Author: Evelyn Vaughan

ENGINIUS Users Meeting 2010

April 11, 2014


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The interactive exchange of experiences around the mobile maintenance enginius this year’s users meeting as a platform for interactive exchanges of experience relating to the mobile maintenance enginius will take place on October 7, 2010 at SCHOTT AG in Grunenplan. In addition to the presentation of the innovations of the enginius and the presentations of the latest trends of RFID technologies and developments in the end-device market, are interactive workshop focuses on. Here, with users and developers discussed common issues of mobile processing and set the course for future developments. The 2001 founded ENGINIUS Beratungsgesellschaft fur Informationstechnologie mbH focus based in Schwetzingen in the coupling of business processes using modern information and communication techniques. ENGINIUS designed the eponymous mobile maintenance system enginius. Mobile maintenance the ENGINIUS connects people with the world of the computer-aided maintenance. Employees in production and technology in Able to see using small mobile devices (PDA) with auto identification technology right on the scene-important information about plants and maintenance orders, as well as to undertake directly activities or feedback. The mobile solution can in existing system environments (such as SAP) by corresponding connectors are integrated or but work as an independent Instandhaltungsplanungs and control system (IPSS).

On The Little Things, It Comes In

April 11, 2014


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Tradition and modernity unite to create a holiday oasis that is second to none. Rosshaupten, Sonthofen by the “skilful balancing act between old and new” to a “confident building in a special place” was the speech, Kaufmann was inaugurated on the extension building of the hotel. The entrepreneurial courage of the hotelier couple Susanne and Hans-Georg Kaufmann creates not only additional work and training places, but also a top-class holiday oasis.?In Rosshaupten in Bavaria, close to the world-famous Royal Castles, with wonderful views of the Allgau Alps Ridge and surrounded by lakes and castles, hotel Kaufmann received a new face in military construction. Taking into account traditional and ecological materials and with much attention to detail a modern and architecturally sophisticated atmosphere with a country style expected by holiday guests adds up. On a constructed area of more than 3000 square meters, the merchant hotel has 43 rooms.

Several luxury suites, Comfort room, a family room and even a barrier-free rooms during the extension. Two large meeting rooms can accommodate 80 people. For relaxation pur are also a generously equipped spa area available in addition to a sauna landscape. The detached pool house, gym, panoramic sauna or the steam bath will leave no wishes unfulfilled. The guests serve themselves their optimal wellness experience from energy treatments, massages and beauty treatments themselves. Relax your body and mind, if certified trainers provide insight into the far eastern relaxation art of yoga. Since February 2002, family businessman relies on the performance of the hotline hotel software.

About the front office and Internet fees recorded in addition to restaurant – and telephone reservations automatically. The accounting information is passed through the interface to the DATEV from the hotel software. The marketing capabilities of hotline support the House in customer acquisition and loyalty. The hotel Kaufmann shows how from visions, entrepreneurial courage, commitment and attention to detail something can emerge.

The Stress

April 10, 2014


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Protection is also more expensive, if not as in the case of the example a clerk, but a Mason wants to insure themselves. The 40-year-old pays then whopping 83 euro per month and thereby about 70% more than the merchant. The reason is obvious: who as a bricklayer on construction works hard physically, faster ill by the stress will as an office worker. Often, when a bedraggled protection is selected, there are more favourable protection. It is also important to pay attention to the duration of the contract. Because the sooner is the contract to an end, he becomes cheaper. The 30 year-old businessman in the example above pay 36 euro, so that the contract will run until the 65th birthday, there are only 24 euro, if the contract already ends to his 60th birthday, after all, a discount of more than 30%.

