Category: News


September 2, 2012


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Adoptar, intentionally, the popular culture, according to which: ' ' it looks at for what I say and you do not look at for what I fao' ' , as attempt of auto-justification for all and any decision, situation or event, that harm the majority in benefit of a privileged minority of elitist groups, it discloses Citizen-Politician, at least, intellectually iniquitous, in the measure where good the practical ones start, exactamente, in the good come examples of the highest instances of the power, either in the agencies of the State, either in the Institutions financed for the Government. The equality of chances, the joust distribution of the national wealth, the principle according to which ' ' who more has more must contribuir' ' for the well-common one, the ethics in the act of the laws, that would have to be general, abstractas and of equal application for all, must always constitutes concerns gifts in who has to be able of decision and execution. It is unjust to divide one same society and to govern it for the elites, exactly that democratically elect, because: ' ' The man cannot survive seno in society, that is, with customs and laws. (.) The citizenship is the quality of the men who think to be governed for itself proper, that they depend on they themselves. It is therefore, to the inverse one, that the citizenship loses its direction and the democracy its force, if the society is reduced to the social one, if, for example, some are so dependents of whom they are ready to alienate the vote to them, or, if they do not vote, to alienate the decisions to them. This calls clientelismo and is developed in clandestine way, at the same time that the parallel economy or subterrnea.' ' (MADEC & MURARD, 1995:94 – 95). What if it can interpret in the direction of the total autonomy and independence of Citizen-Politician, when in the exercise of governmental functions, as well as all responsible for institutions financed for the State, they are of solidarity, cultural, porting, foundations and any subsidized others.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

August 25, 2012


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The Bop Decameron’ it will begin to roll itself in Rome in July. Allen will also count on a paper in the film. The argument of the film has still not been developing. The American film director Woody Allen officially confirmed the distribution of his next film, that will take by name The Bop Decamero n and will roll in Rome in July with Penlope Cross, Alec Baldwin and Roberto Benigni, informed east Monday in an official notice the agency into 42 publicists West. The team of interpreters of films will be in favor compound in addition of Jesse Eisenberg, Ellen Page, Judy Davis, Greta Gerwig, Alison Pill, as well as Ornella Muti, Antonio Albanese, Fabio Armiliato, Alessandra Mastronardi, Flavio Parenti, Riccardo Scamarcio and Alessandro Tiberi. Allen, that will direct the tape, will also count on a paper in the film, whose argument not yet has been kept awake.

The production will begin the 11 of July and will be the first time that the producer acclimates one of his histories in the Italian capital. The Bop Decameron will be financed by Jellyfish Film, producer and Italian distributor. As much Cross as Baldwin worked previously with Allen, the first in Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), a paper that to him the Oscar was worth, and the second in Alicia in the country of the wonders (1990). Eisenberg is one of the more popular actors of Hollywood of the moment, that has incarnated to Mark Zuckerberg, cofounder of Facebook, in the film the social network, one of the most important tapes of a 2010 and work by which the actor obtained his first candidacy to a statuette.

IASB Companies

July 25, 2012


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Currently, 96 countries already adopt the norms the norms of the IASB, and Brazil is not in this list. The entrance of the country in this group depends, beyond the consolidation of the CPC, of approval of the Law of the Societies for Action that is in transaction in the Congress. With the law the commercial accounting would be separate of the countable one, as they ask for the international norms. However, the same law, compels some enrolled companies as limited to divulge rockings, what it dislikes the owners of the companies. The crisis installed with the countable scandals occurrences in the last five years, prominence for the company of Eron energy, the company of Worldcomp telephony and the Italian food companies Parmalat and Crio had forced the unification of the norms.

In the United States, the countable rules had been much more rigid, especially after the law of Sarbanes-Oxley, created in 2002, said Gilbert Luiz of the Amaral, president of the Brazilian Institute of Planejamento Tributrio (IBPT). According to Martins, one of the coordinators of the CPC, in substance propagated of the site of notice of the FUCAPE, the international standardization of the norms as standards will become more transparent the domestic market of capitals, beyond to degenerate the companies, debtors to publish diverse financial statements, each one inside of a different model, depending on the model used for the regulatory authority. ' ' It is a monstrous cost that must if reduzido' ' , Eliseu Martins says. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES the Accounting are a science in constant evolution and its development directly is related with the changes of the environment where it acts and the form of organization of the entities. The internationalization of the economy and the perspective of an only market have propitiated to the companies a bigger diversity in the captation of resources, despertando, of general form, the necessity to develop an information system in order to harmonize practical the countable ones and to provide to greater comparabilidade for its users.

