Category: News

Granada Airport

May 5, 2013


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After its clear commitment to the market of flights to Granada, Vueling company has reinforced the number of flights to Barcelona weekly operating from Granada, with an increase of 30 per cent of journeys to the city of Barcelona for the winter season. Vueling increases so your offer for business routes, carrying out up to three daily journeys between Granada and the capital of Catalonia, allowing travelers to enjoy a wider variety of schedules to make the journey of round-trip in one day. Will thus go daily flights to Barcelona on 9: 05 am, 14: 00 pm and 20: 55 pm, which will return to Granada at three different times: 7: 10 am, 12: 00 pm and 19: 00 pm. In this sense, Vueling has designed a package called Go!, designed specifically for business travelers, which allows them advance or delay the time of departure of your flight, including the free allocation of square and the sending of e-mail and mobile phone boarding card. This product can already be hire at a cost of 20 euros on domestic flights and 25 euros on international routes. Flights to Moscow in addition to the increase in daily frequency at Barcelona, Vueling resume from next December 25 the path of flights to Moscow from Federico Garcia Lorca from Granada airport, with a stopover in Barcelona. Thus, the airline shall make available to travelers 24 target paths, 15 of which correspond to international destinations.

Ministry Secretary General

April 7, 2013


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CODESA: Twenty years of reflection by the development of Aysen is the name of the project to the private corporation for the development of Aysen (Codesa) implemented over the coming months with resources of the Fund of Civil society strengthening version 2010, the year in which the organization meets two decades of legal existence. The initiative, with a total of two million pesos, focuses on the realization of a meeting, in mid-December, allowing relieve work and contribution that dozens of citizens have made to culture, citizen participation and the regional economy through the institution.It will also be the occasion for a meeting between actors of different organizations of the civil society in order to deliver his vision about the future of the Aysen Region, next to an exhibition about the history of the movement of development in the region. In quality of coejecutores environmental grouping and Cultural VIVA and society will participate in the initiative History and geography of Aysen. This is the fourth project that the Corporation will execute in the context of Civil society strengthening facility that manages the Division of organizations social of the Ministry Secretary General of Government-, of a total of 10 notifications done.The others have been for Chile and Aysen learn energy, in 2005, which allowed making workshops in Coyhaique related projects of dams on Endesa and in which participated the company’s executives, leaders of environmental and social organizations, and Government officials linked to the field of electricity, non-conventional renewable energy, citizen participation and the environmental impact assessment system.The following year was awarded the continuation of the initiative, under the name by Chile and Aysen continue learning of energy, which led the information gathered in the meetings conducted in the regional capital to Caleta Caleta Tortel, Villa OHiggins, Cochrane, Puerto Bertrand, Valparaiso and Santiago, being qualified by the seremi’s Government at the time as one of the good projects that have been executed not only in the region but in the country.And last year worked for the province of Palena, and regions of Aysen and Magallanes, organizing the seminar building ethical leadership in Patagonia, with the teachings of Leonardo Boff on sustainability.

Funded Proposal Concept

March 18, 2013


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The concept of the proposal funded or funded proposal concept is a new model for the presentation of business on the Internet. This revolutionary system was introduced by the visionary Ty Coughlin taking advantages of this Web 2.0 technology and which proposes auto-financiar your own marketing campaign to promote your business. It is this funnel-shaped model is that most of the networkers not only used to create a fast fluid of money that will help to cover all the expenses of advertising which must be invested to promote their website, but also use it to solidify their social networks… Works like this: knowledge of the basic factors 1-due to establish any kind of business not only it takes time to develop, but also required monetary investment to create and sustain it, the question is how does a person to create their small business if you don’t have financial resources that protect their projects? 2. The majority of the people will be much more willing to invest in tutorials or informative and didactic elements by low cost, which will be by investing in businesses that involve a greater economic risk. 3 – The basic priorities of people who investigates online do so with the need to solve problems or achieve understandings. 4. To offer any business first you have to make sure that you’ve marked your identity, so in this way you not only have followers, but you have the confidence of them, before it happens the chances of someone invest in with an unknown are very low.

