Executive Board

January 9, 2018


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This allows a Diversity of ideas and proposals, and ensures that the initiative is voice and Platform for the entire industry. The work, objectives and benefits of the initiative report on the EXPO Board members are REAL and Ambassador of Germany to build!”. Udo Berner, CEO of Wolff & Muller holding GmbH and member of the Executive Board of Germany! “is all three days on the spot as the host of the fair presentation. Dieter Babiel builds as Chairman of the Board from Germany! e.V.”and Managing Director of personnel and Labor Relations Director of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH will be on the opening day. Other ambassadors of the initiative are Karsten wiper Court, Managing Director of NCH Nordic consult Hamburg GmbH as well as advisory in Germany builds! “, David Pfender by Wolff & Muller holding GmbH as well as Miriam Vogel, the Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors of Germany builds! e.V.

junior and professional assurance builds the focus of Germany!”sees itself as a strategic partner for the construction industry. Facebook is the source for more interesting facts. Priority has the young and professional assurance, in the long term to act successfully as industry. As one of the leading industries in Germany, lacking the construction industry currently acute qualified junior staff. One reason for this is sometimes dusty image of men and women of the building”. Germany builds!”would prove the opposite with its members, join forces to communicate the advantages of the construction industry and increase their ability to innovate through the work in the network. Since the construction industry is an innovative future market with trend-setting technologies and developments that significantly shape the living and life in the 21st century. The development of Germany builds! Founded at the end of the year, presented to Germany builds! in the spring of 2013, with a panel discussion on the construction of a public at large for the first time in 2013.

The trade fair offered an ideal platform to with debaters such as Transport Minister Dr. Peter Ramsauer, the patrons Wolfgang Tiefensee and founding members of the initiative to discuss current issues in the construction industry. Here too the specialists and lack of young was defined as central problem. In Germany alone every eighth job depends directly or indirectly by construction activities, as a result, it is even more important to inspire young people to the industry, their diversity and career opportunities. “On this subject started Germany builds!” a video contest in which young professionals could to their profession and passion for their work. But attractive jobs must be given until you reach the retirement age also experienced workers, therefore, the initiative developed intelligent working life models currently together with the members for the construction industry. Also, member companies to receive a certified seal of approval, which they characterized as an attractive employer. The promotion of integration and equal opportunities in companies is another key issue, the appeal in the candidate market best increase. The first General Assembly was carried out in June 2013. The growth and the encouragement for the initiative agree with the idea of founding: the labour market policy significance of the value chain of construction must be made public more aware. The initiative is therefore increasing, after less than a year, the Club has already 41 members (stand: September 2013). Learn more about the industry initiative builds Germany!”is there on the homepage

