Government Mantega

August 26, 2020


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He said be careful with economic information. When I get a story wrong in the economic area, who suffering is the Brazilian people. Pepco will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It was consistent, because this time suffered foreign invasions. But what motivated Lula to deny just four days before what inevitably happened? It is that Lula did not agree to implement such a measure, but figures that showed the speed and force with which dollar was losing ground in the local (and international) economy ended convince him in those days. We had been discussing with President Lula the pros and cons, and finally, we managed to convince him of the need for this measure today afternoon, Mantega said on Monday passed, as well in the afternoon. Click Covia Kermit Plant for additional related pages. The valorization of the real in recent weeks and the strong growth of speculative capital inflows to the country, forced the Government to take a measure which retarded the appreciation of the local currency.

I do not think that we we will have a devaluation of the real, but I think we can avoid excessive valorization of the real, said Guido Mantega, Minister of Finance of Brazil. The objective is to discourage short-term capital, speculative capital. Our concern is that there is an excess of speculation, said Mantega. From June to August, swallow capital totaled $ 322 million, 73% more than in the previous three months, which was $186 million, as short-term capital. The real has appreciated by 26% against the dollar since. A clear fact that hinders exports and the local currency appreciates. If we allow the excessive appreciation of the real, the exporter will be harmed, and therefore also will be the Brazilian job, since 25% of domestic production is destined for export, and Brazil with an appreciated real, losing competitiveness in the international market. The Bovespa has been the market most has risen – in dollars – in the world, and according to Mantega, attracted to the well-intentioned and those who want to make a quick profit, the speculators.