Taking into account these important data because not then create tutorials inexpensive education to those interested in the area that you already know, offer these materials, tools, software, programs, etc. and expose them in the front door or front end of your campaign. This way you’d be creating structured products to help others solve their problems, you wouldn’t be creating a quick fluid of money, wouldn’t be marking your identity as an expert in the subject, wouldn’t be generating confidence of these networks, you’ll be exhibiting as a collaborator not as seller, you wouldn’t be solidifying your social relationships and as if little your networks would be paying to get to know you. Where what you look at, this is a profit + simple profit equation. That is what this concept of the funded proposal or funded proposal concept. Now we are talking about a door entry, and talked of generating small inputs of money, are where your primary business is located then?, is located in the back door of this funnel. Make a click to view chart already know that social networks are like the blood flowing by veins of a business, if there are no people that are interested or who know of the existence of the business, then simply there is no business. That is why we must not only ensure that they create the famous list of interested people, but we must cultivate it and keep in touch with them. It’s so offering these tutorials in your gateway you get data personal Emails tea buyers keep in contact with your potential prospects or Leads generate confidence propose your primary business door rear proposal funded is the model to follow and more cash for the moment and that large and small companies tend to follow, it is just to test and take this system that works more for you.


March 15, 2013


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Golds rosewood is within the tarot minor arcana, and refer to the material aspects, and the brain and meditated decisions. The Sota of gold medals is the most responsible of all the arcane. This is not only reinforced by being this stick but because it is a deck of the element of Earth. Precisely, this character is characterized by the feet on the ground. Despite his youth, he is a character decided to assume an important responsibility. Why this deck should be welcome when it comes out on Chuck.

This Arcanum can mean a new job or a promotion in our current employment, which will imply a greater responsibility, and higher incomes. In all cases it will bring us good financial news. This deck tells us that a Messenger enters our lives to bring us the scoop. While, in some occasions, we do not know to recognize that you it’s a good news, we have to be attentive as developments occur. It is only a question of give time to things will develop in our favor. The Sota of oros is a young character’s body but old mind.

It is a hardworking leader and an efficient administrator, which will employ common sense and intuition, and will not often in situations take large risks. It is a person who respects the rules, laws and regulations. This little risky way but very constant achieved great progress in your life. He is a visionary, someone who knows how to recognize opportunities in all situations, while at first they seem unfavorable. Specifically, it’s a person that if life throws you lemons, make lemonade. This Arcanum of the tarot has a very powerful energy. You can want to indicate to whom inquiry that now is the time to lead a team, or handle a great responsibility. It will be necessary to gather resources and use them wisely, because only with wisdom you will achieve success. This arcane speaks definitely success in business, and the emergence of opportunities that will leave us with a substantial gain. This deck invites us to seek new paths, to express new ideas, and be creative to achieve success. The consultant tells that he already has a knowledge, which has a capacity. Now the time to use it.

Department SMEs

February 21, 2013


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Even though currently in the Venezuelan State alliances with third world countries are being established in order to encourage Venezuelan businesses to compete in the international market, certain questions arise in my mind, are SMEs in Venezuela to compete in these markets prepared? Will they have the productive and technological capabilities to deal with these economies? Given these concerns, it is necessary to establish opportunities and weaknesses of Venezuelan companies, specifically SMEs to venture into international markets. SMEs face the following weaknesses: insufficient investment in technological advances, generated as a consequence the manufacture products few competitive in international markets. Many of the small and medium-sized enterprises are family origin, which implies that companies are managed by entrepreneurs with little managerial and scarce capacity leadership. Many SMEs do not invest in the training of human capital, generating little motivation to employees. Little or no strategic planning and research of market in the development of their activities. Many of the small and medium-sized businesses have organizational structures that are not consistent with reality, since they focus on sales, finance and production departments and do not have marketing departments in their structures. They downplay to the levels of quality of the products, thus generating a shift in its products in international markets.

