Interior Minister Anna Origin

July 7, 2018


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However, after his resignation the same Holmes and the most conservative government then persuaded the Interior Minister Anna-Greta Lejon that the Kurds were still the main suspects, they act as mere extras in the Soviet Union. In the absence of evidence that could start and justify a formal investigation against the Kurds, government officials did not think another idea to form a secret police group with a mission to secretly spy on the activities around the Kurdish community . However, the secret police cell would be intercepted by the police themselves in routine checks, having to justify to the customs authorities the origin and destination of sophisticated electronic equipment for espionage and illegal wiretapping. The result of the arrest of the policemen would be the resignation of the Minister Lejon and forcible transfer of police officials responsible, while putting the financial discovered the origin of the operation was none other than a wealthy member of the Social Democratic Party Editor .

Circumstances that probably would not have happened in other taken by democratic countries but long-standing authoritarian, especially in public. It would be difficult to understand that the USSR would be interested in killing more and better who defended the various liberation movements ideologically aligned with socialism and in some cases also with communism. Chances are that this was a policy of “contaminated” by the CIA and, more specifically, the Gladio network and taken easily by right-wing groups and some members of the Swedish administration. In this sense it would not hurt to remember that the “opinion”, the “idea”, the “observation”, an “occurrence” or “will” become a superior and become the logic of public administration of any country into something credible and undisputed principle of action and undeniable..

