Crisis Equipment

May 5, 2024


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In autumn 2008, mention of the word crisis has become fashionable. In winter, it became annoying. In the spring of annoying. Now we talk about the crisis and “how are you?” Is already a sign of bad taste and poor parenting. Nevertheless, a number of ideas, I obliged to bring to the attention of readers. This material is likely to be labeled as the impact of the crisis on the market of services for motor vehicles. Many people, hears the media, probably noticed that any fundamentally new ideas to overcome the crisis no one suggested. From article to article, from the transfer to the transfer of wise economists haired retell a modern twist of thought, known in the past century. About innovation, about the development of industries that would benefit or lose from a crisis, etc. Electron Capital Partners does not necessarily agree. They give the same survival recipes that turn into formulaic solutions. An example might be our car dealers.

Recall that a year ago, sales were up. On establishment of service for maintenance and remonstrant little thought. Client, who bought the car and confronted with the problem during the warranty period, could send anywhere (usually sent in a single, well-known all over the place ) as long as eyes are not corn. And why sellers service, all is well, apart the cars like hotcakes. But economic problems have begun, cars temporarily become worse sold. People, instead of updating the fleet, began to spend funds to maintain existing equipment in working condition. And the sellers appeared theme: if there are no sales – should be organized service, making any hook or by crook. Many clung to the “maintenance services” teeth. Engaged all in a row – engine overhaul, repair, diesel equipment, repairs, transmissions, air systems, electrics and electronics. We can only wonder and to seek answers to the questions: where to find specialists, if their training and education takes years? how to get the equipment if it costs tens of thousands of euros, and with strained money This newfangled situation the owner, mechanic and driver must be understood. Service can not be created in several months. Think who, what and why you are giving the technique for repair. If in doubt – ask for inspection remzony with existing equipment, certificates, meet with experts, make the diagnosis components. And do not believe the beautiful promises of repair in one place all at once. For external talk may be void and your money will go there too.