Credit Online

July 12, 2012


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For anybody the great amount of doors is a secret that the Internet has abierto in infinity of aspects of the newspaper to live and the credits online in Colombia are not the exception. Nowadays it is possible to know the quota his credit, the conditions of the credit, to know how the proceedings required to obtain a loan without needing approaching certain financial organization and physically being able to make agile the management of analysis and approval of credit. It is very probable that you are needing some easy credit or you are for replacing a familiar economic necessity, for your next trip or your next vacations. Thanks to the Internet, you can know some data beforehand and help in the proceeding before his approval and payment. Before nothing what you must know you are that the Internet will facilitate the management of its credit, but does not mean this that you do not have to generate some class of physical contact or telephone with the organization is going that it to advise. As or it is known, to ask for a credit or he is hypothecating, personal or common loans to pensioners, are due to satisfy some requirements legal that allow the organization to diminish the risk of the payment of that money and not yet there is a virtual mechanism that allows to carry out process 100% in line. this it is the real benefit of the Internet as far as proceedings for the loan talks about.

There are three aspects that will help you to transact a credit online in Colombia of an agile and opportune way: To fill your personal information: Indispensable to count by hand on personal information like its complete name, direction, telephone, office, references personasles and relatives. It is probable that it must hasten a credit request online, which is going to be used by the organization that is going to him to give the money. It remembers to print a copy for you in necessary case. To analyze the conditions of the credit: Documntese of everything what its organization demands to him to transact the loan before begins to realise managements in aspects such as the interest rates, the monthly payments and the demanded guarantees. This saves time to him in to go until the organization to only ask. To sign the promissory note: It is possible in some cases of unloading, of printing and to sign the promissory note demanded by the organization and to send it via postal mail along with its digital track and his photocopy of the extended certificate. Of the previous form, you will have saved time and money in the proceeding of his credit online in Colombia, everything thanks to the Internet. Nowadays the possibility exists of advancing to these proceedings thanks to the flexibility in costs and times that the Internet offers to all.

Capital Loan

July 4, 2012


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Terms Technician used in 1,1 real estate contracts Capital and Interests on the Capital When beginning in seara of the financial mathematics, necessriose makes the understanding of some used terms, amongst which if definecapital, in express direction, as the force that the money is capable of produzirpara to stimulate the economy. In the existing financial relation in the sociedadecontempornea two types of people exist: the ones that possess money and outilizam to effect loans by means of later act of receiving of one> bigger amount. Of the other side they are the people who take this money loaned. Call the money the paid interest, that is, the paid value more in relation to quefoi taken by loan. To this cost, that is express in percentile way, we call tax of interests. In accordance with the Nephew (2000), the tax of interests is compostapor four elements. The first one of them is the risk, that if understands as aprobabilidade of the buyer of the loan not to honor the debit. The segundoelemento is the operational, contractual expenditures and happened taxes daformalizao of the loan and efetivao of the collection.

The inflation terceiroitem is it to compose the tax of interests, which is appraised as the index dedesvalorizao of the purchasing power of the currency foreseen for the stated period of the loan. The profit (or profit) is the room item, and is determined by the owner of the capital emfuno of the privation of its use or other deinvestimentos chances. As Veras (2001), as well as the work is remuneradocom wage, the property through the rent, the art and the culture authorial pelosdireitos, the interests are the remuneration of the capital. 1,2 Capitalizaton Following the sprouting of the commercial bourgeoisie during Average Idade, occurred, also, an ample development of all sciences. Nocampo that deals with the finances had occurred significant changes in the economic cinciascontbeis and, changes these that can be perceived in the diasatuais.

