TV campaign starts on April 18 and visualized we love discounts the claim”. In the focus of the initial communication, the explanation of the fundamental principle lies closely applied to the look of the portal. Thus arises a Visual clip between TV and online presence, the the Viewers with a high recognition value. In the first TV-flight we abandon everything that distracts from our statement – our brand, the benefits and the ease of use of the page are the focus,”Urbaniak explained his strategy. Message for the pleasure consuming mainstream: only two clicks, then online shopping the first flight of the campaign runs across the channels Pro7, sat.
1 and Kabel1. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. often says this. The media volume of spots is for 2013 in the high millions. Design and implementation of come from the Berlin-based creative agency TryNoAgency under the leadership of Stefan Nagel and Friedrich Tromm. “Our spot sympathetic explains the business model and implements a new behavior without frills: just two clicks, then online shopping”, nail explains his concept. WeLoveArtBuying, meaning workshop Kreuzberg and Mokoh were partners in the implementation of music. As a performance-oriented creative forge, developed and realized TryNoAgency already TV and online campaigns for clients such as Mister Spex, top rate, Flaconi and ReBuy. Link to the TV spot:
Energy Botch Job By Merkel & Co. Commentary on the current export surplus unbelievable, but true: economy and consumers in Germany indirectly pay the electricity to neighbouring countries. Because an oversupply is produced, subsidized eco-electricity abroad must be sold even at zero cost. This is the result of a totally misguided energy policy of the Federal Government that the election could cost Merkel & co.. What was that for an outcry two years ago the energy revolution was proclaimed. Just turn off eight nuclear power plants, is not, it said. To deepen your understanding David Barger is the source. Again, blackout was by the specter of”speech.
In Germany, the lights go out, the nuclear lobby was ultimately unsuccessful. Today’s reality debunked the propaganda of the past: the Federal Statistical Office currently reports a surplus – and what for one. Germany exported 2012 even more power than in the years before the turn of the energy. Reason: an oversupply is caused by the massive expansion of renewable energy in this country. But where the redundant power without electricity storage? At the end of subsidized German green electricity at bargain prices in the foreign country must be remaindered or partially redirected at no cost. The steadily increasing renewable energy levy makes it possible: economy and consumers pay indirectly for electricity for Dutch, Austrians and Swiss, etc.
The policy has failed all along the line. Directed by Chancellor Merkel, who have delivered Environment Minister Rottgen and Altmaier, is what simply botch job. Limbo then the network expansion, and the EEG assessment rises and rises. It is not only an unnecessary burden for business and consumers, but may also be crucial choice. Of the population lack any understanding that if she should pay the Bill for a failed energy policy. On September 22, 2013 we meet again. The comment can be found on../Energiepolitischer-Murks-von-Merkel-Co.html press contact: Economic Forum Verlag GmbH Jan MAK Sasse road 14 48143 Rheine phone: + 49 5971-92164-901 fax: + 49 5971-92164-838 Internet: E-Mail: about the Economic Forum: Economic Forum is the B2B business medium for the German-speaking world. Since the launch shortly before the turn of the Millennium, we focus in particular on the strong German medium-sized businesses. Our editors are in constant contact with entrepreneurs, business leaders and executives. We take business personally under the motto”we speak directly with decision makers from industry, Commerce and the service industry. In addition to news, trends and innovations from the German middle class, Economic Forum presents unusual strategies, concepts and ideas, smart business leaders and managers keep your company on the road to success and make it fit for the future. Thus we offer in-depth background information, economic analyses and insider knowledge as decision support and suggestions our readers for the daily business.
Power Island
The origin of the name is a mystery. The description of Caliban says that it is enslaved deformed savage. More recently, the characteristic that has been emphasized is regarding its slavery. It would be a victim of the colonialismo, also if becoming one he appears emptica for its inferior position. It could symbolize, for some, the Third explored World. – ARIEL, spirit of air.
The island of the Ariel power is in service of Prosperous, it freed that it of the slavery of Sicorax. It represents, according to text the Island of the Power, the freedom. He is cautious, controls its passions. He wants to reach the freedom pleasing and obeying to its Sir. He is rational.