Little use of electronic media to market their products.The SME has the following opportunities: the State obliges the institutions financial as part of its portfolio is aimed at the development and encouragement of productive activities, through interest rates regulated in order that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have access to financing. Fundamental characteristics for which these companies can be dealt with under the modality of microcredit is that the company have a maximum of 10 workers and its annual sales not exceeding Bs. 3.300.000,00 Venezuelan State currently is building partnerships with developed countries, which stimulates investment in technological development, acquisition of material raw material among others, which stimulates the production of domestic enterprises. Today in some of the SMEs is grouped in Clusters in some sectors in order to cut its costs and obtain greater profits. qualified human Capital. Conclusions once analyzed weaknesses and opportunities for SMEs in Venezuela concluded that SMEs achieve venture into international markets, should firstly, stimulate the development of market research since this is a tool that will allow them to know who are your consumers, what are their patterns of consumption, who are its main competitors among othersTherefore, the existence of a Department of marketing that is essential This flat communication with the departments involved with the production and sales of products. In addition, is critical, companies making a direct investment in human capital formation and technological innovations to improve their production processes, whereas the possibility of financing through financial institutions, without leaving aside the advantages offered alliances and treaties by the State and the world’s powers with regard to technological advances. It is also important, stimulating the formation of Clusters by small and medium-sized enterprises Venezuelan, since through this mechanism they will have the advantage of acquiring material raw material at a better cost, offer channels of efficient distribution and indeed this companies to group themselves will have the opportunity to compete in international markets. Finally, to encourage the use of the e-marketing as a tool allowing to publicize their products at the national and international level, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, at less cost.

Sevilla Spain

February 15, 2013


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Seville, Spain, is considered the artistic, cultural and financial capital of southern Spain. People who live in this beautiful and historic city are called Sevillians (men) or Sevillanas (women). Although Seville is located away from the coast, still only 20 feet above sea level. Once was an important maritime port. In fact, Explorer Hernando de Magallanes has boats that used to go around the world from Seville. He was also the recipient of a lot of silver brought from the new world. Because of the brought riches of America, Sevilla attracted a population big enough in the 16 and 17 centuries, making the largest city in Spain until around 1649 when the great plague of Seville struck.

Although the town fell in importance in terms of population and economy, it is still being valued as an artistic centre of the Baroque. Seville is today home to many places of tourist interest. Its cathedral was built between 1401 and 1519. It is the largest Cathedral Gothic and medieval in the world, elaborately decorated and with a bit of gold. It is crowned by the most famous statue in the city, La Giraldilla, symbol of the faith.

Located opposite the Cathedral is the Alcazar, a former Moorish palace that took more than 500 years to be built. Its grounds include beautiful gardens in a mixture of styles Moors, Andalusians and Christians. In the River is the Torre del Oro, a watchtower built by the Almohad dynasty. It was used as a defensive barrier in the river by stringing a heavy chain from its base across the River to stop boats travelling through there. With so many wonderful things to see, it is not surprising that Seville is a magnet for tourism. Fortunately, there are many choices of accommodation for tourists in Seville, including hostels, hotels and apartments. Hostels in SEVILLA examples of hostels in Seville: hostel networks: this guest house is situated within walking distance of many of the most important attractions of Seville, including cathedrals and the Museum of fine arts.

Spanish Association

February 4, 2013


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The Bank of Spain in its financial system pump 9 November 2009 doing a bit of memory, when the subprime crisis broke subprime in the US, immediately moved to Europe, but not all countries were affected.Spain was able to stay quite apart from the problems of toxic assets through anti-cyclical regulation applied by the Bank of Spain and which at the time had been very resisted by Spanish banks. Nobody can deny the Bank of Spain the great contribution that has made in pursuit of the Spanish banking system stability, but in recent times, since the entity have emerged statements contributing little to the stability of the financial system but instead generate a destabilizing impact, which makes such statements appear as inopportune and irresponsible. What was what was said from the Bank of Spain? In its latest financial stability report, warned of the existence of eight entities with serious problems due to their exposure to the real estate market. Non-compliant with the unexpected statement, the entity added that two of them have a serious situation. In these two bodies, the participation of the brick in the investment portfolio reaches 45% (three with an exposure to the sector of between 35% to 45%). As the opinion issued by the Bank of Spain affect all banks, no solid institutions have welcomed see unsuspected. Healthy banking and representation before the existence of entities in problems, the President of the Spanish Association of Banca (AEB), Miguel Martin, made harsh statements calling for not generating wrong incentives: the purpose of supervision is the stability of the system, never the individual entities, which should be able to break.

If not, there is no discipline. If there are entities with problems by excessive in certain kinds of investment positions, there are probably responsible for the situation of risk. Is here, and despite the accolades received by the entity Monetary Spanish about his performance in the regulation to limit contamination of the financial system with toxic assets, its performance has not been as good as I was thought.

