Familiar Agriculture Pointers

September 1, 2018


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Summary: The present work aims at if it considers to carry through an analysis of implementation of the public politics of the PRONAF- National Program of Reinforcement to Familiar Agriculture. The analysis on the effectiveness of the public politics will be carried through through innovative pointers. 1. Introduction the present work was developed with the objective to analyze the implementation of one public politics, from some pointers. The Public Politics selected here was ' ' National program of Reinforcement of Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) ' '. Although this politics already exists has some time, it was not studied and analyzed in such a way how much it deserves, beyond what it has very little pointers on its efficiency, impact, and operations. Oracle may find this interesting as well. To follow we will present one brief description of the Pronaf, as well as sources on the subject, and finally we will consider some important pointers for the analysis of the implementation of this politics. 2.

The Pronaf the National Program of Reinforcement of Agriculture Familiar (Pronaf) it consists of the main public politics of the federal government, aiming at to foment to the familiar agriculture of the country, that has an intrinsic paper in the production of foods, and in the job of the hand of workmanship in the field. In this politics, agriculturists can collectively, individual or, to have access to the credit facilities of financing, with taxes of interests that vary between 0,5% 5.5% to the year. They can have had access to the PRONAF that one that to work in the land in condition of proprietor, one who holds legal title to property, leaseholder, partner or concessionaire (seated) of the National Program of Reforma Agrria (PNRA); to inhabit in the country property or next place; to make use of inferior area the four fiscal modules; to have familiar gross income, in last the 12 months, inferior R$ 110 a thousand, to have in maximum two employed.