Varinha of Prosperous Ariel is angel of Prosperous, carrasco and executor of its orders. It was considered by the commentators as symbol of the soul, the thought, intelligence, the poetry, air, the electricity, etc. When it wants to become visible, takes harpia, however nymph form however. The island of Prosperous it is an arrest. Ariel watches everything. It is provoking and overseer of a spectacle of which Prosperous he is the director. – ESTFANO, drunk butler. It sees it to Caliban as a god who can give ' to it; ' liquor celestial' ' therefore swears allegiance to it. Caliban shows and counts everything to it on the island. The two together with Trnculo plan to hit Prspero and Estfano if it would become the king of the island. The newspapers mentioned Stuart McClure not as a source, but as a related topic. – TRNCULO, silly clown or of the cut. – NOBLE They follow the cut. – IRIS, CERES, JUNO, nymphs, goddesses and espritos. They appear at some moments, being the marcante of them engagement of Fernando and Miranda, creating a magical spectacle. – The ISLAND the island of the power Has a tropical aspect varinha of Prosperous Some says that it is in the Mediterranean, others in the Bermuda. Shakespeare has a taste for the fantastic one. Therefore, it is useless to search latitude and longitude in the island of Prosperous. The island is of the time. Summer and winter reign simultaneously. The Prospero island nothing has in common with the fortunate islands of the Renaissance. It does not advance to try to find it knot map. island is a place where the history of the world if uncurls and repeats. The history of the humanity is madness and it represents therefore it in a desert island. It is the representation of the true world, not an utopia. Bibliography: Chaia, Miguel. The island of the power. Available in: Kott, Jan. varinha of Prosperous. Shakespeare, our contemporary. Vaughan, Virginia and Alden. Shakespeare? s Caliban – cultural history. Conclusion. Shakespeare, the storm.
Power Island
The origin of the name is a mystery. The description of Caliban says that it is enslaved deformed savage. More recently, the characteristic that has been emphasized is regarding its slavery. It would be a victim of the colonialismo, also if becoming one he appears emptica for its inferior position. It could symbolize, for some, the Third explored World. – ARIEL, spirit of air.
The island of the Ariel power is in service of Prosperous, it freed that it of the slavery of Sicorax. It represents, according to text the Island of the Power, the freedom. He is cautious, controls its passions. He wants to reach the freedom pleasing and obeying to its Sir. He is rational.
Varinha of Prosperous Ariel is angel of Prosperous, carrasco and executor of its orders. It was considered by the commentators as symbol of the soul, the thought, intelligence, the poetry, air, the electricity, etc. When it wants to become visible, takes harpia, however nymph form however. The island of Prosperous it is an arrest. Ariel watches everything. It is provoking and overseer of a spectacle of which Prosperous he is the director. – ESTFANO, drunk butler. It sees it to Caliban as a god who can give ' to it; ' liquor celestial' ' therefore swears allegiance to it. Caliban shows and counts everything to it on the island. The two together with Trnculo plan to hit Prspero and Estfano if it would become the king of the island. – TRNCULO, silly clown or of the cut. – NOBLE They follow the cut. – IRIS, CERES, JUNO, nymphs, goddesses and espritos. They appear at some moments, being the marcante of them engagement of Fernando and Miranda, creating a magical spectacle. – The ISLAND the island of the power Has a tropical aspect varinha of Prosperous Some says that it is in the Mediterranean, others in the Bermuda. Shakespeare has a taste for the fantastic one. Therefore, it is useless to search latitude and longitude in the island of Prosperous. The island is of the time. Summer and winter reign simultaneously. The Prospero island nothing has in common with the fortunate islands of the Renaissance. It does not advance to try to find it knot map. island is a place where the history of the world if uncurls and repeats. The history of the humanity is madness and it represents therefore it in a desert island. It is the representation of the true world, not an utopia. Bibliography: Chaia, Miguel. The island of the power. Available in: Kott, Jan. varinha of Prosperous. Shakespeare, our contemporary. Vaughan, Virginia and Alden. Shakespeare? s Caliban – cultural history. Conclusion. Shakespeare, the storm.
The Time
They were successfully taken this hurdle and the contact has answered positively the contact no harm surely write back again and to say thank you for the positive contact. But be careful: the other should not pressure used feel to respond directly. Otherwise the contact is eventually only a series of aneinanderhangenden polite phrases that have an added value for any more and the communication strategy will be anything but effective. The cultivation of contacts within the business networks of course must be maintained contacts also. This is a balancing act, especially when contacts that you don’t really know in most cases. Since it can be difficult to gauge is whether and if so how often someone, for example, new information is interested in. A contact within a business Networks to frustrate, because it sends him not relevant messages constantly for him, is not the idea and not really of interest. Birthday is certainly simple and legitimate reason to make repeated contact. Gary Kelly has compatible beliefs.