However create a gap of up to 7 years, until a Berufsunfahiger finally can retire then and missing during this time of course corresponding revenue, if the occupational disability insurance no longer must pay. Can disability at all meet? This is a matter of statistics. Every 4 workers in Germany will be statistically berufsunfahig. In men, there are mental illness in less than 25% of cases after investigations by best on the subject of disability the cause of disability, women are now even well above 35%. Other main causes of disability: diseases of the skeleton, muscles and connective tissue, cancers, heart and cardiovascular diseases. And nerve diseases are often a cause of disability. When should I care disability insurance? Best as soon as possible, if you have arrived in the working life. Because you are younger, the easier a disability insurance is to get, because at a young age”most applicants have still not pre-existing conditions that prevent the conclusion or to recover the premium in the amount.

Markus Walter Rheinstrasse

April 8, 2014


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The ability to bring the required IT sales knowledge in the application, features final strong and confident sales person”, notes Oliver Wegner. The evolution plan GmbH offers a solution tailored to the needs of the IT industry, six-month development programme to the IT solution vendors. Stuart McClure will not settle for partial explanations. A program is available by presence and online training, individual coaching, exchange of experiences, benchmarking and master’s thesis, which has the practical implementation in IT sales everyday in the focus and therefore immediately visible successes among the participants. Description of the company evolution plan gives you a lead company growth. Steven P Rosenthal has similar goals. The focus is on measures to the simple and measurable increase in sales and earnings. evolution plan is specialized in companies that work in the business-to-business (B2B), often are in highly competitive markets, and erklarungsbedu? rftige products and services are offered. The focus located on system and software houses, consultancies and IT service providers.

The company combines excellent consultants for sales as well as sales trainers and coaches, who in addition to their many years of experience in the respective sectors on a wide range of expertise, pragmatic methods and techniques back? ckgreifen. The evolution plan founder Oliver Wegner has worked in the industry for 15 years and has extensive experience in interim management, sales development, new business and sales practice. As a business coach, he advises the management of IT and telecommunications companies in the development of the business. Work results of evolution plan are now feasible in practice. Oliver Wegner is e.V. as well as accredited INtem sales trainer certified sales professional of the Q-pool 100, the official community of quality international business trainer and consultant. Company contact: evolution plan GmbH Oliver Wegner Terminal Road mid 18 85356 Munich-Airport Tel: 089 / 9700-7250 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Walter Visual PR GmbH Markus Walter Rheinstrasse 99 65185 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611 238780 E-Mail: Web:

Studio Asian

April 5, 2014


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On the European market, the illegal trade increasing robbery wood. Asia furniture, such as opium tables, sideboards and cabinets have at the present time many Germans in in their living rooms. Such furniture are often made of tropical hardwood in Laos, Viet Nam, or Kambodsche. If the garden furniture or tables at the hardware store are offered in the online shop, then of course without giving reasons, the hardwood was embarked in which region and under what conditions. Many stories that could expose Asian furniture about its origin, would intimidate some inclined interested to purchase the Asian furnishings, because words such as ‘illegal’, ‘unauthorized’ and ‘Exploitation of human beings’ would occur. The wood robbers on the track as example are now the countries of Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam. Between Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam the rainforest is according to the law, which means that the beating of trees is unlawful.

Nevertheless saw Asian loggers undisturbed through the Woods and steal woody plants. Timber thieves steal not only the hardwood, as the illegal forest workers destroy the breeding ground of their livelihoods the ecological basis of the forest and the animals of the forest. Large local companies, which make Asian furniture pieces such as opium tables, chests and tables, bribe the Laotian military. In the North of Viet Nam is currently ready to fight. Residents of villages from their forests, wood is stolen, make organizations and boots on patrol against the illegal loggers.

