Human Rights Path

June 26, 2020


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Church of Scientology Moscow October 11, 2010, the famous monument to the heroes of the war in 1905, conducted educational campaign, which resulted in about three thousand people have learned that the path to peace lies through respect for human rights. During the campaign distributed leaflets urging Muscovites to respect the religious beliefs of others. This appeal is clearly indicated in article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom to manifest his religion or belief Given that Russia is a multiethnic city, compliance with tolerance and toleration is especially important. Studies have shown that most people have just a vague idea of what human rights and the need to maintain its law and the executive measures to disseminate information and educational materials, awareness of people about human rights and ensure their full understanding. “The safest advice is there to give reduces to the fact that everyone is entitled to adhere to the belief that he has chosen. The man is absolutely free to practice their faith, striving to ensure that it took others..