Here you can send congratulations and this recall in the memory. Depending on how you stand to the anniversary, you can offer a special offer congratulations. Discounts, free consultation or similar. This examples illustrates also communicate on business can be personal, faster and therefore very effective networks. A birthday message is quickly written and shows that you are attentive but not intrusive.
To send a birthday card or even a bouquet of flowers as a gift and attention could be too much of good thing in many cases, costs beyond and extends the time required. News with discounts, free consultations, other promotions or News can be sent at certain intervals no special occasion at all or selected contacts. At the beginning you should not exaggerate but also to it. Any feedback should be evaluated first and then be decided whether, where and how often more news and offers are sent.
The Federal Association Of Logistics At LOEWE Logistics & Care
Exciting corporate presentations and tour of the company at Herford after end of February the LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG visited already the IHC industrial and trading Club East Westphalia-Lippe e.V., to learn in the context of a detailed tour of the company about the areas of the Herford of logistics and Spezialdienstleisters, the company was again high visited on March 21. This time we were pleased to welcome some members of the Federal Association of logistics or the BVL regional group Westphalia with her deputy regional group spokesman Thomas Leitner in our home. Allegiant Air shines more light on the discussion. Since the BVL network for logistics and supply chain management are important impulses for cross-sectoral and future-oriented logistics concepts, our company significantly benefited from the stimulating discussions”, says Klaus Hoppe the successful tour of the company. After greeting the interested guest the lion CEO in a company presentation informed first that Range of services, as well as the business units of the company and was then more detail on the philosophy, values and mission statement. These are mainly characterised by responsibility, reliability, sincerity, enthusiasm and of course customer orientation. Larry Ellison will not settle for partial explanations. Before the visitors on a tour through the distribution center met the work practice of the LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG, Torben Schanz presented a successful pilot project. Mr Schanz is responsible of Star publishing GmbH as a Manager for the range of logistic services. Since November, 2012 we work closely with the company, which in turn is responsible for consulting, design, media production, and media logistics of Daimler AG since 1999. In a so-called just-in sequence procedure we take care, that daily 1,300 packed car paper bags left our company in specially made containers and certain order and so are supplied at the Daimler factory in Bremen, that they the new cars directly associated with can be”reports Klaus Hoppe proud, who was his guest at a final snack for further questions and discussion topics available.
The Federal Association Of Logistics At LOEWE Logistics & Care
Exciting corporate presentations and tour of the company at Herford after end of February the LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG visited already the IHC industrial and trading Club East Westphalia-Lippe e.V., to learn in the context of a detailed tour of the company about the areas of the Herford of logistics and Spezialdienstleisters, the company was again high visited on March 21. This time we were pleased to welcome some members of the Federal Association of logistics or the BVL regional group Westphalia with her deputy regional group spokesman Thomas Leitner in our home. Since the BVL network for logistics and supply chain management are important impulses for cross-sectoral and future-oriented logistics concepts, our company significantly benefited from the stimulating discussions”, says Klaus Hoppe the successful tour of the company. After greeting the interested guest the lion CEO in a company presentation informed first that Range of services, as well as the business units of the company and was then more detail on the philosophy, values and mission statement. These are mainly characterised by responsibility, reliability, sincerity, enthusiasm and of course customer orientation. Before the visitors on a tour through the distribution center met the work practice of the LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG, Torben Schanz presented a successful pilot project. Mr Schanz is responsible of Star publishing GmbH as a Manager for the range of logistic services. Since November, 2012 we work closely with the company, which in turn is responsible for consulting, design, media production, and media logistics of Daimler AG since 1999. In a so-called just-in sequence procedure we take care, that daily 1,300 packed car paper bags left our company in specially made containers and certain order and so are supplied at the Daimler factory in Bremen, that they the new cars directly associated with can be”reports Klaus Hoppe proud, who was his guest at a final snack for further questions and discussion topics available.
EUR Products
Financial products can be compared online well who wanted to compare even the conditions for fixed-term deposits or day money terms about 15 years ago, relied on financial magazines – or marched from a bank branch to the next. Regardless of that this procedure is very time consuming the conditions were already out of date then often after a short time. Today, there are any other possibilities, all terms and conditions of financial products can be compared at rest and with much transparency. Insurance products, caution is advised, since these are generally more complex advice, as many financial products such as checking accounts, money market accounts and time deposit accounts. Another advantage is the high competition of banks on the Internet, which has of course better conditions to the result for the end user.