The Closing

June 15, 2012


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I propose, as for I do it much in my seminaries, conferences and in this same bulletin, that you become more expert in the development of relations and less presionador in the closing. He offers so many benefits and as much added value that your prospectuses do not have more remedy than comprarte sooner or later. 3. He develops your prospectuses of the same form that a gardener takes care of his garden You need to take care of, to take care of and to develop to your prospectuses and not to force them. In this era of multiple information channels available, the traditional sale is as to put a seed in the ground and soon to demand that it gives fruits to you according to your needs, more than to leave grows it does and it in his own time. This is another reason to have many more potential prospectuses and clients who those that you have now, because each will have cycles of purchase and different moments of decision. 4. Olvdate to sell Nowadays, no longer is to sell.

One is development. Development of relations. Development of confidence. Development of businesses. Development of strangers in well-known, friendly, clients, referidores, enthusiastic fans So today, to 30 years of to have initiated my professional activity, and while I realize everything what I need to grow and to change, I feel even more moved about next and the future distant. Why? Good, because in personnel already for a long time I have moved away of sale presionadora, because I rather have many friendly by clients and who I create truly that the great majority of my clients can feel that they are it without has been pressed to them (if it is thus with you, I will be thankful for a pair to you of lines commenting this point).

Ultimately, " vender" without pressure, in terms of which the clients want and need, in their schedule and agenda, respecting their cycles of purchase (and it does not buy), can being who does not make you fulfill some that another quota of your company in the short term. But, always, in the medium and long term, he will be better, far better, knowledge that you have client-friendly and friendly-clients. Therefore, I am offering you by a better future for all here and because we continue developing our relation with the famous one gain-to win, it allows so that us to all to leave with better perspective.

Vasilevsky Islands

May 25, 2012


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May 27, 2011 – Special to the day of the celebration of St. Petersburg, online service for booking hotels north of the capital installed webcam panoramic view high-resolution, and Paul Fortress. It is in fact place where it was founded St Petersburg. From now on, everyone on the planet can enjoy the magnificent views of St. Petersburg. Swivel webcam installed in a historical place, transmits an image of high quality of basic Russian religious places in Venice: the Neva River, the Trinity Bridge, Palace Embankment, the Winter Palace (Hermitage), the Palace Bridge, Vasilievsky Island, the Stock Exchange, the Rostral Columns and the structure Peter and Paul Fortress.

Peter and Paul Fortress – the first building of St. Petersburg, planted May 27, 1703. It was with him began the great and beautiful history of the city on the Neva. At the mouth of the Neva River on Hare Island, Peter I gave the city name, devoted to his patron in heaven – the Holy Apostle Peter. According to legend the day after the liturgy, the king came with a spade in hand to lay the city, and when he took hold of it, came down from the height of the eagle and started circling the islands.

Step aside, Peter I cut down the two slender birches and connecting them to the top, put in a pit dug workers. The two birch trees have been denoted by future gate of the fortress. The eagle, which is circled in the sky down and sat on the "gate", after which he tied up his legs, the king put him on the shoulder, delighted a happy omen. After 308 years, every Russian person can experience the same feelings that felt Peter, looking the beauty of the palaces and promenades and parks. In addition, the portal more than a year you can look at the sights of St. Petersburg in LIVE mode – this is a panorama of Nevsky Prospect, Palace Bridge and the Spit of Vasilevsky Islands, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedral and other great structures and embankments, as well as records of major events in the city of Petra. About Company located in St. Petersburg and offers free hotel reservation in the northern capital of Russia. On the Web site future guests can explore the different proposals for hotel accommodation and mini-hotels, book your favorite accommodation online or phone, and more recently to look at the city itself, through a network of Web cameras, to see St. Petersburg in real time.

Tips for Resumes

May 2, 2012


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So the purpose of this article show you how to get a response on your resume anytime and anywhere. I must say – this method is difficult to apply for mass mailing your resume to a dozen other companies, because it requires some time to prepare. But it is not necessary. This method is ideal for spot treatment just at the company where you really want to work. I think you and the other is not necessary – you're not going to work in several companies at once. By the response I understand you invited for an interview. What to do next – it is a separate issue.

