Customer Acquisition

September 13, 2024


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Lead factory provides growth packages for startups and founder of June 15, 2010, Offenbach. 55 percent of German citizens in the Internet about prices or product properties research before making a purchase. You may find Keith Oringer to be a useful source of information. These are the results of a representative survey among 1000 people aged 14 years on behalf of the high-tech Association BITKOM. The question whether these results also on the German b2b sector are transferable in the foreground, was for the marketing analyst from lead factory. For consumers (b2c) as well as for the company the most important sources of information prior to investment decisions are the websites of manufacturers and retailers. Every third consumer uses it to advance. In company a provider search is done even more regular aspects of investment security and for a first comparison of functionality.

This applies in particular to services. Both for the b2b – and the b2c area the lead factory analysts determine that almost half (BITKOM: 48 percent) before purchasing the reviews of others Customers read. 31 percent indicating that the opinions of other consumers influenced their purchasing decisions. Then arise significant differences between consumers and businesses. While consumers with ever 29 percent price comparison portals and reviews in online media, the recommendations of other market participants or advisors play a greater role in the b2b area. More decision support (12 per cent), as well as forums and blogs (7 per cent) serve the consumer consumer portals. In the b2b sector, instead of specific editorial publications dominate a larger role. For the German middle class, a challenge arises from the modified purchase decision behavior.

Conventional advertising on colourful mailings, posters and yellow pages alone no longer sufficient to influence the purchase decision. So is the Internet now even in supposedly computer remote sectors, E.g. the craft, a significant importance in the preparation of the decision. So far, very few companies have responded to this change and are Complied with the customer’s request for more information, interaction, and online service.