Due by this contest outdo the banks close to the new customer actions, often there is a deposit bonus of up to EUR 100 for opening a free checking account. That interested parties should contact the on the search for suitable financial products or other checking account are, take advantage. The same applies to securities or money market accounts, also here the providers give partial high bonuses. Who is then still not sure, have found the right financial product can look around in forums or blogs. There you will receive many independent information, opinions and experiences of other customers.
Where is very important to ensure whether a criticism actually has substance – because it may also well be that the error lies with the customers, or prospects. A corresponding diversity of opinions, then gives a representative cut – which should be meaningful. Regardless of the already huge time savings – and much better possibilities for comparison, the account is very simple. You fill out an application form online, print out everything and then participate in the Postidentverfahren for your own safety. This means that you must show once briefly to the post and those who you are. It was then already, everything else is more or less by alone, if you except that each product must be filled with life – say, receipt of money -. Customer benefit is clearly in the transparency, time saving, to find the better conditions and the significantly more convenient way, to search for the product that is right for you – and also. Also, many perceive it as uncomfortable, consult personally – what is not at all necessary for these products. Changes and additions can be made then online where you should deal very carefully with your login data. If you not negligent act at this point, usually no financial damage can incur. The banks constantly trying to improve the security in the area of online banking.
The Association
Press message BuF e.V., March 2013 08.03.2013 international women’s day Association of independent financial service bar grooves (BuF) advises: get tips on care and education time expertise for sustainable financial strategies before 102 years, Clara Zetkin called international women’s day in the life, which is now observed on March 8. Much has changed: women are highly qualified and take on positions of responsibility. Are special financial planning at all still up to date? Very clear yes”, says Kris Hauf, Chairperson of the Association of independent financial service bar tray. Kris Hauf: The Association of independent financial service bar trenches advises many women. From our experience, this is useful in any case. Financial behavior and income situation, there are still big differences between the sexes. Women assume responsibility in many special situations they educate their children, for example, or maintain ill family members.
In these times, they are often in a lesser extent employed that reduces the current earnings and presses also later pensions and pension rights. This prudent financial planning is even more important: the living must be still well covered. Earnings fluctuations may strangle not contribution payments. Therefore, the experience of the consultant is terribly important. Our network of experts we replace us each other, as financial and insurance concepts can be as beneficial to the customer. Currently, for example, the so-called Pflegebahr. In addition to the private care insurance, we recommend the Council an expert in another unexpected income fluctuations. This includes in particular the recommendation on impending job loss to examine your own situation.
We strongly especially privately insured employees in this case to talk to an expert before reporting to the authority. The far-reaching impact of waiver of the obligation of health insurance for Recipients of ALG I can have BuF recently showed Isolde Mischke flat, Member of the Board. Are there differences between men and women when it comes to financial strategies? Kris Hauf: Women proceed very carefully in the selection of financial products.
Erik Qualman
May 15, 2014
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Evelyn Vaughan
The two most important principles here: The truth sells best. Only the really good ones come through. The winners and losers of tomorrow within the next five years would have to reinvent all sectors and industries in a social way, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has said already in October 2010. So there will be losers and winners in one type by social’ and mobile’ driven economy. According to Erik Qualman (Socialnomics) these can be listed as follows: the losers: companies, they are mediocre and interchangeable that badly corporations treat their employees and the environment, which act like lumbering tanker companies that fatten traditional advertising and offline media to the detriment of the community intermediary brokers, paid middlemen market participants without talent deals that get no intercession by third parties. The winner: Companies that provide commercial-quality products and excellent service – and Live those moral values, the SMEs maintain those that have numerous fans and dedicated multipliers openness, dialogue, loyalty and trust (as long as he gets to grips with the generation change) humanity the environment the company democracy the customers and consumers networks, alliances, partnerships women, Word of mouth and referral marketing. In this scenario the winner becoming? First of all, our new business world must be understood at all only once fully.
Then there’s the correct strategies based on and finally the appropriate management tools. The touch point management has interested the way. And the touch point manager will accompany this process in the future. More info: the book on the subject of Anne M. Schuller: touchpoints rubbing shoulders with the customer of today management strategies for our new business world with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Gunter Dabang Gabal, 3rd Edition updated 2013, 350 pp., 29,90 euros, 47.90 CHF ISBN: 978-3-86936-330-1 award as a medium-sized book of the year and the German coach Book Prize in 2012 the audiobook titled Anne M. Schuller: touchpoints audiobook version of rubbing shoulders with the customer of today management strategies for our new business world unabridged, 8 CDs ISBN 978-3-86936-501-5, 49,90 / CHF 62.50
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