With their home-made hunting rifles, they hunt the better equipped illegal forest workers who hack piece the stability and diversity of the primeval forest. The facilities of the villagers only consists of ten mopeds, some a few bottles filled with fuel, a cooking pot and a bag of rice. If the self-proclaimed justice hunters hear the screech of the huge chain saws in the jungle, starts the baiting with mopeds by muddy valleys and dense green. Once far into the forest, one of the banned sawmills is discovered, it is quickly zerstortt to the safety of the already damaged jungle. The leaders of the timber mafia are headquartered in Viet Nam, where the timber is processed into Asian furnishings such as secretaries, beds and chairs but certainly not in the Laotian jungle. In Viet Nam, the excessively felled wood becomes legal goods. In neighbouring Viet Nam, there is no law on the protection of the forest. There is neither a ban on wood pallet in the neighbouring country illegally still import ban for robbery wood. Many manufacturing facilities in the port city of Hanoi fabricate Asian sideboards, cabinets and chests of drawers for sale abroad, as well as for marketing in our country. Asian furniture anyone interested in should seek information from the dealer itself before the acquisition of home accessories from Asia about the origin as also varieties of wood in Asia. The Internet shop results in Asia living Studio Asian home accessories that were not fabricated from Vietnamese robbery wood.

Elbe Construction

April 4, 2014


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Further details of the Baakenhafenbrucke is the largest bridge construction project in Hamburg’s HafenCity. The bridge measures 170 metres long, 21 meters wide, weighs about 2,300 tons and will cost EUR 15 million. The bridge for the traffic will be released in August 2013. In Belgium, the bridge was built and transported over the North Sea and the Elbe to Hamburg. The two outer parts of the bridge weighing 900 tons and run on the two pillars of the country. The middle segment is smaller: it weighs “only” 500 tons and is easily mounted in the other two parts of the bridge. So can be lifted out back there, if, for example, a museum ship in the baakenhafen Harbour to be brought.

Large floating cranes are no longer needed. It is simply used the force of the tide. At low tide, a hub pontoon under the bridge is positioned. The pontoon rising with the tide and pushing the bridge from the anchor. Then so are the two parts of the bridge to the South and north shores locked, that they not be lifted with the flood. So, the middle section can be pulled away by tractors.

About HVAC machinery HVAC construction machinery ( is Germany’s leading, vendor-independent landlords and merchants of construction machinery, construction equipment, space systems and vehicles. The owner-managed company made a turnover of 275 million euros in 2012 and is with its rental fleet, construction shop and service offering largest provider for construction, trade, industry and municipalities. Nationwide over 140 branches and 1,200 employees a rental fleet of 30,000 machines guarantee proximity to the customer and the fast service on-site. HVAC construction machinery in Austria and Poland has more branches.

Old Demand

March 21, 2014


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* – ikov Troy (Prague 7) * Among the most attractive areas of Prague investors confidently maintains its position and Troy, located on the right bank of the Vltava. In terms of investments it attraction is a good transport accessibility area and not far away from the city center. There is accommodation of all types, from luxury villas – to low-cost apartments. The biggest demand here uses it, Of course, apartments in villas and cottages with beautiful views of the center of Prague. * – Troja Vrshovitse and Stranice (Prague 10) * The attraction of this area, located near the city center of Prague 10, in recent years is growing. Topics Still, housing prices are about 20-30 percent less than neighboring areas more prestigious Vinohrady and ikov. Investment attractiveness Vrshovits is the presence of this large number of brick houses, apartments in which are in high demand among buyers. Here is actively developing infrastructure, there is a large shopping and sports centers.

Given the high demand for housing in the area, development companies are buying up Old houses are being reconstructed and sell apartments. Are under construction and new residential complexes, apartment which also quickly sold out. Located further away from the city center area Stranice uses less demand than Vrshovitse. Nevertheless, the neighborhoods located near the metro station , can also be viewed as promising from the point of view, investing in real estate * – Vrovice, Stranice Smichov (Prague 5) and Holesovice (Prague 7) * Some experts called Smichov "second ikov", meaning, its prospect for investors.

Nonferrous Metals

March 21, 2014


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After the collapse of the Soviet Union left many developed and ceased to exist deposits of nonferrous metals. In those years, few cared about recycling or the so-called tailings, with the remaining non-ferrous metals and . And the content of metals in the waste is sufficiently large: Cu 12.17%, tin 6.76%, 1,49% nickel, cobalt, 0.99%, 0.14% silver, gold, 0.04%, platinum group 0, 02%, and other valuable components of 14.97%. These averages of several hundred tests. During the processing of a wagon (60 tons) of waste we only only 7 tonnes of copper, which cost 700,000 rubles. Now those businesses that are engaged in the production of metals, will be closed and replaced by small Villages with a population of several thousand people.