At present you as the applicant, interested only in one – an invitation for an interview because without this there will be further consideration of your candidacy. As they say, without a first step, can not the second. This is exactly the case. So. Step number 1. We find the position of the company where you would just like to work and function, that corresponds to your experience. The only requirement – your experience should match the job.

Therefore, to adequately evaluate its position in the labor market. Step number 2 We find out a contact person in most of the ads Jobs indicated the contact person, website or phone. If contact is not in itself a vacancy, please visit the website or call and check – in whose name you can send your resume. Also, ask a few questions on the most Jobs – particularly zealous do not have to, as long as you remember.

Creating A Web Site In The Czech Republic

October 30, 2011


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The Czech Republic has long been a Russian-speaking population for a second home. The number of Russian-speaking people living in the Czech Republic is growing every day. Many of them came to open the business to do business not only in Czech Republic, but throughout Europe. In the Czech Republic, as in any other country, every self-respecting company wants to have his card on the Internet – your own website. In this design the site and its content should meet the level of the firm and tend to be the face of the World Wide Web. That is why the use of templates for creating websites is extremely undesirable. You need to create a unique design and to focus primarily on the quality of the finished product.

Beautiful and easy to use website will help the company achieve its goals: whether it's providing information about the company's services or the sale of goods through online stores. Russian-speaking population is much easier to work with their fellow countrymen – and this contributes to the lack of language barrier, and a similar mentality that manifests itself in relation to work. When creating a site in the Czech Republic should be noted that the work should start by creating a logo and corporate identity, if a company they do not exist. This will create the effect of recognition among many Czech companies. But before starting to design development and software implementation of the site. Do not forget about the text content of the site, because it must be not only beautiful but also interesting. Typically, the reader enough a few seconds to realize that he is interested in this or that article. During the development of a website copywriter to attract desirable, which will give the right information, and will stay on the site as long as possible by good filling of the site. In the Czech Republic on the development of niche sites, creating a logo and corporate identity has not yet filled out properly, so it pays to work hard to find a good web studio, which would meet all the requirements.

Minister of Education

October 17, 2011


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Some of them have agreed to invest the President personally. The role of lecturers to "Seliger" made by the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko, Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy, Vitaly L. Mutko, Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Petrovich Trutnev, vice-speaker of the State Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of the Federal Agency on Youth Affairs, the forum founder Vasily Yakimenko – RSSU graduate – and many others. The educational program included a presentation of projects, negotiations with investors and contracting. Arrival of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has become one of the most important events of the Forum. He familiarized himself with the best projects "gold hundred" – for this purpose pre-selected 17 business plans, among whom were student projects and RSCU. Vladimir Putin answered all questions concerning the youth and promised that the state will maintain an annual All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Seliger".

At first, the living conditions of children in the camp seemed to be spartan. Every two days the participants received a set of necessary food and cooked food on a fire. The menu was modest but useful: oats, fish soup, pasta with stewed meat, vegetables and fruits … Watch for hiking and swimming are strictly limited, absenteeism without good reason punished instantly badge piercing (piercing of the Tertiary meant sending home), and the punishment for drinking was the immediate departure from the camp. But our guys have good discipline, because bad habits are not compatible with the status of the student RSCU. Yes, and lose their features are not like anyone.

And the forums were a great many: the ability to find work in the city where you live, to turn their idea into a project and get it peer review, develop talents, gain new knowledge, find new friends and unforgettable time. From seven in the evening until midnight at the camp worked more than 50 entertainment sites, where after a hard training day, students from other universities and RSCU fun free time. In available to young people had a few dance floors with different musical repertoire (club, pop, hard rock, jazz, classical). Many people like an amusement park, dance classes, evening talk shows and game studios "N-TV", a debating society, fashion shows, battles with chocolate, concerts with groups of "B-2", "City 312", "Accident," "Roots" and more. According to our students, to visit all the entertainment, "Seliger" need at least a year. In the morning all the participants differed in their tents, the fires were only on duty. For students of Russian State Social University, as well as for other participants, "Seliger 'became a launching pad to build your project, find additional educational program for the next school year, months after the rest of examinations and tests. But the main thing – the boys were in a different way look at the world and once again made sure that nothing is impossible. Just need to try, try and take risks!

