Control Of Stress

June 7, 2019


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Summary: What it is health? the result of the organism in living with balance. What he is stress? It is a state of the organism when submitted to the effort and the tension. The causes of stress are high standard of personal requirement, fear and frustration stress precocious can lead to the illnesses as cancer, dementia, obsessive-compulsory behavior, cardiovascular illnesses, AVC and until the o precocious death. Content: The type of life that auto-we impose in them, where we think to be necessary to get much more financial resources what really we need; it demands us more effort to fulfill the standard established for the media, to be ' ' deuses' ' e, ahead places in them of conflicts in the professional life where it has each time more competition and little space, making with that the close, familiar life of each one is considered as a failure. Other standards for the behaviors and feelings exist, where standards for the ideal behavior of the parents with the children are established, of children with the parents, answering to the diverse expectations established for the consumista and capitalist society; standards for the friendships also exist, for the loving relationships, at last, have standards and ready petty cashes friction in all the sectors of our lives, where we must incasing in them of a form or another one, in order to be accepted for the society. You may wish to learn more. If so, Phil Vasan is the place to go. The collections are imposed in impetuous, indiscreet and conflitiva way, without in allowing to the least the time them to think if we go to accept to live ' ' enformados' ' or incased, if we need or of definitive established standards and if really they are not essential our welfare and healthful. The consumista society, each day if fortifies with the establishment of standards of appearances and it hinders in them to think about what we really want to be.

