Brazilian Government

April 21, 2020


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With the appearance of fungo Dotidela Ulei, the technician, worried about the success of the project, they had decided to create another nucleus of production and had chosen plateaus of Belterra, next to Santarm, where new an infra structure was created and a new seringal was planted. Project not reached success waited that the events of World War II had together with disarticulated the Ford company hosted in Fordlndia, that was negotiated with the Federal Government the symbolic price, 10% of its real value. This negotiation happened in the year of 1945. Retroceding a little in history, in 1933 it arrived at the Amaznia Japanese migration that, in an accord with the Brazilian Government, it intended to install an agro-industrial project, for which 10.000.000 had been yielded approximately ha of ground. They had brought two Indian forest species of great search in the international market. The first one was the pepper of the kingdom and the second a jute. The pepper production of the kingdom was hosted in the region of Tom Au, whereas of jute Amaznia was developed by groups of the Village, old village of Parintins. It is the fifth economic cycle, the cycle of jute.

With the arrival of World War II, the project started to be wronged, therefore Japan, the financier of the project, belonged to the contrary block of countries to the one of Brazil, and therefore it was forbidden to develop any economic activity in Brazil, being been the paralyzed project. The caboclos of the Amazon region had been gradually absorbing the culture of jute and observing the advantages that the new product brought. Thus, the production of jute arrived to occupy the biggest importance of the Amazonian economy, per three decades, 1940 1960, arriving to more than produce 91 a thousand tons per year. In 1968 the jute production in the Amaznia started to decline. The sprouting of the synthetic fiber, the irrisrio price of the Indiana fiber, the job of hand of workmanship disqualified and not mechanized in the jute production in the Amaznia had been the main causes of the decline of this production. It is in this period that appears the exploration of gold in the valley of the river Tapajs.

It is the sixth economic cycle of the region. In the decade of eighty the money excess in circulation inflacionou the cost of living in all the Amazon region. ' ' The currency almost lost importncia' ' , therefore the negotiations had as referencial the gold. The agricultural productions had been harmed with the evasion of the force of work for the fronts of pan. The nourishing products had passed to be imported, therefore it did not have hand of workmanship in the field that if occupied of agriculture. The population deviated its attentions for the fast enrichment, disdaining the devotion to the perfectioning of the professional quality. At the beginning of the decade of ninety the areas of I pan had been closed for order of the federal Government, had to the extreme use of pollutants that had caused irretrievable damages to the population and the environment. Thus, the Amaznia one more time estagnou, repeating history and continuing to defy who if atreve to develop it.