Wheel Material

January 31, 2013


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An important factor in ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation bucket loaders is to improve the calculations of the strength and above all the use of sound methods of determining the loads. At This calculation must take into account a variety of operational factors and reflect the real picture of the maximum dive for all modes of truck. The proposed function for the determination of design loads based on a generalization of experimental data obtained when measuring loads in the elements loaders in operating conditions (work in open pit mining of road construction materials). Object research – bucket wheel loader weighing 12 tons, 0.7 tons of payload, and with electric wheel-rail engine of the type 1PPN5, the total capacity of two 24 kW motors, bucket capacity 0.3 m3. In the research process measured implementation efforts Loader bucket in a stack of material and lifting the bucket, the first recorded transducer installed at the site of conjugation with the bucket pushing beam, and the second sensor installed in the tenzozvenyah chain hoist bucket and boom.

Was performed more than 90 measurements of effort. If you started an ambitious construction project, you just need to rent construction equipment. To resolve this issue you will a company "Golden Age". Oscillograms for empirical formulas were treated with the method of piecewise approximation of the individual sections, corresponding to each of the working operations truck. The implementation period of the bucket from the meeting from a stack and continue until the material and stopping was divided into two parts: 1) introduction Loader bucket in a stack of material with no wheel spin, ie since the beginning of the introduction (t = 0) before the start of slipping (t = 2,4 with ), 2) introduction ladle into a stack of material with wheel spin, ie since the beginning of slip (t = 2,4 s) before stopping the bucket in a pile of material (t = 3). Based on this theoretical waveform constructed a graph of change efforts Loader bucket implementation in a stack of material. Periods on the theoretical graph coincide with periods in the trace.

CPO Member

January 26, 2013


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Building CPO created by regional, interregional and sectoral basis. 3. Self-regulatory organizations in the field of project activities. The project design includes the SRO entrepreneurs and companies involved in architectural and building design. To form a CPO in the project activities, non-profit partnership must: – be composed of at least 50 participants of the market project – to develop and adopt rules to be followed by all members of the SRO – form a compensation fund at the rate of not less than 500 thousand rubles to each member, and if a member of insuring the civil liability to third parties, the minimum size is reduced to 150 thousand rubles per member. The objectives of the project SRO – to prevent harm to life or health of humans and animals, damage to the environment, damage to cultural monuments in architectural design, performed by members of the organization, as well as improve the quality of work.

4. Self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering research. Requirements for non-commercial partnership, is seeking the status of SRO engineering findings are as follows: – be composed of not less than 50 participants in the project market – to develop and adopt rules to be followed by all members of the SRO – form a compensation fund at the rate of not less than 500 thousand rubles each member, and if a member of insuring the civil liability to third parties, the minimum size is reduced to 150 thousand rubles per member. Goal SRO survey – to prevent harm to human life and health and animals, damage to the environment, damage to cultural monuments in the course of the work in the field of engineering research carried out by members of the organization, as well as improve the quality of work.

Wedding Tips

January 25, 2013


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When a man in love, he does not notice anything, even the most blatant violations in his idyll, and about what the earth is not even thinking about it. But still, to direct the decision to marry must be a lot to think soberly and meaningfully. And what else should think and take care before making such a decision. First you need to think about: Age, previous ties chosen for the presence of children, finances, health, beliefs, attitudes toward family, sex, as well as relatives. Of course, your choice depends on your desire, as well as experience and knowledge, well if you have time to explore a partner. First of all, talk with friends, parents, Let them advise you and tell you about their desires and abilities. It must be remembered that when listening to advice is a clear distinction between who you really wish you happiness and love, and who only has some interest and greed.

If the people close to just give you the freedom, it speaks to their indifference. Care must be taken, what would your opinion and the opinion of relatives and friends to match, otherwise, you would be long and tedious to persuade and explain what is the best option for you. Here are some tips for finding a middle ground:-Always be honest and open. But what would you who did not speak, and the last word should not be for them, but for you, but listen to the advice is worth. -Give yourself some deadlines. Allow time for yourself and your heart, mind, that would completely understand that if the choice you made. In this case you should not rush themselves and their sensation.

"Do not be too categorical and unambiguous. -Look objectively at the whole situation. Compare all your senses and weigh all the pros and cons. -If doubt still have a place to be, find a third person who can adequately and objectively judge you. -Do not refuse professional help. If necessary, go to a psychologist.