Therefore, these wastes a draw and the special obstacles on its way you will not meet. Technology of recycling is as follows: sintering, melting, increasing the percentage, electroplating, melting in an induction furnace. Laboratory for processing need 50-80 square meters. As workers can use the local population, the packaging and can also be sent directly to the site. And from there, ready send machines into space warehousing and sales. Company for processing and sale of metals can be issued in an average of 10,000 euros. All in all, the opening of this business need 40-50 thousand dollars. The main costs are the following: 1 – selection of repeated samples – 2000 $ 2 – analysis in Moscow (or any other major city): mineralogical and chemical – 3000 $ 3 – Organization of production at the site, from Moscow 6000 km – $ 5000 4 – transport to storage areas and sale – 20 ton – $ 3000 5 – aluminothermy – $ 1000 6 – galvano – 3000 $ 7 – Melting of Phase 1 – 2500 $ 8 – Chemical division – 3000 $ 9 – melting fractions – $ 3000


March 20, 2014


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Many enter the net looking for the much-desired economic independence, to find our business from home. We have so many plans, so many projects, we constantly dream of different forms and possibilities. See you in our dreams exert different functions or handling different projects, whether these of any kind, work, study, travel, partner, etc, all and each one of them best. But however many times reality has little to do with our dreams. The reality is crude, cruel, us sticks in the face. But there are two reasons that I believe are fundamental to not relocate our projects forward, so that our dreams is amputate. These reasons are: the doubt and fear. If we rechazaramos the doubt and fear every time we want to start something and put all our efforts and not think negatively leaving us addressed by them, our lives would be very different because we concretariamos many of our projects and our dreams.

And although the result obtained is not expected in all cases, not you import both, because we will have extracted from our mistakes all the wisdom they contain. In addition, when we are fenced and cornered by doubt and fear and abdicate, without invoking our courage to face them and deal with our projects, displayed something that will accompany us forever: we stayed with the eternal question of knowing what would have happened if we had tried. We all have fears, is a universal emotion is inherent to the human condition and experience it is something natural to human beings. Only that we must overcome and learn to deal with them and not leave they become someone who visit us regularly. At least force him to hit the door several times and having to knock down it to enter, rather than receive it with the door open. Although it is a mechanism of Defense and survival, when fear is imposed, prevents us from clarity of thought, the panorama is seen from another perspective where the optics that prevails is the negativism.

Fighting Plagiarism Site Promotion

March 19, 2014


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Author creative stuff has always been and will be of interest not only readers but also web master, in need of filling your project content. The unique material is currently expensive. Sooner or later, before owner gets a choice to buy the site content, writing, or shall we say to borrow, copy it from someone else's site. Try typing in the search engine a few phrases of interest and you will notice as a result of Search least two sources with the same, previously owned by a unique and one of them information. With recognition of the same content on different platforms, the search engine on its primary task of fighting for relevance to ban pages with the same content, but this does not happen by virtue of that fact plagiat'stva, even in the most explicit form it is difficult to prove.

Unfortunately, copying the unique material if it is useful and interesting to the user sooner or later. Actually, no it does not protect against this is a natural process for the Internet. In view of the above problems associated with conservation of the unique content are only effective way to deal with four kopipastingom: Method number 1: Always create a unique material. That is, lower the percentage of plagiarism in your resource by filling the "strategic stocks" new unique content. Method number 2: Place your article in anchor links.

This is done to increase link to your site, even if your article was used as a crib. While this option does not always work, as links can be manually removed from the body of Article Method number 3: The supply of text information unique images showing the source address for them. It certainly will not cut down with an ax. Method number 4: As above, by not bad decision – set of special programs allowing completely prevent copying of text information, or at least reduce this process by means of inserting hidden links and symbols.

